Ian Dexter, but I go by my last name so please call me Dex or Dexter! Licensed Massage Therapist and Aromatherapist. Seven hundred and twenty hour licensure program at Colorado School of Healing Arts.
My Philosophy:
I believe that as a massage therapist my most important skills are listening and adaptability! In order to be able to provide individualized care to every client I need to be able to listen to both the clients words and body at the same time and adapt to become whatever that client needs to the best of my ability! I do this by making sure there is an open communication channel between me and all of my clients so everyone leaves every treatment feeling like they achieved or attained something and if at the end of a session I feel that my specializations do not fit into the needs of a client I will gladly make a referral to someone I believe would. My touch always brings with it the care, love, and healing that I desire everyone to feel.
Why I Do What I Do:
I got into massage therapy as a way to provide many the love and care that changed my life. I suffer from daily chronic migraine; which means I have had a headache for 9 solid years. I wake up with one. I go to sleep with one. Massage therapy was something that I found that drastically reduced my daily pain and improved my daily function. That change in my life awoke something in me, a desire to do the same for all I can. So I do what I do because I have the ability to understand what it is like to live in constant pain, and not be able to function; so I desire to alleviate that pain and return function to as many people as possible
A Little Bit About More Me:
I’m a nerd and passionate about it! I love science and anatomy, as well as video games, and Dungeons and Dragons. I spend most of my free time working on writing my campaign in Dungeons and Dragons. I also love nature, one of my goals in life is to see as many of the great natural phenomena I possibly can! I also am a hairstylist so I’m very sociable but am aware that your time on the table is yours so don’t worry I won’t talk your ear off unless you want me to.