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Russia Any reset with Russia must first assess whether Russia’s policy interests are reconcilable with the interests of the US and NATO. For President Putin and Russian elites, the collapse of the Soviet Union was the worst calamity of the 20th century. Russians have always felt a deep-seated and occasionally real sense of vulnerability from the West. For many Russians, the security dilemma is very real. Moreover, after the end of the Cold War, NATO expansion increased this perception of vulnerability beyond Russian defenses to economic and political domains as well. ISIS Mass Graves ISIS is no big deal, right? They’ve only openly attacked a few people in the US. They’re probably all just nice people—we should hope that many of the illegals crossing our southern border won’t be their allies. We don’t need our soldiers trying to stop them. Well, consider this: A mass grave containing 3,500 victims of ISIS – which could ‘hold the answers’ to the fate of executed US hostages – was recently discovered in the ‘caliphate capital’ Raqqa in Syria
Features Proxy Warfare A new paper from the Association of the US Army’s Institute of Land Warfare looks at how the Army can more effectively manipulate proxy environments to achieve its own goals. Written by Maj. Amos Fox, the operations officer for the 1st Battalion, 35th Armored Regiment, 1st Armored Division, at Fort Bliss, Texas, the paper examines the increased relevance of proxy warfare and how it has become the predominant form of modern war. While most students of modern conflict are quick to acknowledge the role of Russian proxies in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region, or Iranian proxies in the Middle East, Fox writes, the US is perhaps the largest employer of proxy forces in modern war. “However, a significant problem for the US military, and more importantly, the US Army, is that it refuses to speak openly or clearly about proxy environments and proxy warfare,” Fox writes. “Instead, it chooses to hoodwink its practitioners through complex language.” This includes terms such as “security force assistance” and “training and advising,” he writes. Climate Change The concept of “climate change” or “global warming” is, in my opinion, a religion—those who believe in it—just believe in it. Because our nation seems to be baptized into this religion a great deal of money is spent to deal with this issue—and it all affects our nation’s ability to defend itself. Here’s one of the latest discussions on this topic. Climate change controversy continues to grow, with an increasing number of skeptics coming forward to speak out. Now, a top adviser to former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has just declared that global warming is a conspiracy pushed by a power-hungry United Nations. Maurice Newman, chief business adviser to former PM Abbott, says that the global warming hoax has nothing to do with Earth’s climate, and everything to do with the United Nation’s establishing itself as an authoritarian regime. For years, climate change skeptics have faced insults and ridicule for daring to defy scientific convention. but with a growing body of scientific evidence to dispel climate change mythology, it is clear that skepticism is more than justified. Doctors Fight Amputee Gunman at VA A gun-wielding double amputee believed to be an Army veteran fired at least six shots in a Florida VA emergency room and set off a violent struggle with two doctors, who eventually pinned him to a wall with a chair as he crawled after them, the FBI said. One of the doctors, who has yet to be identified, was wounded in the neck in a struggle for the gun with the suspect but was treated and released following the melee at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center in Riviera Beach, Florida, the FBI and hospital officials said. Our Navy’s Newest Warship A vessel that bears the name of Oklahoma’s second-largest city has been commissioned as the newest warship in our Navy’s fleet. The USS Tulsa was commissioned at a pier in San Francisco in February. The warship is an Independence-class combat ship designed to patrol coastlines. It’s the eighth ship of its kind in the Navy’s fleet. US Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma says the ship is one of the most technologically advanced in the world. Speaking at the commissioning ceremony, Lankford said the massive vessel does not have a traditional rudder or propeller and operates more like a catamaran and a jet ski with a high draft, sitting just 14 feet (4 meters) in the water. The warship features electronic components made by a Tulsa firm, US Pioneer. This has Arab armies concerned Here is one of the reasons Arabs are scared of the Israelis. This is an actual event. The Israeli Armed Forces filmed this in real time. What you’ll see is a fully armored Syrian tank being hit by an Israeli laser-guided, steel-penetrating, phosphorous-filled “hand held” rocket. The rocket is small, very portable and is a tightly controlled weapon. Each one is accounted for when they are checked out and back in. There must be no fewer than 2 soldiers present to