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Marines Down Iranian Drone A new Marine Corps anti-drone system that attaches to all-terrain vehicles and can scan the skies for enemy aircraft from aboard Navy ships was responsible for destroying an Iranian drone. The Marine Corps’ Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, known as LMADIS, jammed and Iranian drone that President Trump said flew within 1,000 yards of a Navy warship in the Strait of Hormuz, a defense official said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the mission. The California-based 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit deployed to the Middle East with the LMADIS, the defense official said. That unit, which includes about 2,200 Marines, is currently on a six-month sea deployment with the Navy’s Boxer Amphibious Ready Group. President Trump said the amphibious assault ship Boxer took defensive action after giving multiple calls to stand down.
Army-Navy Football Army had its best football season in forever last year—the year included beating Navy for the third time in a row. Well, to let all Army-Navy fans know in advance—every time I’ve had my wonderful wife, Marilyn, in the stands with me (including all of the last 3 years) Army has won. And I just purchased my tickets for this year—so, Army will win again. Oh, yes, and we have a darned good coach.
Useless Military Gear Quality of gear aside, when the US military is equipping its troops, it tries to ensure they have everything they need to defeat the enemy and – if funding permits – not be entirely miserable in the meantime. Given the Pentagon’s track record with winning battles, one would have to concede they’re doing a pretty good job. Operationally, however, the troops figure out very quickly what’s going to work and what they need to improvise. Here are, perhaps, the eight most useless pieces of military gear:
Vets Wanted to Work Downrange PXs If you are a veteran who would like to return to the Middle East, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, or AAFES, may have a job for you. AAFES is currently recruiting veterans for jobs “downrange.” Right now, jobs are open in Kuwait, but positions frequently come available in 41 stores in eight countries in the Middle East, including Iraq and Afghanistan. Current openings include safety and security managerial positions, courier, logistics technicians and service business technicians. According to AAFES, salary is commensurate with experience and, although the jobs start at $33,000 for salaried positions and range between $11 and $22 an hour, downrange employees get free housing and meals at installation dining facilities. Deployments can last from six months to a year, with an option to extend to two years. After a deployment, employees are eligible to apply for other jobs within the system. “When the exchange hires veterans for downrange assignments, these former service members draw on the same strong work ethic, commitment and loyalty they used to serve our country,” said AAFES senior enlisted adviser Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Luis Reyes. “Many have already served downrange.”
B2-s Incredible First Flight Northrop Grumman’s B-2 Spirit stealth bomber turned 30 on July 17, 2019. Watch moments of its groundbreaking first flight.
Bergdahl’s Whining Didn’t Work—Again The Army Court of Criminal Appeals has upheld the guilty plea and sentence for former Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, finding that President Trump’s comments about the case did not constitute unlawful command influence. But not all the judges agreed, with one suggesting that Bergdahl’s dishonorable discharge be “set aside.” In a ruling, a three-judge panel found that, while some of the comments by Trump, as well as those by former Sen. John McCain, may have been improper, the government met its burden to show the proceedings were fair and unprejudiced. The decision means that Bergdahl’s sentence stands, including a dishonorable discharge that he requested, reduction in rank and forfeiture of $10,000 in pay. Bergdahl’s defense team, however, is not abandoning the case. Bergdahl is a coward and deserter who should be in jail for the rest of his life; he’s not, but he can’t seem to understand how lucky he is.
Like Our America? The “Squad” (a military term) has plans to destroy our nation. After hearing the comments at a press conference by the four “progressive young women of color” (Congresswomen Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, and Tlaib) three things were crystal clear: 1.) These people hate traditional America; 2) they blanket themselves with victimhood and race in an attempt to win favor; and 3) they are a product of several generations of progressive anti-American teaching in our schools and culture. Some have said that there are not enough American voters in this country who would follow the lead of these four socialist America-haters. I would tend to agree with that, but I would add one word: “Yet.” There are not YET enough voters who want to, in the words of Barak Obama, fundamentally transform the USA. But this can very well change, and faster than you think.
