Childcare Resources
- Camp Joy (Operation Help a Hero) (Rancho Santa Margarita, CA): Deployment doesn’t take a break, but “deployment single” parents, need one. Spouses of our active duty military force shoulder the burden of keeping the home fires burning, often doing everything for 6-12 months a time with no family nearby to support them. Because of this, many of these moms and dads get no break for months at a time. But deployment doesn’t take a break. OHH Camp JOY is our answer to this ever-present need. We provide a 5-hour block of fun for kids with deployed parents, and Mom/Dad gets a much needed break.
- Child Care Aware of America: Child Care Aware of America is proud to partner with the United States Military and Department of Defense to serve and support their families through the Fee Assistance and Respite Child Care Programs. To date we have served more than 10 million families and have created a network of more than 10,000 licensed child care providers.
- Little Patriots Embraced – MD-TEC Fund: Little Patriots Embraced raises money through donations to support a unique program we call MD-TEC Fund (military dependent – tuition, emergency, and childcare fund). The main purpose of this fund is to offer monetary assistance for family emergencies and financial support for childcare to help the spouses of deployed military personnel. In addition, when our funding is available our organization provides tuition for military dependent children to attend summer camps of their choice.
- This secure Department of Defense website provides a single gateway for you to find comprehensive information on military-operated or military-approved child care programs worldwide. By improving and simplifying the child care search process, helps you make informed decisions about your child care needs.
- Sittercity: Sittercity is America’s largest and most trusted online source for in-home caregivers with over 1 million nationwide caregiver profiles. Your Sittercity membership gives you online access to local caregivers with profiles that include pictures, parent reviews, references, background checks and more. The Sittercity program is funded by the DoD and is available to you at no cost. Register on Sittercity and find local sitters and military subsidized care providers.
- YMCA Military Outreach Initiative: Deployment can be a stressful and uncertain time for our nation’s servicemen and women and their families. In partnership with the Armed Services YMCA and the Department of Defense, the Y is proud to offer memberships and respite child care services to eligible military families and personnel to give them extra support during this difficult period. It’s our way of giving back to those who dedicate themselves to serving our country.
Church Resources
Denominational Resources
- Christian Reformed Church of North America: More than 150 chaplains bring the presence of God into institutional settings, such as prisons, hospitals, hospice, long-term care, counseling centers, industrial and workplace and military installations.
- Church of God: The Ministry to the Military is an outreach program of the Church of God of Cleveland, TN. Our mission is to enable armed forces personnel and their family members to effectively live a Christian life in the global military environment of the 21st Century.
- Episcopal Church: Federal chaplains serve those in the military, Veterans Administration hospitals, and federal prisons, providing spiritual and day-to-day support to servicemen and women overseas and stateside, veterans requiring medical services, and the incarcerated. They bring spiritual healing and comfort to those with no other faith resources.
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: The “Care for Returning Veterans” workshops have been developed in response to these needs and the call to love and serve our neighbor. It’s not a complete response, it might well be called “Welcoming Returning Veterans 101,” but it is a first step to assist pastors, caregivers, congregations and others who want to put out the welcome mat for our returning veterans and their families.
- The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod: Thank you. Two simple words, but they are so necessary for the military families who wait for their loved one to come home. Your loved one is never far from your thoughts, and we want to let you know that you are not forgotten. The LCMS wants to help. Contact us with your email address, city and state. We will give you the name and phone number of an Operation Barnabas team in your area. You can connect with them, and, if you choose, meet them — on your terms.Also, please take a look at our resource page. We offer many congregational and home resources. Browse this page to find Bible studies, prayer suggestions, devotions, videos, photos, directories, documents, media files, and more.
- NAMB – Southern Baptist Church Chaplaincy: In some of the most emotionally intense and spiritually fraught circumstances, chaplains bring the light of Christ. Here you will find information on becoming or finding a chaplain in your area. Churches across the SBC are demonstrating a growing compassion for ministering to the military members and families in their communities. This resource provides information and links to relevant sites to assist churches in their efforts.
- Southern Baptist Church – Deployment Ministry Care Plan: This care plan includes a downloadable ministry care plan for Southern Baptist churches and ministers serving as Reserve Component Chaplains to use before, during, and after deployment. By Dr.Jay Padgett and Army National Guard Chaplain. It also includes a Sample Chaplain Mobilization Agreement, Sample Commissioning Service for Deploying Chaplain, Sample Service of Celebration for Returning Chaplain and a Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations.
- United Methodist Church: tips and ideas for honoring and supporting veterans and military families on Veterans Day and beyond.
- Armed Forces Baptist Missions: Since 1964, AFBM has been ministering to our military and to our veterans. AFBM is on a worldwide quest for the souls of men and women in uniform and their families. We continually seek to assist laborers to sow the seed of the gospel at their place of duty, at a local veterans hospital, or in their community.
Military Ministry Resources
- ACCTS – Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service: With contacts in over 130 nations, ACCTS is actively engaged in the international military mission field.
- Alpha: Desires to help and serve you in any way we can to run Alpha courses and their derivatives on your ship, at your base or in your unit wherever in the world that might be. Resources include: The Alpha Course, The Marriage Course
- AMCF – Association of Military Christian Fellowship: AMCF is a group of international military Christians who desire to be men and women of faith like the Roman officer Jesus commended in Matthew chapter eight. Our goal is to serve Christ and share Him with others while also serving our nations’ armed forces. AMCF is composed of indigenously-led military Christian fellowships (MCFs) and individual military Christians in over 100 nations. We welcome you to learn more about us on this website and appreciate your prayers as our members strive to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord our God (Micah 6:8).
- Armed Services Ministry (American Bible Society: Armed Services Ministry exists to help meet the critical spiritual needs of our nation’s military by providing customized ministry programs and Scripture resources. These resources are freely available to all of our men and women serving our country, as well as veterans and family members. From 1817 through the War on Terror, we have delivered nearly 60 million free Bible resources to America’s armed forces. Today, we look forward to continuing our tradition of providing God’s Word to the military.
- Cadence International – Share the gospel and your life with the military community. Cadence International is an evangelical mission agency dedicated to reaching the military communities of the United States and of the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Cadence serves all branches of the U.S. military in American and overseas locations. Comprised of nearly 4 million people, the U.S. military community has proven to be one of the largest, most responsive sub-cultures today. Cadence ministers not only to military personnel, but to their spouses and dependents as well. Malachi Ministries is the youth division of Cadence, reaching out to children and youth in the military community.
- Catholics in the Military – Serving personnel, chaplains and families of those in the US Military serves those who serve, offering U.S. Armed Forces personnel spiritual truths of military life in light of the Catholic faith.
- Christian Military Fellowship (CMF): Christian Military Fellowship (CMF) is an association of believers who are committed to encouraging Men and Women in the United States Armed Forces, and their families, to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. We are an indigenous ministry serving all elements of that society including all military services, all ranks, family members, civilian employees, all Christian denominations and traditions. Within the military society, our members, staff and constituents work to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help Christians to grow in faith.
- Cru Military: We are a caring community passionate about connecting the global military community to Jesus Christ.
- Military Believer: is a location-based social network that matches military people with churches, ministries, and believers worldwide.
- Military Chaplains Association – USA: The Military Chaplains Association of the United States of America is a professional support and veterans service organization. We are dedicated to the religious freedom and spiritual welfare of our Armed Services members, veterans, their families, and their survivors. Our members are serving or have served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Department of Veterans Affairs, or Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol chaplaincies. Our associate members come from among other chaplains, chaplain assistants, religious faith group leaders, and those interested in supporting military chaplaincy.
- Armed Forces Baptist Missions: Since 1964, AFBM has been ministering to our military and to our veterans. AFBM is on a worldwide quest for the souls of men and women in uniform and their families. We continually seek to assist laborers to sow the seed of the gospel at their place of duty, at a local veterans hospital, or in their community.
Military Chaplaincy Resources
- US Air Force Chaplain Corps
- US Coast Guard Chaplains
- US Marine Corps Chaplains
- US Navy Chaplain Corps
- US Army Chaplains
Download a web-based copy of the Civilian Clergy Deployment Resource Guide. This file is available to any civilian clergy.
Download Ministering to Families Affected By Military Deployment – Deployment Resources for America’s Clergy. This booklet contains information to assist Civilian Clergy in providing ministry to family members of mobilized members of the National Guard and Reserves
Other Church Resources
Becoming A Veteran Friendly Church
Church Military Support That Any Congregation Can Do
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) And Veterans Resource Guide
Resources For Planning Worship Services In A Time Of War
Housing Resources
- Habitat For Humanity: Gives housing to those in need. Habitat’s homeowner selection is managed at the local level, through our hundreds of local Habitat for Humanity locations all over the U.S. and around the world. For more information and to learn more about the process or how you can apply, please contact your local Habitat, or call 1-800-HABITAT (1-800-422-4828).
- Military Missions in Action Homes for Healing Program (North Carolina): Homes for Healing assists veterans who suffer from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is estimated that 360,000 veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003 suffer from TBI, which causes neurological damage and can impact one’s behavior, emotions, memory, body functions, speech, and an array of other disorders. For someone suffering from TBI or PTSD, what once was a simple task can seem an insurmountable obstacle. MMIA assists veterans who suffer from these conditions, which in turn helps them in their healing process.
- Operation Homefront: Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance program helps military families address critical financial shortfalls. Most often, this means assistance with mortgage payments, rent, utilities, car repairs, home repairs, overdue bills, critical baby items, and groceries. Learn more – Click Here
- Operation Homefront (Homes on the Homefront): The Homes on the Homefront (HOTH) program provides veterans and their families the opportunity to move into a home and work directly with Operation Homefront caseworkers and other financial counselors to learn and plan for home ownership. Learn more – Click Here
- VA Housing Grants for Disabled Veterans: VA provides grants to servicemembers and veterans with certain permanent and total service-connected disabilities to help purchase or construct an adapted home, or modify an existing home to accommodate a disability.
- VFW National Home for Children: The VFW National Home for Children serves as a living memorial to America’s veterans by helping our nation’s military and veteran families during difficult times. It was founded in 1925 as a place where the families left behind by war — mothers and children, brothers and sisters — could remain together, keeping the family circle intact even when their serviceman didn’t come home. Today’s families face different challenges — reintegration, post-traumatic stress, high unemployment and rehabilitation from battlefield injuries, among others — and the National Home has evolved over our decades-long history to meet those changing needs.
- USA Cares: Housing assistance – helping to prevent foreclosures and evictions. Providing assistance to post-9/11 veterans and military families from all branches of service.
Home Repair Resources
- Habitat For Humanity’s Repair Corps Program: Get help with your home repairs. The Home Depot Foundation has generously funded critical repairs on the homes of veterans through Habitat for Humanity’s Repair Corps program. This program is open to all military veterans, provided they have received an honorable or general discharge, and is not restricted to any specific veteran groups. While the primary focus of the program is on critical home repairs for veterans, the foundation has expressed their readiness to fund standard repairs on the homes of qualified veterans provided homes with critical needs take precedence.
- Active Heroes: Active Heroes helps military families by providing community outreach, volunteer projects and home repairs for military families. Our community outreach additionally educates the public of the challenges and needs of veterans and their families. Active Heroes has partnered with Raycom Media to help deserving military families with home repairs. Military children have received several more gifts from sponsors during the projects including playgrounds, gift certificates and toys.
- House of Heroes: House of Heroes is a volunteer program that provides free home repairs for the elderly or disabled military and public safety veterans and/or their spouses as a way of saying “thank you” for their service to our country.
- Operation Homefront: Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance program helps military families address critical financial shortfalls. Most often, this means assistance with mortgage payments, rent, utilities, car repairs, home repairs, overdue bills, critical baby items, and groceries. Learn more – Click Here
- Rebuilding Together: Rebuilding Together strengthens the lives of people in our most vulnerable communities by providing low-income homeowners with critical home repairs, accessibility modifications and energy-efficient upgrades. Rebuilding Together’s local affiliates and nearly 100,000 volunteers complete about 10,000 rebuild projects each year. As we rebuild homes, community spaces and nonprofit facilities, our lasting impact helps to stabilize and revitalize neighborhoods across the country. We believe that everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy home.
