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Justice for Warriors Caucus Members Meet with Leavenworth Prisoners Oftentimes, our nation’s warfighters can be treated unfairly by the military justice system after having made split-second, life-or-death decisions on the battlefield. Joining the Congressmen on the trip was Sgt. Derrick Miller (Military Adviser to Rep. Louie Gohmert and Executive Director of the Congressional Justice for Warriors Caucus). In 2011, Miller was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison for shooting and killing a Taliban operative who grabbed Derrick’s gun during an interrogation. After having lost eight years of his life at Leavenworth, he was finally paroled on May 20. STATEMENTS: We also found that some Admirals or Generals have apparently been willing to pervert justice to insure that innocent military members were convicted if it earned them political favor and potential promotions. That included even putting American civilians at risk by giving known terrorists or Taliban great seats on commercial flights into the United States so long as they helped put American soldiers in prison. We have got a lot of work to do to reform military justice so that those who are protecting our Constitutional rights can have a few of those rights themselves.” Rep. Hunter: “Many may think that America’s warriors have their actions evaluated in the context of the war environment in which they serve, but this is not the case. In fact, it is far from it. After meeting this morning with some of our heroes caught in a military justice system that does not protect them, it is clear that we have a lot to do to address this ongoing problem. Today’s meetings have made me even more resolved to work with my colleagues to fix our broken UCMJ, our warfighters deserve much better, they have earned it.” Rep. Norman: “The right to a fair trial and judgment by a jury of our peers is a cornerstone of American justice. Without it, citizens are denied the rights that our ancestors fought for when they founded this nation. Every successive generation of Americans have rallied to protect these rights, but few have sacrificed as much as our men and women in uniform. I am here today at Fort Leavenworth to ensure that those who have risked their lives to defend our rights abroad are not denied them here at home.” “Today was a great step towards the healing process for the military justice system and for the men subject to it. God has blessed me with a tremendous opportunity to bridge the gap between service members and lawmakers. I made a promise to fight to get justice for my brothers who are still incarcerated, and I won’t rest until it’s done.” FRONTLINES OF FREEDOM STANDS WITH THE JUSTICE FOR WARRIORS CAUCUS.
Staff Sergeant Travis Mills, USA (Wounded Warrior) The Worldwide War on Terrorism, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the war in Afghanistan has resulted in: ….Over 1,600 Combat Veterans returned home having lost at least one limb or more. Many more have lost appendages (toes and fingers). ….Over 160 Combat Veterans returned home with a total loss of sight, and thousands now have permanent impaired vision. ….Over 177,000 Combat Veterans have suffered hearing loss, and another 355,000 are suffering from tinnitus. ….Over 400,000 Combat Veterans have returned home suffering from PTSD. ….And an average of 22 Veterans are committing suicide every day. In light of the above listed statistics we would like to share the below listed video of a quadruple amputee and courageous Wounded Warrior, Staff Sergeant Travis Mills, USA (Ret) 82nd Airborne. SSgt Mills often tells people he never dwells on the past. Travis’ Motto: “Never Give Up, Never Quit!”
Stop Calling Them UFOs In December 2017, two videos emerged that showed Navy pilots encountering mysterious spherical objects that appeared, at first glance, to move through the air in ways that baffled experts. A third, released in March 2018, depicted a similar encounter. Everyone who watched – including the pilots who filmed them – had the same question: What, exactly, are these things? Last week, a Navy official publicly called these mysterious objects “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP),” giving name to the inscrutable little dots and reigniting scrutiny around the unidentified flying objects (a term the Navy does not want to use even though the objects that are flying cannot be identified.)
Tour of America Here’s a 4-minute tour of America with Charlie Daniels.
The Army’s New Combat Fitness Test This excellent video explains the new ACFT. Keep in mind it is not a Physical Fitness Test, though it is related.