New Chief of Naval Ops Vice Adm. Michael Gilday has been nominated by President Trump to be the next chief of naval operations, according to a senate announcement on the nomination. Gilday, a three-star admiral, is now the director of the Joint Staff, a position he has held since March. If confirmed, he would be promoted to a four-star admiral. Gilday’s nomination comes after Trump’s first selection for CNO, Adm. William Moran, retired abruptly after reports that he had continued a professional relationship with Chris Servello, a former colleague who was removed from his position as a public affairs adviser to Adm. John Richardson in 2017 following accusations of sexual misconduct. Servello had also worked for Moran as a public affairs officer. Gilday, a native of Lowell, Mass., is the son of a career sailor and has served as a surface warfare officer in the Navy since graduating from the US Naval Academy in 1985, according to his Navy biography. He has served on destroyers, including as commander of the USS Higgins and USS Benfold. Gilday also commanded Destroyer Squadron 7 while serving as sea combat commander for the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group
Thunderbirds in Columbia The US Air Force Thunderbirds perform an aerial demonstration at the 2019 Feria Aeronáutica internacional – Colombia (F-AIR) in Rionegro, Colombia, July 11, 2019. Members of the Thunderbirds team had the opportunity to engage with partner nation air force members from the Colombian Air Force and were able to celebrate the Colombian Air Force’s 100th anniversary alongside their Colombian counterparts.
Driverless Combat Vehicles The Army is determined to stay on its modernization path, but fielding new cannons, combat vehicles and helicopters over the next decade will not be the biggest hurdle to building this future force, according to the general in charge of the effort. The service also wants combat systems capable of controlling themselves, a vision that will likely be the most difficult to achieve, Gen. Mike Murray, head of Army Futures Command (AFC), said recently. “It is probably this concept of full autonomy that is going to be the hard challenge,” he told reporters at the Pentagon. The US has made significant strides in building autonomous systems that can operate in the air and on the sea surface, Murray said, adding that commercial industry “is getting pretty close to having autonomous vehicles driving down highways.” “But if you are going completely cross-country, there are no lane markings, there are no street signs, there are no vehicles around to try to identify where you are,” he said. “So, solving this problem of completely autonomous cross-country movement I think is probably it.”
New Marine Moms’ Time Off The Marine Corps must update its parental-leave policies to give new moms and dads time with their newborns, the service’s new top general wrote this week, including considering a full year’s worth of leave for women who’ve had a child. Marines should not be expected to choose between being the best parent possible and their career duties, Commandant Gen. David Berger wrote in his planning guidance released to the force. “These outcomes should never be in competition to the extent that success with one will come at the expense of the other,” Berger wrote. “Our parental/maternity leave policies are inadequate and have failed to keep pace with societal norms and modern talent management practices.” In the future, he added, the Marine Corps “will consider up to one-year leaves-of-absence for mothers to remain with their children before returning to full duty to complete their service obligations.” Wow, do I disagree with this. The role of our combat units is to be combat ready—that means every person deployable. Let’s face it, a married couple who want children can’t both stay on active duty. Let’s stay combat-ready focused, not warm and fuzzy.
Robotic Mules Could Deploy Soon The head of Army Futures Command said that the first fruits of the service’s ambitious modernization effort will soon be in the hands of soldiers on real-world missions. As AFC commander, Gen. Mike Murray is overseeing long-term, complex programs, from future helicopters to optionally manned combat vehicles. But he said the service hopes to get some of the smaller-scale soldier technology into the field as soon as possible. “The Army’s first priority in terms of resources will always be to soldiers in contact,” he told reporters at a Pentagon news conference. As an example, Murray singled out the Army’s Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (SMET), a remote-controlled robotic mule capable of carrying up to 1,000 pounds of ammunition, water and other combat necessities for small units. The service hopes to start fielding the SMET next year after successful testing with units from the 10th Mountain and 101st Airborne divisions.
The US Constitution When members of our Armed Forces are sworn in, we all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The entire document, including all amendments, takes slightly less than 7600 words. We veterans and, indeed, all patriots, should read this document over and over again. It’s not complicated. The Tenth Amendment needs to be read and re-read. It says that all powers not specifically given to the Federal Government by the Constitution remain with the states and the people; our Federal Govt has taken authority and power far, far beyond what is granted them by our constitution. There are two national organizations that are focused on making our nation aware of, and practicing, the Constitution—and I’m active in both of them. First is Concerned Veterans for America (cv4a.org). Then, there’s Combat Veterans for Congress (CVC.org).