- The Home Depot Foundation: We work hard every day to make a difference for the veterans in our communities. Whether it’s working with our associates to make an injured veteran’s home wheelchair accessible or transforming permanent supportive housing facilities that provide both housing and services to veterans, we strive to make a lasting impact.
PTSD Resources
- Branches of Valor (Eugene, OR and Seattle/Tacoma, WA): Branches of Valor seeks to rekindle the hope of military members, veterans and their families–whose lives have been touched by war–by facilitating: supportive connections, healing insights AND Christ-centered solutions. Branches of Valor offers resiliency groups, peer mentors, retreats, conferences and events.
- Courage Beyond: Find other warriors and families experiencing life after war. Courage Beyond (formerly Not Alone) is a national non-profit organization that provides confidential, no-cost programs and services to warriors and their families facing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and combat stress.
- Ghost Rider Foundation (NE Ohio): The Ghost Rider Foundation (GRF) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to assist veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces who have PTSD, specifically in the NE Ohio area.
- Joseph P. Dwyer Veterans Peer Support Project (Suffolk County, NY): Named to honor the memory of an Iraqi war from Mount Sinai, NY, the Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Project is a peer-to-peer program for Veterans facing the challenges of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The program has steadily demonstrated that the peer-to-peer model holds tremendous, untapped value as a tool for helping Veterans transition and reintegrate back into civilian life.
- LifeTroops, Inc.: LifeTroops, Inc. is a non-profit based out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We work together with military members as well as veterans who struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D), as well as other combat related illnesses, to bring relief and restoration to them and the loved ones close to them.
- Love Our Vets: Hope, help and support for spouses, families and all loved ones of veterans, and those who serve, especially if they struggle with PTSD.
- Loving My Veteran: PTSD is an unseen scar of war and other traumatic events. Veterans and their families struggle daily with staying together and learning to live with this wound. Treatment options are limited and some are non-effective. Support for veterans and their families is almost non-existent. The number of veterans and their families that need help and support far outweigh the resources that are available. Loving My Veteran tries to fill that gap. We are here to not only support veterans and their families, but to offer a community of support by enlisting our partners and other groups that are helping to fill that void. No veteran or their family should ever have to battle PTSD alone. No Veteran or their family should ever have to take their own life. We are here to help. Help us join the fight. Join our community, and offer your support so that no Veteran or their family is ever left behind.
Equine Therapy Resources
- Courage Beyond: Find other warriors and families experiencing life after war. Courage Beyond (formerly Not Alone) is a national non-profit organization that provides confidential, no-cost programs and services to warriors and their families facing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and combat stress.
- Battle Flag Ranch (Mount Juliet, TN): At Battle Flag Ranch, we live to serve the selfless. As a veteran myself who returned home from the dangers of war in Afghanistan, my family and I understand the difficulty of reentry into “normal” life with family and friends. Truth is, life just no longer feels normal. Our heart breaks and our souls bleeds over the pain of each and every serviceman and servicewoman who may have physically survived the horrors of war abroad, but whose families now face the threat of destruction at home. We are a short term respite for battle-wearied veterans and their equally weary spouse, providing safety and sanctuary as they relearn the delicate art of love and communication in marriage.
- Because We Can – Because We Care (San Clarita, CA): Our services are built upon the philosophy of EARNING the trust, confidence and respect of the animals and people we work with. By building these stronger, healthier relationships, BWC2 has proven success working with three distinct, yet similar, groups – Veterans and First Responders, Horses and Children with Special Needs. Veterans Helping Horses – Veterans and first responders work with horses that we have rescued, using BWC2’s proprietary program of TCR Horsemanship. Veterans Helping Kids – The rehabilitated horses – and the veterans or first responders – work with children who have special needs in our kids’ program. Veterans Helping Veterans – When a veteran or first responder is fully trained in TCR Horsemanship, she or he can then train other veterans and first responders, thus completing our circle of life – for horses, heroes and kids.
- Big Heart Ranch (Malibu, CA): BIG Heart Ranch is a non-profit known for its unique, animal inspired growth and healing. A serene, ocean-view 12+ acre ranch set in the Santa Monica mountains and home to a family of amazing animals, therapists, horse practitioners and volunteers creates a very special growth and healing experience. Our programs offer experiential learning and therapy for children, individuals, couples, families, groups, agencies and corporations. We offer a fresh, effective approach to mental health and everyday life issues. HIPAA compliant, we honor the confidentiality of all participants. Military Veterans Healing Program – They served and protected us and our country and we are honored to give back to them! Wounded warriors and their families receive an unlimited number of no cost healing sessions.
- Blue Star Ranch (Saugus, CA): Blue Star Ranch is an equine-assisted safety-net provider for mental health services with internationally recognized certification. The horses help veterans overcome known barriers to engaging and staying in treatment. They can help families in post deployment transition build resilience. The ranch was founded by Nancy and John Zhe. Nancy spent 27 years designing equine therapy programs for children and adults with various life challenges i.e.; disabled children and adults, at-risk youth, recovering coma patients, recovering cancer patients, senior citizens, and so forth. John served two tours in Vietnam and knows first hand how difficult the adjustment is when soldiers return home.
- Brave HEART Program (Hagerstown, MD): The Brave HEART Program is a program for Military members and their families, including therapeutic activities. We appreciate the immeasurable courage, sacrifice and dedication of our Military Personnel and their Families, and honor this by giving something back to them. We believe every Military Family is special – Military Service and overseas deployments take a toll on the Service Member and on the Family, both during the deployment and after they return home. Each deserves the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the American way of life, which they have worked so hard to support and defend. Our individual tailored farm visits, variety of activities, and friendly environment in a convenient location, are the keys to improving family relationships and strengthening family bonds.
- Building Bridges Foundation (Conestoga, PA): Building Bridges Foundation at Anderson Farm is a non-profit that is dedicated to helping veterans, changing the lives of others. Doing such feats is not without expense. Since 2016, Building Bridges Foundation at Anderson Farm has been helping veterans and military members and their families, in all walks of life conquer their personal growth challenges, transforming struggles and burdens into opportunities.
- Easters Promise Therapeutic Equine Center (Pleasant Garden, NC): Easters Promise Therapeutic Equine Center is a nonprofit farm the caters to active military, veterans, first responders and their families. Easters Promise a unique program that believes the true connection and therapy beings on the ground. Joining in our equine program you will learn to connect on a deeper level while caring for the horse. Developing trust and a bond with the horse is critical before you get in the saddle. We are also a safe place to escape and reconnect with yourself and nature. If horses are not your cup of tea we also have a private pond that is great for fishing. Come and explore our 40 acre farm. There is a gazebo with a great view of the grounds, private pond to fish, walking paths, and our hidden prayer garden with another small pond and stream. We host monthly coffee’s on the first Saturday of every month, including a horse demonstration, with the option to get hands on. Program activities are always free to those we serve with the exception of our public fundraiser events.
- Blue Star Ranch (Saugus, CA): Blue Star Ranch is an equine-assisted safety-net provider for mental health services with internationally recognized certification. The horses help veterans overcome known barriers to engaging and staying in treatment. They can help families in post deployment transition build resilience. The ranch was founded by Nancy and John Zhe. Nancy spent 27 years designing equine therapy programs for children and adults with various life challenges i.e.; disabled children and adults, at-risk youth, recovering coma patients, recovering cancer patients, senior citizens, and so forth. John served two tours in Vietnam and knows first hand how difficult the adjustment is when soldiers return home.
- Equine Escape (Goodrich, MI): Welcome Home – There are many challenges for our veterans as they transition from military life to civilian life. One such challenge is forming relationships. Veterans may feel as if they are being judged based on their military actions or suffer from PTSD due to event(s) they had to participate in. The military recognizes that EAL may be a good choice for our veterans. EAL is a popular choice as it addresses many psychosocial factors that office-based therapy cannot. Some of the key domain the military recognizes as benefiting from EAL are physical, emotional, family relationships, social, spiritual and career (U.S. Army 2014) EAL allows a safe place to feel and address emotions through the human-animal bond. The herd mentality, prey animal instincts and unconditional acceptance of horses is why they work so well with our veterans.
- Equine Spirit Programs (Queen Creek, AZ): Equine Spirit Programs is a non-profit organization that connects rehabilitated horses with youth, adults, military veterans, corporate individuals or groups to promote self-discovery, personal growth and professional development.
- Equi-Vets (Virginia Beach, VA): The mission of Equi-Vets is to provide, promote and support equine assisted activities for active, reserve and retired military personnel who have been injured in the line of duty.
- Fallen Heroes Family Camp (Springfield, TN): Fallen Heroes Family Camp is a special place where the families of fallen heroes can come together, find joy and respite, solace and support, while enjoying common interests. Through the use of horses and outdoor activities, Fallen Heroes Family Camp strives to help military families shed their feelings of loss and put them on a road to healing. Here, they can take steps to gain focus on life again.
- Finally Home Farm (Wilberforce, OH): Finally Home Farm LLC is a non-profit foundation dedicated to healing our mentally wounded warriors through Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP). FHF is certified by the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) as a military services provider. Our staff is trained and certified as EAGALA Equine Specialist. FHF works in cooperation with The Freedom Center at the Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center for the intake and referral of military veteran clients into the equine psycho-therapy treatment program. Our mission is to bring our veterans HOME in mind and spirit, as well as physically.
- Flames to Hope (Noble, OK): Flames to Hope, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to healing hearts and providing hope, love and laughter to people of all ages and abilities through equine assisted interventions and learning. Our unique programs are tailored for men, women and children of all ages and abilities. All our equines are rescued or adopted due to extenuating circumstances and rehabilitated to help those suffering from emotional traumas, disabilities illness or substance abuse and those just wanting to improve their communication, leadership, teamwork or reading skills. We believe every horse deserves a second chance and every person deserves a smile. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for horses and our military service men and women and others by bringing horses and people together through equine assisted interventions and learning.
- Forever Amber Acres Animal Sanctuary (NE Ohio): The mission of Forever Amber Acres Animal Sanctuary (“FAAAS”) is to provide safe refuge, purposeful rehabilitation and retirement aftercare for special needs horses and other animals to serve military veterans, children, families and seniors dealing with physical and emotional challenges. While our primary focus is horses, we do not discriminate against any animal or breed. All creatures in our care are treated humanely and with compassion. FAAAS is part of a national ad-hoc anti-slaughter network seeking a positive, permanent impact by advocating for animal welfare and humane treatment of equines and all animals. In November 2017, our organization, Forever Amber Acres Animal Sanctuary, was certified to begin delivering vital services to military veterans and their families through EAGALA The EAGALA model is globally recognized as the gold standard in equine assisted therapy employing a unique, client-centered team approach to problem solving. Utilizing the horse as the primary facilitator guided by an Equine Specialist and a Mental Health Professional, clients successfully tackle emotional and physical challenges such as PTSD, which is particularly prevalent in our military veteran community. Our program, one of the first of its kind in northeastern Ohio, launched in May 2018. Reaching this milestone will fulfill the vision our organization laid out nearly 10 years ago to purposefully rehabilitate our equine rescues in service to military veteran’s, their family’s and others who suffer emotionally. Because they are special needs themselves, our horses are uniquely suited to this noble cause.
- Foxfield F.A.R.M. (For a Recovery Mission) (Granby, CT): Foxfield F.A.R.M (For A Recovery Mission) is a not for profit charity that has been established to provide an Equine Groundwork Training Therapy Program for U.S veterans with PTSD incurred through military service. Similar programs throughout the U.S. have proven to be successful in support of veterans’ transition from the battle field to the home front and an improved quality of life. There is a $25.00 enrollment fee to confirm participation in the program, however, there are no further costs for any part of the curriculum. This fee is due at the time of completed registration forms. Our Foundation has also identified that first responders are subject to similar PTSD effects due to the trauma they encounter on the job. Therefore, Foxfield F.A.R.M. will also incorporate participants from this service segment into this therapy program. Foxfield F.A.R.M. is in partnership with the Quinnipiac University Center for Veterans Rehabilitation, St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center and Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital to develop and study the impact of these interventions on veterans suffering from PTSD and related mental health issues.
