Newsletter 3-15-25

News & Updates


Keep up with host Lt. Col. Denny Gillem & never miss an episode
The Colonel’s Corner
~Comment by the Colonel~

Trump is clearly moving to end both the Ukraine war and the Hamas attacks against Israel; he’s using techniques never tried before. I think they’ll work; I hope they will; I pray that they will.

If he hadn’t stepped in the wars would simply continue.

Certainly, he’s been very successful in securing our border and deporting many illegal criminals; thus there are fewer such criminals on tht streets—despite the efforts of some cities and states that think illegal criminals need protecting more than our citizens do. This has also greatly reduced the amount of fentinal and other illegal drugs.

I was very, very disappointed at the way the Democratic members of Congress acted during the President’s speech to Congress.

Our military is being transformed. The senior leadership is mostly in place; now the new policies (no DEI; judging people by merit) need to be fully communicated and the middle rank and junior leaders who have been indoctrinated in the Woke practices need to understand and begin enforcing the practical standards that are now, at last, again a part of our military.

The Smiling Ranger – This book is a series of short, mostly funny, stories of my time in uniform (it’s for sale at I was thinking about… my time in Vietnam. I had little experience with a .45 caliber automatic pistol before arriving in country as a second lieutenant, but I quickly found one and carried it along with my rifle. The pistol was WWII vintage and badly worn. It jammed so often I really didn’t consider it reliable. When I’d loan it to a trooper who was going into a tunnel, I warned him that often it was good for only one shot.
After my first Vietnam tour I was assigned to Fort Campbell, KY, where I assumed command of an airborne rifle company. My assigned weapon was, yes, a .45 pistol. It might have been the same one I’d left in Vietnam. It rattled when I fired it, the parts were so worn. Then the division was ordered to deploy to Vietnam, so we all had to qualify with our weapons. For the life of me, I just couldn’t hit all those bulls-eyes with my old rattley weapon. When qualifying with a rifle, the shooter shot at a silhouette, but with the pistol it was a bulls-eye target. After about a hundred tries I finally barely qualified. I deployed with my company to Vietnam—wearing that old pistol. That’s why I own only revolvers today. (I have since been converted and own a Glock and a Sig Sauer today, along with my revolvers.)
If you don’t already have one, order your copy of ‘The Smiling Ranger’ today or one for a friend.
*We should all be proud Americans; despite our current challenges and differences, we live in the best and freest nation in the world. Let’s end all the name calling and appreciate each other and our nation, even if we don’t all agree on everything. Good Americans come in many flavors.

Military History

On 15 Mar 1919, The American Legion was founded in Paris by 1000 veterans of the American Expeditionary Force who met to discuss transition to civilian life and what veterans could do to help each other adjust and to work together to further the rights of veterans.

On 16 Mar 1802, the United States Military Academy–the first military school in the US–was founded by Congress for the purpose of educating and training young men in the theory and practice of military science. Located at West Point, New York, the US Military Academy is often simply known as West Point. Located on the high west bank of New York’s Hudson River, West Point was the site of a Revolutionary-era fort built to protect the Hudson River Valley from British attack.

On 16 Mar 1945, the west Pacific volcanic island of Iwo Jima was declared secured by the US military after months of fiercely fighting its Japanese defenders. When all was done, over 6,000 Marines died fighting for the island, along with almost all the 21,000 Japanese soldiers trying to defend it.

On 22 Mar 1917, the first Coast Guard aviators graduated from Pensacola Naval Aviation Training School. Third Lieutenant Elmer Stone became Naval Aviator #38 (and later Coast Guard Aviator #1).

23 Mar 1775, during a speech before the second Virginia Convention, Patrick Henry responds to the increasingly oppressive British rule over the American colonies by declaring, “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Following the signing of the American Declaration of Independence on 4 July 1776, Patrick Henry was appointed governor of Virginia by the Continental Congress.

On 24 Mar 1903 – George Dewey commissioned Admiral of the Navy with the date of rank, 2 March 1899. He was the only person to hold this rank.

On 29 Mar 1973, two months after the signing of the Vietnam peace agreement, the last US combat troops left South Vietnam as Hanoi freed the remaining American prisoners of war held in North Vietnam. America’s direct 8-year intervention in the Vietnam War was at an end. In Saigon, some 7,000 Department of Defense civilian employees remained behind to aid South Vietnam in conducting what looked to be a fierce and ongoing war with communist North Vietnam.

On 31 Mar 1916, General Pershing and his army routed Pancho Villa’s army in Mexico.



On the weekend of Mar 22-23, we will celebrate FoF’s 900th show. Most members of the FoF team will be interviewed.

And on the weekend of Mar 29-30. Retired Coast Guard Captain and retired president of Grand Valley State University, Tom Haas will share his views of our nation today.

We’ll then finish interviews of team members—that we didn’t get to the week before.

And Diane Raver will present the Movie of the Month.


~ Humor/Puns ~

I have many jokes about unemployed people; sadly, none of them work.

Just blocked someone for correcting my spelling. It feelled grate.

I had amnesia once—maybe twice.

What do scientists use to freshen their breaths? Experi-ments.


~ Interesting Quote ~

“He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.”



~ A quote from our Bible ~

2nd Timothy 2:4

“No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”



The Frontlines of Freedom Newsletter is published twice monthly;
the dates of publication each month depend on the events and history of that month.

Frontlines Of Freedom PO Box 88272Grand Rapids, MI 49518