verify the use, one must be a senior officer with a minimum of 10 years military service (the name and program is classified). This tank was headed for one of Israel’s settlements. There were four more tanks one mile to the rear of this tank. They turned around before getting to this area after learning what had happened to the lead tank. You can hear the ammunition going off after the initial strike. No Syrian tank crew member survived this event and it did not make the news. It is an everyday event for Israel’s Armed Forces, and they do not permit the “embedding” of news reporters with their armed forces like we Americans do. This weapon and its tactical use is for their survival, not for “news” entertainment. Perhaps we should take a page from the Israeli Military Handbook. From a Disappointed Friend in Afghanistan. I realize this a little late, but keep in mind I am in Afghanistan and had to watch the State Of The Union on a recording the next day. I also had to work while all of this was going on. However, I do have a few words to say from what I observed. Our Representatives in the House and Senate are civil servants. They are elected to represent their districts. They are not rulers or leaders. They work for us and are supposed to vote the way their constituents want. As far as civil servants go, they would be considered the elite, but still work for us none the less. I saw a bunch of women dressed in white. Not a single American Flag lapel pin among them. They failed to stand and clap for an ICE agent who has saved hundreds of children from human trafficking. They failed to clap for a little girl who beat cancer. They failed to clap for just about anything that made America a better place. I guess the Democratic Party is still the Party of the KKK. It appears that they have gotten rid of their hoods over time. And let’s not forget that the League of Nazi Socialist Women who supported Hitler’s dream of a socialist paradise always went to public events dressed in white. My biggest issue on what I saw was the hatred and lack of any respect whatsoever among the Democrats. It started with Nancy Pelosi and her stupid childish hand clap as the President of the US entered. The State of the Union was a great speech. One of the best if not the very best I have heard. He did not talk about Republican issues. He spoke of America’s issues. He spoke to and for the forgotten people of this country. When he spoke of all the accomplishments under his administration, they were astronomical. The Democrats sat and all looked pissed off. When he spoke of the way ahead to continue the forward progress of America, they sat and all looked pissed off. When he said we are here to compromise not for our political party, but for America, they sat and all looked pissed off. Now, keep in mind, these are adults and elected officials. As a child, had I looked at my parents that way, I would have gotten my butt beat with a belt. As an adult in the military, I would have gotten Non Judicial Punishment where they would have taken rank or money from me. As a civilian contractor, if I looked at my military counterparts or company supervisors that way, I would be fired and sent back home. If you are a person who goes out drinking at clubs, should you look at someone like that, you would be in a fight. These people are NOT adults. They are very old petulant children. If their parents were still alive, their Dads would be taking a belt to them for being so disrespectful and childish. Every one of them is an embarrassment to their office, the government, and the US. And that is exactly how the rest of the world sees them. I work with members from many countries over here. I am proud of my country. But I hang my head in shame when they talk about how childish our government officials are. For anyone who voted these people into office, how can you even stand to look at yourself in the mirror each morning? Veteran Art MilitaryConnection.com is pleased to announce the launch of Veteran Art Connection, a joint partnership with Visions for Vets that features an online gallery of art produced by America’s military heroes. The artwork, created by Veterans as a method of therapeutic release, will be featured and available for purchase in an online gallery. Death at Unlicensed Day Care Katie Camario didn’t want to involve herself in the unlicensed day care in the house next to hers at Aliamanu Military Reservation in Honolulu, but her growing fear that something terrible could happen to a child there pulled her in. Then, a 7-month-old girl died in the day care. She and her Air Force husband had moved into the Army-managed housing in October 2017, and Camario quickly noticed the hubbub of children playing in her next-door neighbor’s back yard. In the weeks to come Camario said she saw disturbing scenes of wailing, unattended children — most appearing to be less than 5 years old. So, she became involved, making numerous calls to the Army housing authority and the military police, but the unlicensed day care always reopened even after being raided by police several times. Venezuela Soldiers Choose Desertion The simple house on a street ridden with potholes in Cucuta