- Freedom Reins (Queen Creek, AZ): Freedom Reins is a nonprofit, equine-assisted outreach promoting emotional health in the lives of United States veterans, active military personnel, first responders, people rescued from sex or labor trafficking, and women/girls who have dealt with abuse. Really … anyone who is hurting! Freedom Reins is not about riding, or horsemanship, it’s about gaining the tools to face life’s challenges from a place of calm, inner strength. We aren’t here to judge people’s past, or place expectations on their future. We’re simply meeting people where they are.
- Freedom Riding (Oakton, VA): Our mission is to support the treatment and healing of children who could benefit from any a variety of sensory-based engagements, often associated with a variety of conditions: such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, autism, cerebral palsy, dementia, depression, developmental delays, genetic disorders, traumatic brain injuries, behavioral issues, abuse issues, drug and alcohol addiction, and other mental health situations. Additionally, as a veteran -founded organization, we also have a special place in our hearts and days for veterans with post-traumatic stress pressures. Our program is meant to be used in conjunction with common clinical therapies. Currently, we plan to offer rides on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday, by appointment.
- Hanaeleh (Orange County, CA): Hanaeleh offers a free, six-week Certified Equine Coaching program for U.S. military veterans.
- Happi Farm (Southwest Ranches, FL): Happi Farm provides horseback riding for American military veterans at no cost! If you are a veteran, please contact us and schedule a visit to enjoy a farm fun day.
Care Giver Resources
- Freedom Reins (Queen Creek, AZ): Freedom Reins is a nonprofit, equine-assisted outreach promoting emotional health in the lives of United States veterans, active military personnel, first responders, people rescued from sex or labor trafficking, and women/girls who have dealt with abuse. Really … anyone who is hurting! Freedom Reins is not about riding, or horsemanship, it’s about gaining the tools to face life’s challenges from a place of calm, inner strength. We aren’t here to judge people’s past, or place expectations on their future. We’re simply meeting people where they are.
- American Red Cross Caregiver Training: Caregiver training helps family and friends care for wounded heroes. When a service member comes home injured or with long-term injuries, you can help provide his or her caregiver with skills and confidence to support their loved one. Family members truly appreciate being able to properly care for the hero they are welcoming home.
- Blue Star Families: Programs for caregivers and member benefits support the goal of making strong families even stronger. Caregiving for the entire family–across the whole lifecycle of military service from enlistment to retirement and into Veteran status–is important. At Blue Star Families, we’ve “been there, done that” because we are a team of military spouses and Veterans. We know what it’s like to be part of a military family, and we know that life for the service member is easier when there is a healthy and happy family at home. We hope you enjoy taking a little time for you and continuing your education in the caregiving space.
- Boulder Crest Retreat (Bluemont, VA): We deliver free, short-duration, high-impact combat-related stress recovery retreats for combat veterans (male and female), couples, families, caregivers and Gold Star families, known as PATHH (Progressive and Alternative Training for Healing Heroes).
- Camp Bliss (Walker, MN): Camp Bliss is an incredible retreat and vacation destination in Walker, Minnesota. Camp Bliss is part of Independent Lifestyles, Inc., a non-profit organization committed to providing independence and choices for people with disabilities, their families and communities. Founded in 1997, we have provided services to thousands of people throughout Central Minnesota and beyond. Retreats are available to veterans and people with disabilities, while others are open to the general public. The public retreats and private rentals help us offset the cost of providing retreats for veterans and people with disabilities at low or no cost. We are located in beautiful Walker, MN on 48 forested acres between 3 scenic lakes. Our 7,600 sq. ft. lodge is totally accessible, with 7 bedrooms & 4 bathrooms, the Bliss House also accessible with 3,500 sq. ft., 7 bedrooms & 4 bathrooms, just 200 feet from the lake and we have quaint 500 sq. ft. Cabin overlooking the lake with 1 bedroom & a loft which has a nice sandy beach just steps away.
- We’re mothers, fathers, pet owners, sons, daughters, grandchildren, friends, and members of this online community along with you. We understand the difficulties and struggles you face when trying to find the right care and services for your families, yourself, and your home. provides a trusted place for families and care providers to easily connect, share caregiving experiences, and get advice. The company addresses the unique lifecycle of care needs that each family may go through — including child care, special needs care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, housekeeping and more. The service enables families to find and select the best care possible based on detailed profiles, background checks, and references for hundreds of thousands of mom-reviewed providers who are seeking to share their services.
- Caregiver Action Network: The Caregiver Action Network is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 65 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age. CAN serves a broad spectrum of family caregivers ranging from the parents of children with special needs, to the families and friends of wounded soldiers; from a young couple dealing with a diagnosis of MS, to adult children caring for parents with Alzheimer’s disease. CAN (formerly the National Family Caregivers Association) is a non-profit organization providing education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers across the country free of charge.
- Caregiver Healing Foundation (Murrieta, CA): The mission of the Caregiver Healing Foundation is to provide family support to military/veteran caregivers and their veterans of ALL eras.
- Caregivers Empowering Caregivers (Blue Star Families): A workshop focusing on resources, support, and tools caregivers need to adjust to the physical and invisible wounds of war. The role of the caregiver is an important one, filled with both encouraging and challenging moments. It’s why Blue Star Families has developed a program to specifically target military family members who are caring for their service member. From maintaining relationships to self-care and communication, the Caregivers Empowering Caregivers Program, combined with the Everyone Serves: A Handbook for Family & Friends of Service Members During Pre-Deployment, Deployment and Reintegration book, provides the resources, support and tools caregivers need to adjust to their new life that may involve unexpected dedication, time and energy in caring for the service member’s physical and invisible wounds of war – all while tending to the day to day tasks at home and work.
- Caring From a Distance: Caring From a Distance (CFAD) is an organization for long-distance caregivers. Are you one of the 6.9 million Americans struggling to care for an aging parent or other loved one who lives in a far-away city? If you are, we are here to help. Whether you live across-the-world or an hour away, you and your family face special challenges. Where can you find the local resources they require? How can you, family and friends communicate in an emergency? What can you do to help when you visit? CFAD is here to help. Caring from a Distance is an independent, non-profit organization. We take no referral fees from service providers.
Female Veteran Resources
- Camp Bliss (Walker, MN): Camp Bliss is an incredible retreat and vacation destination in Walker, Minnesota. Camp Bliss is part of Independent Lifestyles, Inc., a non-profit organization committed to providing independence and choices for people with disabilities, their families and communities. Founded in 1997, we have provided services to thousands of people throughout Central Minnesota and beyond. Retreats are available to veterans and people with disabilities, while others are open to the general public. The public retreats and private rentals help us offset the cost of providing retreats for veterans and people with disabilities at low or no cost. We are located in beautiful Walker, MN on 48 forested acres between 3 scenic lakes. Our 7,600 sq. ft. lodge is totally accessible, with 7 bedrooms & 4 bathrooms, the Bliss House also accessible with 3,500 sq. ft., 7 bedrooms & 4 bathrooms, just 200 feet from the lake and we have quaint 500 sq. ft. Cabin overlooking the lake with 1 bedroom & a loft which has a nice sandy beach just steps away.
- Academy Women: AcademyWomen is a nonprofit organization which offers programs to support and enable women from the nation’s officer development programs to reach their full potential as leaders. AcademyWomen is aligned for the greater good of the military. It is our belief that every woman who chooses to serve her country should be fully prepared to do so. AcademyWomen provides supplemental sources of education, leadership development opportunities, and resources to achieve better personal and professional balance for military women and women veterans. We are a global leadership organization of current and former women military officers, cadets, midshipmen, candidates and all individuals committed to the success of AcademyWomen’s mission. Our members are the world’s outstanding leaders, including: military officers, astronauts, pilots, combat leaders, ship commanding officers, business executives, diplomats, civic leaders, entrepreneurs and homemakers. Our members are the pioneers who bravely sought military training and now represent a new and outstanding paradigm of leadership. Through a group of like-minded women and men, we will help to fill the existing gap of support by leveraging a global network; inspiring our members ideas and action; and equipping our members for leadership impact.
- Challenge American Military Sisterhood Initiative: It all started with…a pledge. Not the pledge of allegiance mind you but a pledge made by women of the military for women of the military. It’s a simple yet elegant idea: to forge a national network of sisters from a commitment to mutual respect, support, and military sisterhood. In effect, it’s a network built on the tried and true military concept of having your sister’s “six”. Put simply, the Military Sisterhood Initiative provides a safe space for military sisters to connect and encourage one another. Then, from this camaraderie and collective strength comes the opportunity for women of the military to fight for improvements in the conditions that structure their lives and the lives of their military sisters.
- Chaplain Consultants – Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, Inc: Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, Inc. (MISNS) is a company that specializes in education, research, and advocacy in military chaplaincy and soldier care. MISNS’ research focus is on pastoral support to female service members. Women are an underserved population when it comes to spiritual leadership and support. By conducting studies with female service members as the primary population, MISNS is able to develop theories and practices that will enhance the lives of women in the military. As an educational and training organization, Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, Inc. helps men and women in the chaplaincy hone their skills as religious professionals and care providers. MISNS also works with seminaries, religious groups, and professional chaplain organizations to provide content for continuing education and professional growth. MISNS’ training inventory includes seminars, case studies, keynote speeches, class curriculum, and other products…
- Combat Female Veterans Families United (North Carolina): Combat Female Veterans Families United is a non-profit organization founded and chiefly operated by combat female veterans of North Carolina. Our mission is to provide transition services to combat female veterans and their families, supporting life after war.
- Daughters of the American Revolution: DAR members are passionate about supporting our active-duty military and veterans and they do so in a variety of ways. Vivian’s Outreach to Women is DAR’s program that focuses on providing support to homeless and indigent women veterans. VOW results from a generous bequest from DAR member Vivian Luther Schafer and will fund awards made to 501(c)(3) organizations helping indigent, homeless women. Since its inception DAR has supported our military and its veterans, but our women veterans are presently an underserved and growing population. The DAR, through VOW Awards, will aid organizations/shelters helping women veterans in need of the following services: medical, educational, child care, housing, clothing, food, or other needs consistent with assisting these women to become self-sufficient in their communities. Women Veterans: DAR volunteers give special support to our nation’s women veterans, with an emphasis on the sick, the homeless, and the lonely. Chapters provide support and volunteer in special healthcare programs and in the Adopt-A-Veteran Program. Clothing is collected and donated to facilities for women veterans, as well as donations of gender-appropriate gifts and personal care items. Members provide support for maternity services for female veterans with gift baskets for the new baby and mother.
- Fatigues to Fabulous: Fatigues to Fabulous™ (F2F) is a national campaign designed to support those women serving in our nation’s military, and the unique issues faced by women veterans. The campaign supports three 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations the ‘Society for Women’s Health Research,’ ‘Grace After Fire,’ and ‘Business and Professional Women’s Foundation’ and is partnered with the veteran employment organization, ‘Be A Hero-Hire A Hero.’
- Foundation for Women Warriors (Southern California): The Foundation for Women Warriors (Formerly Military Women In Need) is a unique support organization created exclusively for the women veteran community of Southern California. We provide essential programs to empower the resiliency and professional development of Women Warriors. Every step is dedicated to supporting these outstanding women to navigate obstacles and realize their maximum potential after their service career.
- Grace after Fire: Grace After Fire provides support for and helps women veterans of the United States military who are returning from active duty so that they can re-engage as mothers, wives and daughters in civilian life.
- Honoring Women Veterans Conference (Evansville, IN): Since 2010, the Honoring Women Veterans Conference has celebrated the contributions of women who have served in all branches of the military past and present. The day includes booths with information for services and education, lunch and information sessions. Attendees are also treated to massages, hair care and other services from local salons.