The New Feature On each newsletter we will be posting two challenge questions regarding the US Civil War. The answers will be provided in the following newsletter (along with two more questions). These challenges are here “to entertain, to learn, always for fun.” My former West Point roommate, retired Col Dave Wade is providing them. Enjoy: In the last issue we asked these questions: 1. Where was Appomattox Plantation? Answer: City Point, VA. 2. Who was the only woman to have her picture on American currency, specifically, the Confederate $100 bill? Minded 1864. Answer: Lucy Holcombe Pickens, wife of the So Car Governor. This issues’ questions: 1. Which Confederate Major General lost the use of his right arm and had his left leg amputated—and still continued to serve? 2. Who were the commanders of the Army of Northern Virginia?
God Loves Us Scott McChrystal is a retired Army Colonel, Chaplain. Here are some of his insights that I think you’ll find appropriate. Within the military/veteran community, recent surveys indicate that a major challenge is the sense of feeling isolated. Sound strange to you? In a world where technological advances have made connectivity so achievable through the internet with devices like computers, iPads, smart phones, etc., it seems illogical to think that isolation should be any issue. Add to this the many social media opportunities available, how can isolation be a problem? But the Lord never meant it to be this way. Jesus’ last words in the Book of Matthew say this: So take heart, friends. God is present- always! For more about isolation, watch this video:
Wise Words Retired Navy CAPT Joe John has done many things in his life; I’ve asked him to share a few words of wisdom with us:
Military Music Shenandoah, Blow the Man Down US Navy Band & Sea Chanters Chorus
Frontlines of Freedom Gear If you’d like to have a Frontlines of Freedom shirt or hat or whatever, we do have it for you. Check our store at http://fof.logoshop.com/
Two quotes to consider When things go wrong in your command, start wading for the reason in increasing larger concentric circles around your own desk. General Bruce D. Clark
The discipline which makes the soldiers of a free country reliable in battle is not to be gained by harsh or tyrannical treatment. On the contrary, such treatment is far more likely to destroy than to make an army. It is possible to impart instruction and give commands in such a manner and such a tone of voice as to inspire in the soldier no feeling but an intense desire to obey, while the opposite manner and tone of voice cannot fail to excite strong resentment and a desire to disobey. The one mode or the other in dealing with subordinates springs from a corresponding spirit in the breast of the commander. He who feels the respect which is due to others cannot fail to inspire in them respect for himself; while he who feels, and hence manifests, disrespect toward others, especially his subordinates, cannot fail to inspire hatred against himself. LTG John M. Schofield, 1879
Programming: You’ll want to tune into the show (live or by podcast). 27 July-2 Aug: James Davidson will join us to discuss corruption in federal law enforcement. The retired Navy Capt Marc Liberman will discuss is amazing book, Moscow Airlift. Then we’ll review the Movie of the Month with Diane Raver. 3-9 Aug: Heroes to Heroes takes our combat vets with some form of PTS or Moral injury to Israel tor 10 days for healing—and it works; Israel is very good at this kind of healing. Brooke Goldstein from the Lawfare Project will discuss the people who are the subject of the most bias and bigotry in the US, in Europe, and in the world. Does bias and bigotry negatively affect our military yes; yeah, it’s the Jews.
Advertising on Frontlines of Freedom’s Website and Newsletter: We encourage you to patronize our advertisers; they are keeping Frontlines of Freedom alive and well. You can advertise on-air (as a show sponsor) or only on our website and in this newsletter. If you or someone you know would like to advertise on Frontlines of Freedom please contact me at denny@frontlinesoffreedom.com.
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Humor LITTLE QUESTIONING LEVITY FROM A CONSERVATIVE ARMY GUY I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: I was thinking: My head hurts. I’m going to quit thinking for a while.
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It is our mission to get to know the people that are supporting us, so please be sure to add a picture with your message. Please encourage other like-minded folks to do the same–especially those presently serving in our nation’s military. If you know someone who would like to start receiving this e-newsletter, they can sign up on the homepage of our website. Sincerely, Lt. Col. Denny Gillem (Ret.) denny@frontlinesoffreedom.com |