on Colombia’s restive border with Venezuela has become a refuge for the newly homeless: 40 Venezuelan soldiers who abandoned their posts and ran for their lives. The young National Guard troops sleep on thin mats on the floor. In one room, several flak jackets rest along a wall. On a balcony, boots that got wet crossing the muddy Tachira River are set out to dry. “I was tired of people seeing me as just one more of them,” Sgt. Jorge Torres said, referring to President Nicolas Maduro’s socialist government. “I’m not.” A high-stakes plan by the Venezuelan opposition to bring humanitarian aid into the country floundered when troops loyal to Maduro refused to let the trucks carrying food and medical supplies cross, but it did set off a wave of military defections unlike any seen yet amid the country’s mounting crisis. Over 320 mostly low-ranking soldiers fled in a span of four days, Colombian immigration officials said. Court-martialing Retired Vets Did you know that a retired marine petitioned the Supreme Court challenged a previous ruling that declared “those in a retired status remain ‘members’ of the land and Naval forces who may face court-martial for any and all crimes they commit while retired. And the Supremes confirmed their previous ruling. Be careful, retirees. India-Pakistan War? Nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan face their worst tension in years over the disputed region of Kashmir, with Islamabad saying they shot down two Indian warplanes and captured two pilots. Pakistan immediately shut down its civilian airspace in response. But how did the relations between these two Asian nations become so bad and what’s at stake in this rapidly worsening conflict that both sides say they want to deescalate? On Feb. 14, a suicide car bomber attacked a paramilitary convoy on the Indian-controlled side of Kashmir in the Himalayas, killing more than 40 troops. The militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed, which is based in Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the attack. The suicide bomber was from Indian Kashmir. New Delhi long has accused Pakistan of cultivating such groups, something denied by Islamabad. India launched an airstrike on Pakistani territory that New Delhi called a pre-emptive strike against militant camps in Pakistan. India said its bombs killed a “very large number” of militants, while Pakistan said there were no casualties in an airstrike it described as being carried out “in haste.” Oil and War Mid-east countries are not shipping oil to refineries in the US, and empty tankers are coming to the US and UK to pick up our oil which is in demand world-wide. Something is changing. West Point Golf Team At their final stop on a five-day swing through Palm Beach County, the US Military Academy golf team brought a little Valentine’s Week cheer to an ailing Vietnam War veteran. Stephen Pembrook, an All-American golfer and former team captain at West Point in the 1960s, has spent the past two months at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center’s Community Living Center, where he is recovering from a stroke. In an effort to cheer him up during National Salute to Veteran Patients Week, Pembrook’s wife, Mary, and his close friend, George MacClary, arranged for the West Point golfers to stop by. The War Bear Woztik, the Polish Bear that went to war. The US Constitution When members of our Armed Forces are sworn in, we all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The entire document, including all amendments, takes slightly less than 7600 words. We veterans and, indeed, all patriots, should read this document over and over again. It’s not complicated. Our Constitution’s Second Amendment, the right of citizens to keep and bear arms is under attack again. Unarmed people are not free citizens as they can not defend themselves from anyone, including their government. Every dictatorship in the world first disarms its citizens. There are two national organizations that are focused on making our nation aware of, and practicing, the Constitution—and I’m active in both of them. First is Concerned Veterans for America (cv4a.org). Then, there’s Combat Veterans for Congress (CVC.org). Garden State Film Festival The GSFF, a partner with Frontlines of Freedom, presents movies for consideration every month, is about to have their annual festival, on March 28-31, in, of course, New Jersey. They’re looking for volunteers—they need ushers, and ticket sellers and takers, etc. If you’d like to be a part of this great event, email volunteer@gsff.org. And, even if volunteering won’t work for you—do plan to attend if you can. Service Academy Career Conference (SACC) If you are a graduate of a US Service Academy and are considering a career transition, a new job field, or just exploring your options, don’t miss the Service Academy Career Conference on March 28-29 in Jacksonville, FL. SACC job fairs are exclusively for service academy alumni and are a great way to learn about the current job market or advanced degree options, and discover employment opportunities across the US. SACCs allow candidates to connect face to face with companies and universities.