- Lady Veterans Connect (Kentucky): Lady Veterans Connect is a non-profit organization helping homeless and transitional lady veterans. Our mission is to honor lady veterans by providing hope, homes, and healing. We opened Kentucky’s first transitional home for lady veterans in Kentucky in 2016. Our current project in Kentucky in renovation of an elementary school which will be the future home to 35 lady veterans and their children.
- Michigan Women Veterans Empowerment (Michigan): Michigan Women Veterans Empowerment is a faith-based non profit organization that empowers women veterans in the 8 dimensions of wellness. We strive to Identify, Connect, Empower, Educate, Advocate, Support and Provide a Voice for Women Veterans in Michigan.
- Ms Veteran America Pageant – October 10, 2021: The Ms. Veteran America competition highlights more than the strength and courage of our nations military women, but also reminds us that these women are mothers, daughters, sisters and wives.
Homeless Resources
- Foundation for Women Warriors (Southern California): The Foundation for Women Warriors (Formerly Military Women In Need) is a unique support organization created exclusively for the women veteran community of Southern California. We provide essential programs to empower the resiliency and professional development of Women Warriors. Every step is dedicated to supporting these outstanding women to navigate obstacles and realize their maximum potential after their service career.
- Alpha Omega Veterans Services (Memphis, TN): We are dedicated to meeting the physical, emotional, mental, and social needs of homeless veterans to assist their restoration to financial and residential stability and productive, fulfilled members of society.
- American Red Cross: American Red Cross services for veterans date back to World War I and remains consistent with the spirit of our congressional charter. Today, the Red Cross is proud to maintain our commitment to the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
- Bridging the Gap of Georgia: Our organization, established in 2011, Bridging The Gap is a 501(c)(3) foundation that is dedicated to assisting our veterans. BTG works DIRECTLY with the veterans on a one-on-one basis – we’re NOT a call center. No one in our organization collects a salary – everyone works on a volunteer basis. We don’t just listen to their stories and tell the veterans where to go get help; WE ARE THE HELP. We provide food, and shelter, and educational assistance DIRECTLY to as many veterans as we can afford to. There is no long, tedious, confusing application process for them. If we have the space available in one of our residential centers, the veteran is invited to come live at one of those centers that very same day. BTG believes that it takes the COMMUNITY not the GOVERNMENT to take care of our veterans.
- Dignity Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program: The Dignity Memorial® Homeless Veterans Burial Program provides dignified burial services for eligible homeless and indigent veterans to ensure they receive the honors in death that their service in life merited. Founded upon the belief that every veteran deserves a dignified and honorable burial, the Dignity Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program is a cooperative effort among Dignity Memorial funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, local medical examiners, coroners, veterans advocates and veterans organizations. Through the program, homeless and indigent veterans who have no family to claim them are identified and provided with a proper military burial. Dignity Memorial providers supply preparation of the body, transportation, clothing, casket and coordination of the funeral service. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides eligible veterans with the opening and closing of the gravesite, a grave liner, a headstone or marker, a graveside ceremony and burial in a National Cemetery.
- East Bay Standown (East Bay, CA): The East Bay Stand Down is a consortium of community organizations coming together to provide a four-day event every other year that bring together the nine-county homeless and at-risk military veterans living in the Bay Area of California, connecting them with a variety of services to meet their needs.
- Final Salute Inc. (Female veterans – DC, Maryland, or Virginia (DC Metro area): The mission of Final Salute Inc. is to provide homeless female Veterans with safe and suitable housing. The H.O.M.E Program provides transitional housing and housing subsidy assistance to homeless female Veterans and their children. The H.O.M.E Program focuses on integrating Veterans back into their local communities and providing vast, safe residential areas to choose from. Our H.O.M.E Program is a collaboration with our resource partners that includes targeted supportive services to assist female Veterans in reaching their goals. The purpose of S.A.F.E is to prevent homelessness by easing financial hardships. S.A.F.E will provide rent, deposit and utility assistance to all female Veterans and U.S. military reserve component service members via an interest free loan.
- Habitat for Humanity: Through the Veterans Build initiative, Habitat for Humanity provides volunteer, homeownership and employment opportunities to U.S. veterans, military service members and their families.
- Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation (HVAF) of Indiana, Inc. (Indiana): Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation (HVAF) helps homeless veterans return to self-sufficiency and engages at risk veterans to prevent them from becoming homeless by providing supportive housing, case management, food, hygiene and clothing as well as other essential services.
- Inner City Law Center (Los Angeles, CA): Veteran homelessness is a national disgrace. Nowhere is the problem worse than here in Los Angeles – the homeless capital of the United States. Over 8,000 veterans are homeless in LA every night. More than 20,000 veterans are homeless in LA over the course of a year. Fifteen years ago, Inner City Law Center started one of the few projects in the nation that offered free legal services to homeless veterans. Today, our Homeless Veterans Project serves veterans who have disabilities as a result of their military service and who live without housing. Our clients include veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and as far back as World War II.
- Integrated Community Care Center for Homeless Veterans (Los Angeles, CA): Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team (HPACT) – The Integrated Community Care Center (ICCC) provides homeless veterans with same-day access to housing, primary care, mental health, and substance us treatment delivered by trans-disciplinary care teams and enhanced housing first teams. In addition, staff from programs such as Department of Housing and Urban Development – VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH), Grant per Diem, Homeless Veteran Supportive Employment Program, Outreach, and Community Residential Care offers services to homeless veterans in the building. The program has dedicated space for representatives from Veterans Benefits Administration, Social Security Administration, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Heath, Pro Bono Legal Services through a medical legal partnership, and the supportive Services for Veteran Families Program.
- Interfaith Community Services (Oceanside and Escondido, CA): Through offices in Oceanside and Escondido, the emphasis of the Veterans Services Division is assisting clients to gain stable income and permanent housing. Any veteran who did not receive a dishonorable discharge is eligible for services. With the help of trained staff in several targeted programs, clients work to eliminate barriers to employment and self-sufficiency. Clients receive a thorough assessment of their needs to create an individual service plan. Progress in meeting goals of the plan is continuously monitored by their case managers.
- Lady Veterans Connect (Kentucky): Lady Veterans Connect is a non-profit organization helping homeless and transitional lady veterans. Our mission is to honor lady veterans by providing hope, homes, and healing. We opened Kentucky’s first transitional home for lady veterans in Kentucky in 2016. Our current project in Kentucky in renovation of an elementary school which will be the future home to 35 lady veterans and their children.
- Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas (North Carolina, South Carolina): About one-third of all adult homeless people have served in the U.S. armed forces. Some may be disabled or may have a diagnosis of post traumatic stress disorder or other combat related illness making it difficult to find consistent work and housing. To address the need for quality housing, LFS Carolinas provides shelter for homeless veterans through transitional facilities in North and South Carolina. The program includes employment and benefit assistance, transportation to and from medical appointments and job interviews, counseling, re-integration into the community and support from local faith groups. The objective is to transition the veterans to independent living as soon as possible. Follow up services will be given to the veterans by our own trained staff, as well as partner organizations.
- Madison Street Veterans Association (Phoenix, AZ): A peer-run group of homeless and formerly homeless veterans offering personal, individualized service, basic resources, community and advocacy for all veterans.
- Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV): Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) is a nonprofit organization that has been assisting veterans for over 25 years. Each year MACV receives more than 25,000 contacts, inquiries, and requests from veterans across the state. In 2013, MACV comprehensively served 1,785 veterans and their families throughout Minnesota who were homeless or experiencing a crisis that could lead to homelessness – and the need for services continues to rise.
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans: If you are a homeless veteran or a veteran at risk of becoming homeless, these pages provide information that you can use to seek help. They include addresses, phone numbers and websites to find out about services, programs and other help that is available.
- New Directions: New Directions provides a wide variety of services for homeless veterans, including job training and placement, parenting and money management classes, legal and financial assistance, counseling, remedial education and resources for alumni. Such a transformation takes hard work, motivation and accountability, but the results are life-altering – and for many veterans, life-saving. New Directions is a licensed, long-term drug and alcohol treatment program founded by three formerly homeless veterans. It has provided food, shelter, and rehabilitation since 1992 and provides services to more than 800 homeless veterans a year through four locations.
- New England Center and Home for Veterans: New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV) is a national leader in housing and serving veterans who are at-risk of homelessness. Located in downtown Boston and offering services throughout the region, NECHV supports veterans with innovative services that enable success, meaningful employment, and dignified independent living. NECHV serves over 350 veterans each day in their home communities. The downtown Boston facility contains 60 affordable apartments, a distinct and separate 24 bed female veterans transitional dormitory, and over 185 transitional and emergency beds.
- New Mexico Veterans Integration Centers: Our mission is to respond to the needs of veterans, with focus on those who are homeless or experiencing a housing crisis, through the provision of quality employment training, housing and supportive services based on a Continuum of Care.
- Operation Dignity: Founded in 1993 by Vietnam Veteran Alex McElree, we offer a HAND-UP not a HAND-OUT approach, building community among vets and encouraging community outreach and support. Our services cover the continuum of the homeless situation, including a mobile outreach program.
- Operation Renewed Hope Foundation: Operation Renewed Hope Foundation (ORHF) is a charitable veteran-led organization headquartered in Alexandria, VA. Our mission is to provide quality housing and supportive services to America’s homeless veterans. There are approximately 68,000 veterans living in transitional shelters or on the streets. These veterans served our great country and preserved our freedom. ORHF and its 20+ member volunteer team are determined to help these men and women secure homes for themselves and their family members. ORHF works with the Department of Veterans Affairs and fully supports their goal of ending Veteran homelessness by 2015. General Shinseki stated “Our homeless veterans are counting on us to bring urgency to this fight.” Please join us in this fight.
- Operation Troop Appreciation’s Welcome Home Program: Our Welcome Home program fills a gap in support our veteran community receives today, by helping to prevent homelessness and provide a hand-up for our veterans experiencing poverty today. Working with the VA Healthcare for homeless veterans program and the Veterans Leadership Program, Welcome Home provides support for veterans in need by helping to defray the costs associated with establishing a new home. How do we do this? Our culture has a tradition of providing house warming gifts to friends and families moving into a new home. OTA extends this tradition, by providing gifts that help veterans and their families establish residence. We all know that moving into a new home can be stressful and costly. In the case of our homeless veterans, they enter new homes with only the clothes on their backs. A critical component of their full recovery and transition into civilian life is that they be healthy, rested and comfortable. To that end, OTA provides these families with a good bed and mattress, and essential household items to give them the best possible environment in which to live.
- Pennsylvania American Legion – Housing for Homeless Veterans: In 1988, Pennsylvania American Legion Housing for Homeless Veterans Corporation purchased four town houses on Cypress Street, Moon Township in Allegheny County. The concept is simple — provide a safe, clean, stable environment for the participant while he/she completes schooling, job training and becomes adequately self sufficient to seek permanent housing in the surrounding community. The Cypress Street Project quickly received national attention and has served as a basis for many similar projects in the Pittsburgh area and throughout the country.
- Primavera Foundation – Project Action for Veterans: Project Action for Veterans provides housing support services and temporary financial assistance to veterans and veteran families that are facing eviction or homelessness. Services are aimed at addressing barriers that threaten the vet’s or veteran family’s housing stability. The program acts as a resource liaison connecting veterans to public and community resources that are vital to a better quality of life.
- Project H3 Vets (Arizona): Project H3 VETS is a special initiative based off Project H3 and the 100,000 homes campaign to house chronically homeless veterans. Project H3 VETS will use the Vulnerability Index Survey to prioritize the most medically vulnerable homeless veterans living on the streets in the Phoenix Metro area. The project will utilize the HUD-VASH supportive housing program to provide permanent housing and supportive services which includes case management, social support, and mental health services to chronically homeless veterans.
- Restoring Hope Community Services (Perris, CA): Welcome to Restoring Hope Community Services, Inc. We are a non-profit organization. We are a faith-based organization established in 2006. Our vision is to create and establish housing for homeless veterans, pregnant teenagers, run-away teenagers; in addition to a women and children shelter for abused and domestic violence victims.