Marines’ New Night Vision Device Marines will soon receive new, binocular-style night-vision goggles, but service officials say they are still interested in an advanced wireless system the U.S. Army is about to start fielding. The new Squad Binocular Night Vision Goggles (SBNVG) emerged from an effort that began last year with Marine infantry units testing 1,300 of the venerable AN/PVS 31A dual-tubed NVGs used by US special operations forces. “We went to that because it was a tested product by their community, so we knew the level of capability had already been evaluated,” Justin Govar, an engineer with Program Manager Infantry Weapons at Marine Corps Systems Command, told Military.com. Marines who tested the 31As, equipped with a special, clip-on thermal device, found that they performed significantly better than the outdated AN/PVS 14 monocular NVGs. Read More HERE Abolish ICE thugs in Colorado want to see the homes and families of immigration enforcement officials set aflame. Denver communists want alien detention facility employees dead, swinging from nooses with broken necks. Both groups are brazenly using Facebook to spread their inflammatory and violent messages. So, where is Silicon Valley — whose top companies partner with the Southern Poverty Law Center smear machine to de-platform conservatives, pro-lifers and Donald Trump supporters — to stop the open borders left’s escalating hate? Read More HERE The Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are gearing up for what will be the largest expansion of patrons to the military commissary system and exchanges in 65 years, making sure that shoppers will be able to get on base and find the shelves fully stocked. Starting Jan. 1, Purple Heart recipients, former prisoners of war and all service-connected disabled veterans, regardless of rating, as well as caregivers enrolled in the VA’s Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers program, will be able to shop at Defense Commissary Agency stores and military exchanges. They also will have access to revenue-generating Morale, Recreation and Welfare amenities, such as golf courses, recreation areas, theaters, bowling alleys, campgrounds and lodging facilities that are operated by MWR. Facilities such as fitness centers that receive funding from the Defense Department budget are not included. At commissaries, however, there will be an added cost for new patrons who use a credit or debit card to pay for their groceries, in addition to the 5% surcharge commissary patrons already pay.
Commercial only played Once This 9-11 Budweiser commercial was only played once.
Robots on the Range VIDEO: Marathon Targets – Robots on the Range
Prep-School and Army Football Kelvin Hopkins Jr., the youngest of three children raised by a single parent, was a mama’s boy who was hesitant to move far from home when he graduated high school in Charlotte, NC. He did not know much about the military life, either and his test scores were “not ideal.” All this made Hopkins a risky candidate for the US Military Academy, which is charged with generating future Army officers. But it did make Hopkins, a charismatic leader with an admirable work ethic — and a sharp passing arm — an ideal prospect for the academy’s prep school. The Most Threatening Planes in History Since the dawn of civilization, the great empires and world powers have devoted their time and money to building the biggest, deadliest military technology they possibly could. With the invention of the aircraft, we managed to reach new levels of military protection, technology, intelligence, and warfare. The aircraft you are about to see are pure war machines. Many of these flying beasts have rarely been seen by civilian eyes, with only a few known photographs in circulation. What you are about to see are among the largest military weapons ever made by man.
Non-lethal Weapons They may not be deadly, but some of the nonlethal weapons the Marine Corps is working on look pretty devastating. The Marine Corps Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate is currently testing an 81mm mortar round that delivers a shower of flashbang grenades to disperse troublemakers. There is also an electric vehicle-stopper that delivers an electrical pulse to shut down a vehicle’s powertrain, designed for use at access control points. “When you hear nonlethal, you are thinking rubber bullets and batons and tear gas; it’s way more than that,” Marine Col. Wendell Leimbach Jr., director of the Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate, told an audience at the Modern Day Marine 2019 expo. Leimbach, a former tank officer, is trying to convince the combat units in the Corps, and the other services, that intermediate force capabilities are needed more than ever to deal with threats that show up in humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, nation-building — scenarios that are just below armed conflict and often referred to as “gray zone” operations.
Is our Military Next? If Congress will do this to our school’s athletic programs, what are they planning for our Military? The Democratically controlled House of Representatives just voted 236-173 in favor of the Equality Act, which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams. Eight Republicans crossed party lines to vote for the bill, which had unanimous Democratic support. The bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, that would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls.
See the Space Aliens About 75 people arrived early Friday at a gate at the once-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada — at the time appointed by an internet hoaxster to “storm” the facility to see space aliens — and one person was arrested, authorities said. The “Storm Area 51” invitation spawned festivals in the tiny Nevada towns of Rachel and Hiko nearest the military site, and a more than two-hour drive from Las Vegas. Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee estimated that about 1,500 people had gathered at the festival sites and said more than 150 people also made the rugged trip several additional miles on bone-rattling dirt roads to get within selfie distance of the gates. A man who was urinating near the gate was arrested and a woman was detained for an undisclosed reason, Lee said.
Lasers and Drones A Navy warship is getting a laser five times stronger than the one the service has tested in the past, and officials say it could lead the way for more vessels to head to sea with similar weapons. The amphibious transport dock ship Portland is being outfitted with a 150-kilowatt laser system. That’s a big power leap from the 30-kilowatt Laser Weapon System, or LaWS, that the service field-tested on the amphibious transport dock ship Ponce about five years ago. “Big things” are expected from the Portland’s new laser, Thomas Rivers, program manager for the amphibious warfare program office, said here at the Modern Day Marine 2019 expo. “They’re just putting it on the ship now,” he said. “… And this may be the beginning of seeing a lot more lasers coming onto different ships.”