Wise Words Retired Navy CAPT Joe John has done many things in his life; I’ve asked him to share a few words of wisdom with us: A New Replacement For Facebook, Google, and Twitter, That Will Not Restrict “Freedom of Speech” Please Participate On Veterans Day we began a new program—and I still need your help—I need more stories. On each show we honor a deceased military person—not the super stars, but the average soldier, sailor, marine, airman or coastie. They don’t have to have served in combat—but must have served honorably, on active duty or in the guard or reserves. Send me about 250 words summarizing his or her service—that I’ll read on the show. Sent the info to me at denny@FrontlinesOfFreedom.com. Military Music The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Frontlines of Freedom Gear If you’d like to have a Frontlines of Freedom shirt or hat or whatever, we do have it for you. Check our store at http://fof.logoshop.com/ Two quotes to consider. Both are from the Civil War Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. Admiral David G. Farragut (What Admiral Farragut called torpedoes we would call mines today.) War is hell. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
Programming: You’ll want to tune into the show (live or by podcast). 9-15 Mar: David Workman from the 2nd Amendment Foundation will address the attack on our 2nd Amendment rights. General Arnold Punaro will discuss the threats facing our nation. And Robert Spencer will speak to our Congress-woman’s antisemitism and the danger to our nation. 16-22 Mar: Michael Ames will present his book about Beau Bergdahl and Afghanistan. Then Jeremy Latchaw will discuss the role and danger of drones to our military and way of life. And Paul Fraser will discuss an amazing device that can really help some disabled vets, the Beasy Board. Advertising on Frontlines of Freedom’s Website and Newsletter: We encourage you to patronize our advertisers—they are keeping Frontlines of Freedom alive and well. You can advertise on-air (as a show sponsor) or only on our website and in this newsletter. If you or someone you know would like to advertise on Frontlines of Freedom please contact me at denny@frontlinesoffreedom.com.
Steenstra’s Windmill Cookies by Cookies Unique The best almond windmill cookies you’ll ever eat! Plus, Cookies Unique also bakes cookies with a company logo on the cookie and a company message on the box. A delicious promotional item, and a good value. cookiesunique.net Culver CPA Group, CPAs and Business Advisors. We go beyond the numbers. Two locations to serve you. Grand Rapids: 616-456-6464. Wyoming: 616-257-01009. CulverCPAGroup.com Churchillian Gems Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill, was a prolific speaker. However, he also had the ability to get to the point and didn’t mince words. Each week we’ll share a quote of his for you to enjoy. Humor Apparently, the Baby-Boomers nearly all have motorcycles. Generation X is only buying a few, and the next generation isn’t buying any at all. A recent study was done to find out why. Here are the reasons why Millennials don’t ride motorcycles: 1. Pants won’t pull up far enough for them to straddle the seat. 2. Can’t get their phone to their ear with a helmet on. 3. Can’t use two hands to eat while driving. 4. They don’t get a trophy and a recognition plaque just for buying one. 5. Don’t have enough muscle to hold the bike up when stopped. 6. Might have a bug hit them in the face and then they would need emergency care. 7. Motorcycles don’t have air conditioning. 8. They can’t afford one because they spent 12 years in college trying to get a degree in Humanities, Social Studies or Gender Studies for which no jobs are available. 9. They are allergic to fresh air. 10. Their pajamas get caught on the exhaust pipes. 11. They might get their hands dirty checking the oil. 12. The handle bars have buttons and levers and cannot be controlled by touch-screen. 13. You have to shift manually and use something called a clutch. 14. It’s too hard to take selfies while riding. 15. They don’t come with training wheels like their bicycles did. 16. Motorcycles don’t have power steering or power brakes. 17. Their nose ring interferes with the face shield. 18. They would have to use leg muscle to back up. 19. When they stop, a light breeze might blow exhaust in their face. 20. It could rain on them and expose them to non-soft water. 21. It might scare their therapy dog, and then the dog would need therapy. 22. Can’t get the motorcycle down the basement stairs of their parent’s home.
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