- Soldier On: Soldier On’s mission is expanding. We have been assisting homeless veterans since 1994. Now, however, we are moving beyond simply offering a response to veteran homelessness to providing a permanent solution. With our Veterans Village projects, we will offer formerly homeless veterans a chance to own their homes — more often than not for the first time in their lives. Our work still begins with getting homeless veterans off the streets.
- Stand Down: Stand Down, owned & operated by Faith*Hope*Love*Charity, Inc. (FHLC, Inc.), assists male veterans who are struggling and have lost their homes and ability to lead productive lives due to combat and non-combat related mental and physical wounds/illness, addictions, and/or other issues regain their independence and lives through transitional living, a multi tiered program, and collaboration with government agencies, VSOs, and the community.
- Support Homeless Veterans: Created in 2011 to combat the growing epidemic of homelessness among American veterans, Support Homeless Veterans (SHV) is devoted to bringing quality of life to these forgotten heroes. Our supported housing program combines holistic care with classical military camaraderie to join veterans together as a family. Motivated and supported, SHV provides opportunities for veterans to become part of a philosophy to support disadvantaged veterans and prevent homelessness for future generations.
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) – VA: The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program is a new VA program that awards grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives who will provide supportive services to very low-income Veterans and their families residing in or transitioning to permanent housing. The grantees will provide a range of supportive services designed to promote housing stability.
- Swords to Plowshares: War causes wounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefield. Swords to Plowshares’ mission is to heal the wounds, to restore dignity, hope, and self-sufficiency to all veterans in need, and to significantly reduce homelessness and poverty among veterans. Swords to Plowshares is the only veterans service agency in the United States that provides a full continuum of care. We help vets, as well as families of vets, in the following areas: Health & Social Services – Swords to Plowshares’ drop-in center provides emergency shelter, mental health services and referrals to homeless veterans. Housing – Swords to Plowshares’ residential programs provide housing, rehabilitation and counseling to veterans in need. Veterans Academy – At Swords to Plowshares’ Veterans Academy, formerly homeless veterans can live in a supportive community.
- The Guardians Foundation: The Guardians Foundation is a non-profit public charity that assists military veterans and their families, primarily with homelessness, but also with food, clothing, household items, counseling referrals, educational & job opportunities, and unexpected expenses.
- The Home Deployment Project: The Home Deployment Project‘s purpose is to provide one-on-one support to veterans suffering from chronic homelessness by providing them with a safe place to live. We do not place our veterans in shelters, group homes, or halfway houses. Each Veteran is provided with his or her own dwelling, free of charge, for a period in which they are offered the tools to become self supporting again. We screen each positional veteran carefully and thoroughly. In cooperation with our affiliate organizations, we help provide necessary medical, counseling, and social services needed in order to ensure a successful transition back into society.
- The New England Center for Homeless Veterans: Our mission is to assist veterans who are homeless, unemployed, or underemployed with the tools to move toward self-sufficiency. The school accomplishes this mission by providing veterans with necessary training and job skills to obtain and retain competitive employment in today’s ever-changing market. To meet our goal, the Veterans Training School partners with local businesses to provide apprenticeship and entry-level positions to our graduates. Together with educational institutions, we offer certificate and degree-seeking programs.
- United States Veterans Initiative: The United States Veterans Initiative is the nation’s largest non-profit provider of services to veterans facing challenges in their transition to civilian life. Their mission is the successful transition of military veterans and their families through the provision of housing, counseling, career development and comprehensive support. U.S.VETS is the largest nonprofit provider of comprehensive services for veterans in the country. With eleven sites across the country, U.S.VETS provides housing, employment assistance, job placement & counseling to over 10,000 veterans and their families every year.
- Upstate Stand Down (South Carolina, North Carolina): Stand Down represents a unique, community-based response to a human need not being met by traditional means. Stand Down is a community of volunteers and participants brought together in a spirit of caring and respect to inspire the hope and invigorate the will of homeless veterans, veterans at risk for homelessness and veterans in need. The major goal is to provide a vast array of opportunities, services and warm, inviting person-to-person contact so each veteran can muster the individual, internal energy and initiative needed to renew and/or rebuild his or her life. Changes in individual lives, as well as community awareness and commitment, are the most enduring outcomes of Stand Down.
- VA: Home page for VA homeless programs.
- VEO (Atlanta, GA): Since 2008, Veterans Empowerment Organization (VEO) has provided housing, supportive services, job training and placement to veterans and their families.
- Veterans & Community Housing Coalition (Upstate New York): Our mission is to provide housing and support services to all homeless military veterans and their families and to advocate on behalf of all military veterans and their families and to provide housing opportunities for low income households.
- Veterans Assistance Foundation (Wisconsin): The Veterans Assistance Foundation operates programs designed to assist homeless or at risk of becoming homeless veterans maintain or improve their status in society by providing a safe and secure environment through which they can access a wide array of human services. The focus of these programs is to assist homeless veterans with the services that have prevented them from becoming re-established in their communities. It is the focus of the VAF to: “Transition homeless veterans (or those veterans at risk of becoming homeless) into society’s mainstream. This will be done by assisting them to obtain meaningful employment and subsequently, safe, decent, and sanitary housing.” Our programs do not provide emergency shelter.
- Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP): Established in 2011, the USA Homeownership Foundation, Inc. DBA Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP), is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing sustainable homeownership, financial-literacy education, VA loan awareness, and economic opportunity for the active-military and veteran communities. While our focus is on the active-military and veteran communities, our services are also offered to eligible low-to-moderate income (LMI) families. Our doors are open to all that want to realize the American Dream of homeownership. VAREP and its members represent and work within all sectors of the real estate, housing, and financial-services industries. As a housing non-profit for vets, by vets, our success is measured not by a balance sheet for shareholders but by how many lives we can improve through our programs and services. Our proactive stance–providing financial-literacy education and advocating homeownership–may not end the epidemic of homelessness among the veteran community, but can prevent it from happening in the future, one veteran at a time.
- Veterans First (Orange County, CA): For over forty years, our goal at Veterans First has been to honor every brave man or woman who has served this country by helping to restore dignity to those whose sacrifices defending the freedoms we cherish have left them in need. Every person who raises their hand and takes a pledge to defend our country is a hero. Until there are no American heroes sleeping in the streets, in cars or in alleyways, we will be there for them just as they were there for all of us.
- Veterans Inc: Veterans Inc. is a national leader in ending homelessness among veterans. We have one of the highest rates in the nation – 85% – for transitioning veterans out of homelessness. Headquartered in Massachusetts, Veterans Inc. is the largest provider of services to veterans and their families in New England. Since 1991, we have helped more than 40,000 veterans and their families. Operations are expanding further into New England and beyond in our goal of eradicating homelessness among veterans.
- Veteran’s Life Changing Services (NW Indiana, Illinois): Veterans Life Changing Services, Inc. (VLCS) is a Transitional Housing Program of Each One Reach One Child 501(c)(3) Corporation. It is specifically designed to assist Northwest Indiana and Illinois service men and women in their transition back into civilian life. VLCS is helping to create a Veteran community in Northwest Indiana and Illinois that provide stabilized housing support services that increase education and job skill levels of Veterans and promote greater self determination. Currently we assist homeless veterans in Northwest Indiana and are expanding housing opportunities in Indiana and Illinois. Northwest Indiana , Lake County Veteran population is 38,887. Our homeless count in our communities range from 15.7% on any given night. Our program is comparably unique to local shelter services which target Northwest Indiana and Illinois high population of homelessness to feed and shelter people overnight with no support services. Each One Reach One Child has the experience of helping homeless veterans obtain these objectives. Our services target male and female veterans and their families to offer safe holistic productive lifestyles.
- Veterans Village of San Diego: With five locations throughout San Diego County, VVSD is the only program of its kind in the United States. VVSD provides a Continuum of Care with a full range of comprehensive and innovative services for military veterans for: Prevention, Intervention, Treatment, Aftercare. “There is no finer program for homeless veterans in America than VVSD.” Pete Dougherty, national Director of VA Homeless Programs. “VVSD sets the bar,” and is the “gold standard of transitional veteran housing.” James Nicholson, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs
- Vet Hunters: The Vet Hunters Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing and ending HOMElessness for all military Veterans/Families and individual Americans we meet. Our vision is to prevent homelessness among military veterans/non-veterans and their families by restoring self-sufficiency and self-worth through comprehensive programs that provide: permanent housing, emergency shelter, substance abuse counseling, personal support/developmental services, job assessment referral and training, educational services and life-skills training.
- Vittles for Vets: Vittles for Vets is a non-profit corporation which provides food gift cards to veterans who rely on food pantries and soup kitchens.
- Welcome Home (South Carolina): Welcome Home is a transitional home for displaced veterans living in Spartanburg County and is operated by Operation Restoration CDC. Welcome Home provides shelter and case management for our veterans. Veterans will be able to remain in Welcome Home for a length of twenty-four months while they begin rebuilding their lives. Each resident is required to develop specific and attainable life goals, seek and secure gainful employment and prepare to reintegrate into society.
Spouse Employment/Education Resources
- AMVETS Career Centers: The AMVETS Career Centers powered by Call of Duty Endowment provides free of charge career training and employment assistance for veterans, active duty service members, national guard and reserve plus spouses.
- Blue Star Careers Center: Blue Star Families’ mission is to help military families with challenging hurdles—both during and after active service. Our military spouse employment and education programs support military family members through their entire career path through education, connection, and support services.
- Blue Star Families Spouseforce: Blue Star Families Spouseforce is a place for all military spouse business owners to share professional information and network.
- Boldly: Finally, a career that travels with you. Your own fulfilling career on your terms, working remotely, and progressing no matter where military life takes you. Boldly is an employee focused remote staffing company, offering their talented team W2 positions with the freedom to build their own schedules and contribute to amazing businesses.
- Bunker Labs: Bunker Labs seeks to inspire veterans and veterans spouses to start their own business, then equips them with right training and connects them to the right people to grow those businesses.
- Business and Professional Women’s Foundation: Mentoring, jobs, and resources for women veterans and military spouses Need a mentor to give your career a boost? BPW Foundation’s Joining Forces Mentoring Plus provides free resources, including mentors, subject matter experts (SMEs), and online connections for women veterans and military spouses to assist them in successfully obtaining meaningful employment and a successful career.
- Career One Stop: Career One Stop is your pathway to career success. Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
- Career Spark: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes program, Toyota, and Blue Star Families introduced Career Spark, a first-of-its-kind online tool that gives military spouses the resume they need to start and maintain a meaningful career. Career Spark walks military spouses through developing a resume based on their unique skills. Once completed, spouses have the option to make their resumes searchable to thousands of employers nationwide looking for qualified veteran and military spouse candidates.
- Congressional Military Family Caucus: The Congressional Military Family Caucus seeks to educate Members of Congress and their staff on resources the military has for families. Specifically, the Congressional Military Family Caucus focuses on issues such as education, childcare, healthcare, spousal employment, and the effects of multiple deployments. Through educating Member of Congress, it is our hope that the Congressional Military Family Caucus will be able to develop legislation to better support our nation’s military families.
- eKnowledge free SAT/ACT PowerPrep: eKnowledge, a group of NFL players, and the Department of Defense have teamed up to distribute more than $16,500,000 of eKnowledge’s SAT/ACT PowerPrep™ Programs to military service members and their families.
- Excel Easy: Microsoft Excel is an important skill in many projects and jobs. Excel Easy offers the #1 Excel tutorial on the net. Easy to follow, fully illustrated + 300 examples. It’s 100% free.
- FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship Program: The FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship Program gives military spouses the opportunity to earn a career-enhancing credential—the Accredited Financial Counselor® certificate—while providing financial counseling to the military community. The fellowship covers the costs associated with completing the AFC® training and testing.
- Hire Heroes USA: Hire Heroes USA is dedicated to creating job opportunities for US military veterans and their spouses through personalized employment training and corporate engagement.
- Hiring our Heroes (U.S. Chamber of Commerce): Hiring Our Heroes is a nationwide initiative to help veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities.