The US Constitution When members of our Armed Forces are sworn in, we all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The entire document, including all amendments, takes slightly less than 7600 words. We veterans and, indeed, all patriots, should read this document over and over again. It’s not complicated. I often ask my students if the USA is a democracy. It’s not and was designed specifically not to be one. We are a Constitutional Republic—a nation of law, not of men. There are two national organizations that are focused on making our nation aware of, and practicing, the Constitution—and I’m active in both of them. First is Concerned Veterans for America (cv4a.org). Then, there’s Combat Veterans for Congress (CVC.org).
Protector Summit U.S. & Israeli Military Vets Share Building a Protector’s Lifestyle As a Soldier and Civilian. We Discuss Protecting Yourself, Your Family & Community in this FREE On-Line Summit!
God Loves Us Scott McChrystal is a retired Army Colonel, Chaplain. Here are some of his insights that I think you’ll find appropriate. Most of us are leaders in one form or another. Often we are leaders on several fronts- work, home, at church, in the community, etc. Something I’ve noticed is that leaders are much more effective if they don’t keep too much separation from the ones they lead. That is, if they are willing to get and stay involved, even if it means facing hardship or danger. Some leaders are courageous and willing to face danger or adversity. Others have what might be called “Tiny Heart Syndrome.” Which one are you? For a good example from the Bible, check this link out: https://thewarriorsjourney.
Wise Words Retired Navy CAPT Joe John has done many things in his life; I’ve asked him to share a few words of wisdom with us:
Civil War History Here are some questions on the Civil War; we’ll post the answers in the next newsletter.
Here are the answers to the last issue’s questions: 1.Gettysburg had the most casualties in a single battle. Antietam had the most casualties in a single day. What battle in the Western Theater had the most casualties? Answer: Chickamauga (35,000). 2. Who, as an engineer and a lawyer, served as General Grant’s wartime Secretary? Answer: Colonel Ely Parker 3. What nationality was he? Answer: Seneca
Here are the new questions: 1.Who was the only woman commissioned in the Confederate States Army? 2.Who was the superintendent of the Federal military rail system?
Military Music “We Are Soldiers”
Frontlines of Freedom Gear If you’d like to have a Frontlines of Freedom shirt or hat or whatever, we do have it for you. Check our store at http://fof.logoshop.com/
Two quotes to consider. The best morale exists when you never hear the word mentioned. When you hear it it’s usually lousy. Dwight D. Eisenhower:
Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way. George Patton, Jr.
Programming: You’ll want to tune into the show (live or by podcast). 28 Sep-4 Oct: Dr. John Pafford will discuss his book on President Chester Arthur, a president who made America great again. Congressman Louis Gohmert will present the Justice for Warriors Caucus. And we’ll discuss the previous week’s service academy football games. 5-11 Oct: Congressman Dan Crenshaw will discuss the challengers facing out nation. Amanda Mineer will discuss the VA’s disability and claims and what one must know to work the system. Then AF vet Steve Wilson will share his book and, of course, we’ll discuss the previous week’s service academy football games.
Advertising on Frontlines of Freedom’s Website and Newsletter: We encourage you to patronize our advertisers; they are keeping Frontlines of Freedom alive and well. You can advertise on-air (as a show sponsor) or only on our website and in this newsletter. If you or someone you know would like to advertise on Frontlines of Freedom please contact me at denny@frontlinesoffreedom.com.
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Humor This from an Army vet. Of course, it’s not politically correct.
The Year is 2059………. Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest Country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California. White minorities in the US still trying to have English recognized as the third language. Spotted Owl plague threatens Northwestern United States crops and livestock. Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped. Iran still closed down; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels. France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica. No other country comes forward to help. Last Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking. George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2060. US Postal Service raises price of first-class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only. Average weight of Americans drops to 248 lbs. 85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss. Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and Floruba. Senate still blocking drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge––even though gas is selling at 4532 Pesos per liter, and gas stations are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays. Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative. Supreme Court rules any punishment of criminals violates their civil rights. Average height of NBA players is now nine-feet-seven inches, with an average of only 5 illegitimate children. New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters, and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2060. IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent. Floruba voters still having trouble with voting machines.
A Couple Interesting Photos – and A Funny One Too
Traffic lights in Ukraine
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