- IVMF – Institute of Veteran and Military Families – Syracuse University: The IVMF and its staff of more than 70 professionals deliver class-leading programs in career, vocational and entrepreneurship education and training, providing service members, veterans and their families with the skills needed to be successful in education, work and life. The IVMF also coordinates comprehensive collective impact strategies; and works with communities and nonprofits to enhance service delivery for veterans and their families. They provide specific programs for military spouse entrepreneurs occurring at different locations around the country throughout the year. RSVP early for programs- they are extremely popular and fill fast!
- Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) Civilian Careers: We are thrilled that you are contemplating employment with our organization. At installations throughout the country, we are searching for highly-motivated individuals to join us to better serve Marines and families and ensure their personal and family readiness through mission, career, and life events.
- Military – Civilian: We offer a unique and personalized service networking your recruitment needs with integrity. Our mission is to bring job-seeking military veterans together with hiring companies to fill open positions worldwide. We are not merely a job board or a recruiting service: we are dedicated to providing both proactive assistance for veterans and their families with their transition back into the civilian workplace, and assistance for companies with open positions in fulfilling their recruitment needs.
- Military Spouse and Family Educational Assistance Programs: There are several education benefits available to dependents of veterans as well as surviving family members of deceased veterans. Ranging from scholarships to totally free school, these benefits are often overlooked.
- Military Friendly® is part of the ratings division of Victory Media, a service-disabled, veteran-owned business. Military Friendly® rates companies and colleges on their programs to recruit and retain veterans and military spouses.
- Military OneSource Military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities: Do you want a career that you can carry with you the next time you PCS? Whether you are just starting your education, trying to advance in your career, or looking for that next great career opportunity, the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program can help you search for information on portable careers, get you started on your education, finalize that perfect resume, or assist you with your career planning. Use these resources, tools, and articles to help you get started!
- Military OneSource online libraries: The Military OneSource Online Libraries have something for everyone. From children’s audiobooks to career preparation exams, these free resources are available from the comfort of your home computer. To locate this feature on Military OneSource, log in, locate the Military Life & Deployment tab, the Military Life tab, the Military Family Life tab, then then scroll down to locate the Online Library Resources.
- Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA): The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) Program is an employment assistance program that provides up to $4,000 of financial assistance to eligible military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification or Associate’s degree in a portable career field and occupation.
- Military Spouse Corporate Career Network: The MSCCN is a nonprofit organization in excellent standing with the IRS. We focus on employment readiness, applicant referral, job training, and job placement assistance for military spouses, transitioning military, veterans, war wounded, and caregivers of war wounded. The MSCCN was founded and created by a Navy spouse in 2004 and is operated and managed by a team of geographically diverse military spouses, veterans, and caregivers of war wounded, working from home offices located near military installations across the country.
- Military Spouse JD Network – A Bar Association for Military Spouses: The Military Spouse JD Network supports military spouses who pursue a legal career by Advocating for bar membership without examination, Encouraging hiring military spouses, and Providing a support network. MSJDN includes military spouses from all branches of the United States Military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy as well as spouses of retired service members and legal and military organizations who support our mission.
- MilSpouse EMentor Leadership Program: The MilSpouse eMentor Program is a dynamic online community where military spouses can receive personalized career guidance, advice, support and inspiration from more experienced military spouses who share a special bond through their common experience. Representatives of military-spouse friendly firms also participate as “corporate mentors” who can assist spouses seeking stable employment with an opportunity for upward mobility. MilSpouse eMentor is a partnership of AcademyWomen and the U.S Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes.
- National Military Family Association: National Military Family Association is the voice of military families because, for 48 years, we have proven that we stand behind service members, their spouses, and their children. Our Association is the “go to” source for Administration Officials, Members of Congress, and key decision makers when they want to understand the issues facing our families. They know we have “boots on the ground” with military families and understand better than anyone that “military families serve, too.” Through the support and programs we provide, and our respected voice on Capitol Hill, at the Pentagon and Veterans Administration, our Association always looks out for the families who stand behind the uniform and for those who serve.
- Navy Civilian Human Resources: Are you ready to make a difference? Then consider working at the Department of the Navy. Here, the Navy and Marine Corps teams offer you the chance to tackle real world challenges; explore alternative energy solutions; perform breakthrough surgeries; troubleshoot radar systems on aircraft carriers … and that’s before lunch. Explore the possibilities of a civilian career at the Department of the Navy … they are endless and cover virtually every occupation you can imagine. From aircraft mechanic to zoologist, electrician to engineer, pipefitter to physician — there are more than 558 different occupations across the country and the world. Consider working at the Department of the Navy with talented people around the globe, competitive pay and benefits (health and retirement), and creative and challenging assignments. Most of all, as a civilian employee YOU can serve your nation and support America’s warfighter. It all comes together here at the Department of the Navy. Make a difference today.
- Navy Exchange Jobs: The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM), headquartered in Virginia Beach, Va., oversees five primary business units including Navy Exchange (NEX) retail stores and services, Navy Lodges, the Uniform Program Management Office, the Ship’s Store Program and Telecommunications. Its mission is to provide authorized customers with quality goods and services at a savings and to support quality of life programs for active duty military, retirees, reservists and their families. The Navy Exchange System employs 14,000 dedicated associates worldwide, 27 percent of whom are military family members. It is also a partner in the Department of Defense Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) which pledges support to provide career opportunities for military spouses.
- Next Step for Vets: Empowering veterans and military spouses with employment and education opportunities.
- Patriot Boot Camp: Patriot Boot Camp (PBC) is a nonprofit on a mission to equip active duty military members, veterans, and their spouses with the education, resources, and community needed to be successful technology entrepreneurs. The objective of PBC is to provide service members, veterans, and spouses with access to mentors and training to help them innovate and build the next generation of high-growth, scaleable and impactful companies. Patriot Boot Camp leverages a nationwide network of business and startup community thought leaders to help entrepreneurs bridge the gap between military service and entrepreneurial life.
- Project Return to Work: Project: Return to Work Inc. (R2W) provides employment services to all active duty service members, veterans and their spouses at Military & Veterans Employment Expos (MVEE). R2W also provides vocational rehabilitation services to wounded warriors and disabled citizens. R2W clients receive support from caring professionals and volunteers through an innovative evaluation, training, and placement process. R2W incorporates advanced technologies, methodologies, and a highly accurate online evaluation process to assist clients with finding the jobs they enjoy doing most.
- Salute to Spouses: The go-to resource for education and career news for military spouses.
- Scholarships – Find millions of dollars in scholarships and grants exclusively for the military community!
- Scholarships – National Resource Directory: A listing of scholarships and grants available.
- SCORE: SCORE is committed to helping veterans, service members and their families looking to start and grow small businesses with significant, long term success. SCORE provides advice, training programs, and long term mentors for the life of any small business – no matter the stage. We have an initiative that is targeted to assist members of our military (active duty, reserves, and National Guard) and all veterans and their immediate family members with many unique special offers. This program is called the Veteran Fast Launch Initiative. It provides:
- Support Warrior Project: Our veterans of the armed forces leave the service with exceptional leadership skills, versatility, and creativity. Support Warrior Project helps vetrepreneurs kickstart start their own small businesses and positively impact their communities. They helpveterans, active members and spouses leap into entrepreneurship by providing business startup structures.
- The MilSpo Project: The MilSpo Project is a global network of U.S. military spouses who believe entrepreneurship is a unique answer to the military spouse unemployment crisis in our country. Together we are embracing the unpredictability of this beautiful thing we call military life. We’re redefining what it means to be a successful milspouse professional in today’s world guided by our member-centered mission.
- USAJOBS: USAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world. As the Federal Government’s official employment site, USAJOBS provides resources to help the right people find the right jobs.
- Veterati: Veterati is a digital platform for veterans & military spouses to access mentorship-on-demand from successful professionals across the nation.
- Vet Jobs: VetJobs makes it easy to reach transitioning military, National Guard, Reserve Component Members and veterans that have separated over the last several decades and are now productive members of the civilian work force in all disciplines, and their family members. VetJobs is available to assist ALL members of “The United States Military Family”. This includes Officer and Enlisted, Active Duty, Transitioning Military, Reservists, Veterans, Retirees, of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Merchant Marine, National Guard, Navy, NOAA and Public Health Service along with Trailing Spouses, Eligible Former Spouses, Widows, Widowers and Dependents and DOD civilians.
- V-WISE (Women Veterans Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship): Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (V-WISE) trains women veterans and military spouses in entrepreneurship and small business management.
- Webucator (free access to self-paced online computer courses): Webucator offers military veterans and their families free access to all of their online self-paced courses. The courses range from Microsoft Office to customer service, and web design and coding. When veterans and their family members input the coupon code “VETERANS” at checkout, it will deduct the entire price of the course. The coupon never expires!
Additional Employment Resources
- CareerBuilder: Over the past 20+ years, CareerBuilder has helped millions of people find jobs and has equipped hundreds of thousands of employers with the talent they need.
- Glassdoor: Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job that’s right for you.
- Indeed: As the world’s #1 job site, with over 200 million unique visitors every month from over 60 different countries, Indeed has become the catalyst for putting the world to work. Indeed is intensely passionate about delivering the right fit for every hire. Indeed helps companies of all sizes hire the best talent and offers the best opportunity for job seekers to get hired.
- LinkedIn: Use LinkedIn Jobs to harness the power of your network and get hired.
- LinkUp: Completely unique in the industry, LinkUp is the only job search engine that indexes jobs exclusively from company websites. Updated daily, the 3+ million jobs in our search engine are always current with no duplicates or job pollution.
- Monster: Monster is a global online employment solution for people seeking jobs and the employers who need great people.
Recreation Resources
Attractions (Free Admission):
- Balboa Park (San Diego, CA)
- Busch Gardens, Sea World, Sesame Place, Aquatica, Adventure Island
- Water Country
- Callaway Gardens (Pine Mountain, GA)
- George W. Bush Library (Dallas, TX)
- New York Aquarium (Brooklyn, NY)
- San Diego Zoo San Diego, CA)
- Shedd Aquarium (Chicago, IL)
- World of Coca-Cola (Atlanta, GA)
- Active Heroes Military Family Retreat Center (Shepherdsville, KY): The Active Heroes Retreat Center is the first retreat in America designed by military families to help military families heal! The retreat center is located in Shepherdsville, KY and open to military families free of charge. Visitors can schedule a day to visit the grounds during hours of staffing, schedule a cabin vacation or sign up for selected camping dates with cookouts.
- Armed Services YMCA – Camp Pendleton, CA Project Liberty Call: Project Liberty Call distributes tickets and other special event opportunities that are provided by the community throughout the year to all active duty and military families as available. Ticket distributions are announced on the Armed Services YMCA Facebook.
- Armed Services YMCA – Operation Camp: The Armed Services YMCA offers junior enlisted families the chance to participate in family, youth, and teen camps year-round at our branches and affiliate locations. Camps encourage healthy living as part of our core mission of strengthening our military family. Armed Services YMCA camps and retreats provide much needed recreational and bonding opportunities for military children and families who have experienced multiple deployments.
- B&B’s for Vets (Veterans Day Bed & Breakfasts): Innkeepers want to say thank you to those who’ve served their country by inviting veterans to stay in a B&B on Veterans Day. Inns and B&Bs throughout North America will open their doors to active and retired military and vets and one guest by offering a free room to those who’ve served in the military.
- Base Camp 40, Warrior’s in the Wild (Colorado): Since the first hunt in 2011, Base Camp 40, Warriors In The Wild has hosted over 100 veterans on all expenses paid outdoor adventures across the country and British Columbia. Powered by the cornerstone of gracious landowners, amazing sponsors, and dedicated volunteers who embrace the meaning of giving back, BC40 forges ahead to give back to our nation’s brave Veterans via the “Gift Of The Wild”.
- Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors: The Veterans Sunday Sailing Program with the Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors (BAADS) provides veterans the opportunity to sail in Access 303 and Access Liberty boats with other veterans every Sunday. BAADS is offering this program to ALL veterans, not just disabled. This is intended as a thank you for service. Feel free to come this week and each week following with no obligations besides RSVP’ing to keep accurate count of our resources.
- Birdies for the Brave (PGA Tour & Champions Tour events): Birdies for the Brave offers complimentary admission for active, retired, and reserve military along with their dependents at select PGA TOUR and Champions Tour events. Many tournaments also offer discounted admission for veterans.
- Black Dagger Military Hunt Club (Florida): Black Dagger Military Hunt Club Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides shooting, hunting, fishing, and other outdoor opportunities for veterans and active duty military (wounded and well). We are located in the greater Tampa Bay, Florida area but operate around the state. Many of our volunteers are retired or active duty military with a great deal of tactical and hunting experience. We co-labor with other veteran groups and nonprofits to support those who give their all for our nation!
- Blue Star Museums: Blue Star Museums is a program that offers free admission to museums for all active duty, National Guard and Reserve military personnel and their families from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
- Blue Star Theatres: Nearly two dozen theaters around the country are offering free and discounted tickets for plays, classes and other services to veterans and military families. This new program will also offer workshops and playwriting classes to veterans, job postings and casting notices on military bases.
- Blum’s Landing (Millersburg, MI): Blum’s Landing is a place for military personnel who have endured physical and/or mental wounds from serving the country. We are a non-profit bed and breakfast for military personnel and their families to relax, to recoup, and to re-energize from the stress of their current rehab and duties.
- Boulder Crest Foundation (Virginia, Arizona): At Boulder Crest, we consider every member of a combat veteran’s family to be a hero. Each member of these families makes considerable sacrifices in support of our nation’s military and the freedoms that we all cherish. To that end, we focus our programs on the entire family, in recognition of the stresses and challenges caused by lengthy deployments and the visible and invisible wounds of war. Combat veterans and their families are able to stay, for free, for 2-7 nights. Each family is eligible for one stay every other calendar year. Reservations open four months in advance for booking, and are released on the final working day of each month. To make a reservation today, click the links in the header.
- Camaraderie Foundation (Orlando, FL): Military families are under significant emotional strain and often don’t have the opportunity to connect with peers. Through community partnerships, Camaraderie Foundation offers family-friendly events that are free of charge to help couples reconnect, let kids be kids and to just have fun.
- Camp Bliss (Walker, MN): Camp Bliss, year-round wheelchair accessible retreat and vacation destination nestled on 48-acres of stately pines and hardwood forest on Long Lake, Lake 3 and Lake 4 in northern Minnesota is available for private rentals, weekend getaways, special occasions, vacations, conferences, holidays and weddings. Lodging options, accessible for all abilities, offer year-round accommodations. Private rentals support low or no cost specialty retreats and getaways for Veterans and people with disabilities.
- Camp Corral Family Camp Retreats: Camp Corral is now offering a family camp option at select partner camp locations. Family Camp Retreats are all-inclusive including lodging, meals, and a variety of camp activities. The retreat experience offers an opportunity for respite and reconnection within family groups, while offering each family member new experiences that help build confidence and create unforgettable memories. As always, priority is given to families with a wounded, ill, injured or fallen service member. Please note, the Family Camp Retreat is an alternative to attending the traditional summer camp program.
- Camp Gratitude (St. Croix, MN): Camp Gratitude was developed by a partnership of veterans and grateful citizens who want to say “Thanks” to military families. Our mission is to help every family that attends Camp Gratitude relax and have fun while building strength, resilience and connection following deployment. Because of the increased popularity of Camp Gratitude and the outstanding accommodations of the Vet’s Camp on Big Marine Lake , it is recommended applications be submitted as soon as possible.
- Camp Liberty, Inc. (Brighton, MI): Camp Liberty provides inclusive outdoor recreation programs that aid in the reintegration of U.S. military service members, veterans, and their families, with an emphasis on assisting those with post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries.
- Camp Noble Cause (Rockaway, NJ): For one weekend every year, Camp Winnebago provides an anything-but-usual camping experience. Each year, the Patriots’ Path Council of the Boy Scouts of America turn over their camp to members of the military, their spouses and children, and transform Winnebago into Camp Noble Cause – an idyllic haven for active military personnel and their families to create the memories to last a lifetime. Join us for a most rewarding, memorable experience! This is a free weekend and is open to all ACTIVE military personnel, including members of the Reserves and National Guard. This weekend is organized by the Boy Scouts of America. For insurance purposes, one member from each family will be asked to join the Learning for Life program at no cost or obligation.
- Christian Warriors Retreat – (Goliad, TX): Christian Warriors Retreat is our nation’s first ministry for veterans and first responders committed to honoring our nation’s veterans, first responders, and their families. We are dedicated to uniting all branches and eras of the U.S. military and first responders using Christian and military values as our core foundation. Our mission is for our veterans and first responders to find true healing, and regain purpose in life, relationships, and self through Jesus Christ. Also, in the future we will be providing a veteran and first responders wives and Gold Star Wives retreat by other veteran and Gold Star wives.
- Compass Point Veteran Outreach (Port Sanilac, MI): Compass Point Veteran Outreach offers sailing classes to veterans and their families. As a 501c(3) non-profit organization, both classroom sailing instruction and on the water training is completely complimentary.
- Dark Horse Lodge (Paris, TN): Darkhorse Lodge will become a place of refuge and retreat for combat veterans. Each room will be named after one of the 25 men lost from the Marine Corps 3/5, Darkhorse unit. We are a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) recognition. Once our fundraising goal has been met, we will begin building our lodge. This will be a retreat for combat veterans of all branches to come to relax, fish on Kentucky Lake and communicate with others who have walked in their boots. Our mission is to honor our nation’s heroes by providing a peaceful atmosphere for combat veterans to enjoy rest, relaxation and recreation.
- Deployed Family Outdoors (Houston, TX): Deployed Family Outdoors is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving and supporting our military and their families by providing unique and unforgettable outdoor adventures which strengthen family relationships and create valuable, lifelong lessons and memories. Deployed Family Outdoors has several programs to get the families and children of our military into the outdoors. Depending on which time of year it is, we do everything from taking kids to harvest their first deer or turkey, to bringing them out to experience what its like to catch tailing Redfish and Speckled Trout.
- Disabled Veterans Rest Camp (Big Marine Lake, Minnesota – North of Twin Cities): The Disabled Veterans Rest Camp provides facilities and opportunities for recreation, rest, and well being for all women and men who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, along with their families. The campground is open to all military personnel in good standing: Active duty, Reservists/Guard, veterans, disabled, retirees, families and friends.
- Eagle Rock Camp (Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin): Eagle Rock Camp reconnects military families at therapeutic retreats that are faith based, build a healthy spirit and strong family bonds. We believe that when the troops serve, the whole family serves. To honor, respect and empower these brave men, women and their children, we created secluded and very special settings that are free from the distractions of daily life. This allows our military families to focus on each other and to better handle the challenges of invisible and visible wounds. Our families attend 6 day/5 night retreats at no charge to them. The entire family learns life skills that provide positive, life changing experiences so they can recharge their energy and spirits, while learning to live life better and enhance family relationships. They learn to have fun together, once again.
- English River Outfitters (Washington, IA, adjacent Sockum Ridge): English River Outfitters is part of the healing process for veterans. Our priority is to help foster a healthy readjustment back to civilian life through a positive outdoor experience. Veterans and families served at English River Outfitters experience a variety of therapeutic, group-based activities designed to re-establish confidence, hope, and health. In addition to our weekend retreats for veterans, we also hold special programs to serve children from Gold Star families, as well as ladies-only veteran camp-out events. What Makes English River Outfitters different? We believe there is healing in nature, and therefore we emphasize an outdoor experience where veterans can fish, hunt, and hike in the woodlands surrounding our facilities. Veterans with physical disabilities are able to participate fully using our all-terrain wheelchairs. The veterans we serve participate in sporting activities that challenge and empower them, all while immersed in Iowa’s natural, refreshing wilderness.
- FAVE Boating Expeditions (Ruskin, FL): FAVE Boating Expeditions started out by providing a variety of boating trips to those who had endured the death of a Fallen Warrior. Over the years we have expanded the program to provide boating trips to any American Hero (Veterans, Military Service Members, Fire Fighters, Law Enforcement Officers (both active and retired), and their families, as well as, Blue, Silver & Gold Star Family Members.
- Fishing for Freedom Quincy – June 4-6, 2021 (Quincy, Illinois): Fishing For Freedom – Quincy is a no entry fee bass, catfish, and crappie tournament that pairs our warriors (active military and veterans) with our boaters (professional anglers, avid tournament fishermen, fishing guides, and local outdoorsmen) for a fun day of fishing on our local fisheries. Fishing For Freedom – Quincy cannot give back all the lost time away from the great outdoors during deployment, but we can give back a weekend. We do that by providing our Warriors with a weekend full of entertainment and enjoyment of the great outdoors with their fellow Veterans and active duty personnel, as well as the general public. This event is designed to provide our Warriors with events that range from a fish fry, trapshooting, archery, live music, a Heroes Banquet, and a day of fun tournament fishing on the Mighty Mississippi River or Mark Twain Lake. We also have private lake(s) where we take our Warriors who cannot easily fish from a boat to ensure their safety and well-being.
- Fishing for Freedom – October 8-10, 2021 (Truman Lake, Missouri): Come out and share a wonderful day of camaraderie on a beautiful lake with America’s real life heroes in an attempt to show them how much we appreciate the sacrifices they make that allow us to enjoy the freedoms of the greatest country in the world.
- Flyin’ Heroes (West Michigan): Flyin’ Heroes is a program that utilizes the sport of fly fishing to promote therapeutic growth and rehabilitation of U.S. military veterans. The goal of Flyin’ Heroes is to create memorable fly fishing experiences that unlock the healing power of the water and foster lasting relationships. Fishing is simply the tool that allows us to connect with our local community of veterans. We focus on the importance of creating lasting relationships and life long memories on the river.
- Forest Home Christian Camps (California): Forest Home offers a military campership available for our active military personnel and their immediate families who wish to attend family camp. The award is equal to 75% off of the economy housing price. The families may upgrade to standard housing and pay the difference in cost however.
- Freedom Hunters: Freedom Hunters is a military outreach program dedicated to honoring those who protect our freedoms. Our mission is to salute the noble work of our courageous men and women of our Armed Forces. Freedom Hunters reflects the outdoor community’s appreciation to our troops by taking: select active duty and combat veterans, families of fallen heroes, children of the deployed, as well as those wounded or injured, on outdoor adventures. Freedom Hunters mission is empowered by the generous support of many: sportsmen, conservation groups, state agencies, outfitters, corporations, and land owners.
- Freedom Waters Foundation (Naples, FL – south Florida): The Freedom Waters Foundation veterans program, which began in 2012, provides boat outings and marine activities for veterans and their family members, offering the opportunity to relax, leaving their concerns on the dock as they cruise away to enjoy camaraderie with other veterans in a safe, enriching environment.
- Free Military Beaches (New Jersey): Seeking to provide free beach access to military in New Jersey.
- Gameday for Heroes: Gameday for Heroes is a not-for-profit organization that sends wounded and active duty military personnel to college sporting events, focusing mainly on football, basketball, and baseball. Gameday For Heroes accepts monetary donations, unused tickets from season ticket holders, donations from university or college athletic departments and ticket offices, and in-kind donations.
- Gratitude America Retreats (Marineland, FL and Amelia Island, FL): Our organization is proud to be hosting the Gratitude America Military Support Retreats, an integrative intensive retreats program for post-9/11 era service members/veterans and their primary support persons (this may include a friend, family member, parent, spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, caregiver, etc.).
- Heroes’ Hunt for Veterans (Waupun, WI): Heroes’ Hunt For Veterans is a non-profit organization designed to benefit veterans, which gives them the opportunity to experience a quality, guided, free-range, deer, turkey or waterfowl hunt.
- Home Bases’s Adventure Series (2021 events are virtual): Join other veterans and their families for FREE activities to strengthen family bonds before, during and after military deployment. Veterans and families may explore a new sport, meet other veterans and military families, and learn more about the clinical services, education, and research offered by Home Base. Home Base collaborates with businesses and non-profit community organizations throughout New England who host the Adventure Series activities. Past activities include: skiing, skating, and museum visits in the winter and sailing, attending baseball games, and other sports in the summer time. Events are open to both adaptive and able-bodied participants.
- HomeFront Equestrians, Inc. (Ware, MA): Founded as a way of giving back to military families, HomeFront Equestrians, Inc. offers hands on horsemanship; from grooming and groundwork to riding and showing, we offer an in-depth program for military families in a fun, positive and educational environment.
- Horses4Heroes: Horses4Heroes is a Las Vegas-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to empowering youth, adults and families and enriching their lives through deeply discounted recreational, instructional and morale-boosting health and wellness programs that emphasize fun and safe activities with horses. Our large and growing national network includes more than 300 facilities in 45 states plus Canada. Through programs like Operation Free Ride, we have given thousands of free horseback rides and we are introducing a brand new audience to the world of horses.
- House in the Woods, Inc. (Lee, Maine): The mission of House in the Woods, Inc. is to create a therapeutic, recreational, and educational retreat for our nation’s U.S. armed forces and their families, using outdoor wilderness activities in Maine and natural habitats to help participants share common challenges related to their service and sacrifice in protecting our nation’s freedom and democratic ideals.
- Hunt Antler Ridge (NW Missouri): An easy drive one hour north of Kansas City is a place at the end of the road where you trade in your daily pressures for a slower pace. There, you’ll find a relaxed atmosphere only known to those that visit. Take a few moments to consider Antler Ridge by reviewing our website. Hunting, horse riding, hiking and fishing are only a few of the activities you can enjoy. We offer 50% off the price of our accommodations to those that have served in combat. Our only catch for our reduced rate accommodations is a trade for a “combat patch”.
- Hunts for Healing Foundation – Family Camp (NE Pennsylvania): Founded February 2009, Hunts for Healing was created to establish a fund to sponsor wounded soldiers returning from military missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and veterans who have successfully completed a mental and physical evaluation; allowing them to participate in outdoor programs including, but not limited to, hunter safety, clay target shooting, pheasant, upland and small game hunting, fishing and camping. Hunts for Healing events take place primarily in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but in the future may extend beyond our state borders. Our mission and field of interest are to create an atmosphere that promotes challenges in the outdoors and healing from within. With the assistance of volunteer guides, mentors and trained field dogs, the experiences Hunts for Healing provides aides in the physical, emotional and spiritual healing, as well as, providing social interaction that allows the soldiers to transition back into their daily lives.
- Irreverent Warriors: The mission of Irreverent Warriors is to bring veterans together using humor and camaraderie to improve mental health and prevent veteran suicide. The vision of Irreverent Warriors is to be the force that unites the veteran community and drives a healthy culture within its members. Through creative engagements, events, and strong veteran-based support networks, we will be known as the catalyst for improving the veteran outlook.
- Kieve Veterans Camp (Kieve, ME): Kieve Wavus Education expresses our thanks and gratitude for their service to our nation by offering veterans and their families a stress-free week-long program at our Veterans Camps. Our camps offer veterans a chance to relax, have fun and reconnect with their family and with other veterans. Eat great food, sleep like a baby, and build great memories. Come to one of our camps and enjoy a variety of fun, entertaining and challenging indoor and outdoor activities. We have two specialty camps – Vietnam Only and Women Only – and a Family Veterans Camp for any veteran and their family. All three of our camps are one week long and are offered at no cost, just sign up and get yourselves here!
- My Warrior’s Place (Ruskin, FL): The mission of My Warrior’s Place is to honor, support and promote healing of the mind and spirit by providing a relaxed setting, special programs and to be a resource for any Military Service Member, Veteran, Fire Fighter, Law Enforcement Officer (active or retired), Blue Star, Silver Star or Gold Star Family Member whose life has been touched and forever changed due to a tragic event and/or the death of a Fallen Warrior while in service to our country. My Warrior’s Place’s mission is also to provide a safe refuge and bring about healing and hope to all veterans and military service members who have returned from the battlefield.
- National Parks – Free entrance pass: Active duty service men and women – Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and activated National Guard and Reserves – can obtain the new military version of the America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Annual Pass. The pass will be accepted at National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Army Corps sites that charge entrance or standard amenity fees. Military members and their dependents can pick up a pass at any national park or wildlife refuge that charges an entrance fee or other selected sites. Members must show a current, valid military identification card to obtain their pass. The pass is also available to dependents of active duty personnel.
- Northwest Natural Horsemanship Center (NWNHC Family Fund) (Fall City, WA)Warrior Family Retreat: There are many military programs to help warriors transition from the battlefront to the homefront, but the families are often left to deal with deployment challenges on their own. Through the Warrior Family Retreats, families of military personnel who have been deployed overseas can get away to the country for a weekend retreat and family healing time. All family lodging and meal expenses are paid for through generous contributions to the NWNHC Family Fund.
- Operation: Care and Comfort – Tickets for Troops (San Francisco Bay area and Northern California): Working with sports teams, event venues and season ticket holders, OCC has distributed tens of thousands donated tickets to military families and veterans in the San Francisco Bay area and Northern California, free of charge.
- Operation Grateful Nation (Massena, NY): Operation Grateful Nation provides a fun-filled, outdoor experience for our active duty service members, retirees, and their families. The Wing River House was given by John Wing to Operation Grateful Nation (OGN), the 501c3 he established to help veterans almost a decade ago. It is a place where veterans can go with their family and friends, to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing time on the river.
- Operation Jersey Shore Vacation: Operation Jersey Shore Vacation is an organization whose purpose is to unite deserving soldiers who have just recently returned from or are about to embark on deployment in Iraq or Afghanistan on a free vacation with their families at the Jersey Shore.
- Operation: Military Kids Family Camp (Hawaii) : YMCA Camp Erdman has partnered with Operation: Military Kids (OMK) to provide family camps for military families. These family camps are designed to give military families various resources and outlets and provide some much needed recreation time. For more information on OMK and their programs, click here. The Hawaii Operation: Military Kids Family Camp is intended to provide much needed time for Reserve, Guard and Active Duty families to connect after a deployment or before an impending deployment. Most of the costs associated with attending camp, such as food, lodging and activities are paid for by Operation: Military Kids, so we are able to offer the camp at affordable rates for families.
- Operation Oasis at Sandy Cove (Maryland): Have you been deployed overseas away from your family (hardship tour) within the last 12 months? Sandy Cove’s Operation Oasis ministry was designed to help military families reconnect following the long and challenging separation caused by war…and to say, “Thank you and welcome home!” There are a variety of retreats that you may choose from including: 5 Night Family Camp Vacation, a Valentine Couples Getaway and a Fall Couples Weekend or a two-night getaway.
- Operation Purple Family Retreats – National Military Family Assoc. Family Retreats: Operation Purple® Family Retreats are designed to allow families to reconnect after experiencing the stresses surrounding a deployment. They are a great opportunity to spend time outdoors, try new things, make friends, and enjoy quality time together as a family. These four day retreats take place in beautiful National Parks and are led by experienced outdoor educators.
- Operation R&R: Operation R & R is a non -profit organization, founded in 2008, dedicated to serving military families, First Responder families and Gold Star families who have sacrificed extended time apart from loved ones, been injured or worse in their line of duty. Over 1500 families have been helped since 2008. Specifically, Operation R&R provides a week long, NO COST, stress free experience on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We assume total costs for airfare, lodging and housekeeping services, plus grocery and restaurant gift certificates.
- Operation Supply Drop: Operation Supply Drop is a chapter based veteran support ecosystem enhancing lives through community engagement. Since 2010, OSD has impacted over 750,000 veterans, active military and family members through award-winning programs emphasizing Social Connectivity, Professional Development and Community Stewardship. Social Connectivity opportunities include: Physical Fitness & Wellness, Family Outings, Concerts & Sporting Events, Tailgates, Coffee Meetups, Recreational Therapy and more.
- Operation Welcome Home at Miracle Lodge Retreat and Conference Center (Stewartville, MN): The Miracle Lodge has become the premier facility for retreats for soldiers and their families. Operation Welcome Home got started in 2007 and has now served over 300 families. We have a list of upcoming military retreats. These retreats are free of charge for all military. Help spread the word and sign up today.
- Outward Bound: Adventure and challenge, solitude, reflection, and renewal, the wilderness has always symbolized a new beginning – a place for discovery and fulfilling adventure. The Outward Bound program for veterans provides an opportunity for camaraderie and has proven to be a powerful tool helping veterans readjust after leaving the combat zone. Our newest programs offer numerous wilderness adventures exclusively for war veterans, and are fully funded for all participants, to include their roundtrip stateside travel costs between home and the excursion site. Our goals include helping participating veterans build a supportive community with other war veterans; facilitating discussions on readjustment and transition challenges; and re-energizing and reinvigorating our veterans’ spirits with adventures and challenges in the beautiful outdoors.
- Pine Cove (East Texas, Central Texas, South Carolina): Pine Cove is a gospel-centered Christian camp with ten camp properties in East Texas, Central Texas, and South Carolina, and a traveling day camp program that brings camp to dozens of locations across the Southeast. Pine Cove is a growing, longstanding ministry with 50 years of camping experience. Pine Cove energetically serves more than 30,000 campers each summer with awesome activities, highly trained counselors, and a Christ-centered, others-focused, and seriously fun outlook. Pine Cove offers scholarships for military families, but they need to apply through their scholarship program. They offer 50% off for family or youth camps.
Marriage/Dating Resources
- Start Marriage Right: Falling in love with that special someone is one the most exciting times of your life! As you get to know each other better, our goal is to come alongside you with valuable and timely resources that will help you start your marriage right. If you’re already engaged and planning for the big day, CONGRATULATIONS!! You’ll be one of the TWO MILLION marriages happening over the next year. As you think about preparing for marriage, what’s your biggest concern? You know, marriage is so much more than what flowers you’ll carry and the kind of cake you’ll serve at the reception. Have you thought much about the family that you’re marrying into and your extended family’s involvement in your relationship? What are their expectations and where will you spend your first Christmas together? How do you resolve disagreements and conflict? There is a way to work through differences, not walk away, and stay together. Remember your wedding day is just the beginning. You can have a lifelong marriage!
- Debunking Divorce Myths: Fact: Divorce rates are rising. Fact: Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Fact: There are ten myths of divorce. Read more about the ten myths…
- Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce: DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. DivorceCare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable DivorceCare resources to help you deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life. There are thousands of DivorceCare divorce recovery support groups meeting throughout the US, Canada and in other countries around the world. There’s one meeting near you!
- Military Divorce Guide: Comprehensive family law information for service members and family members.
Family Support Organization Resources
- Blue Star Families: Frequent moves, deployments, and transitions can make it hard for military families to establish strong, trusted networks. We bridge the gap between military family communities and the general public. Through our partnerships, Blue Star Families provides free resources, services, and opportunities to more than 1.5 million military family members—making military life more sustainable.
- DoD Military Family Readiness Council: The purpose of this page is to provide information to military families about the Department of Defense Military Family Readiness Council.
- FOCUS (Families Over Coming Under Stress) FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress™) provides resiliency training to military children and families. It teaches practical skills to meet the challenges of deployment and reintegration, to communicate and solve problems effectively, and to successfully set goals together and create a shared family story.
- Military Families United: Military Families United is a not-for-profit charitable organization whose mission is to Honor the Fallen, Support Those Who Fight, and Serve Their Families. We are a national coalition of Gold Star and Blue Star families, veterans, and patriotic Americans who share a deep appreciation for our men and women in uniform and support them in their mission to keep America safe. Founded in 2005 to provide an avenue for military families to remind the nation of the importance of supporting our military and the mission they had been given to accomplish, we expanded to provide charitable programs that offer families direct support. Through a portfolio of unique services, events, and advocacy programs, we seek to ensure that future generations of Americans will never forget the sacrifices of our courageous military and that these men and women and their families receive the support they need.
- Military OneSource: Military OneSource (MOS) supplements existing family programs by providing a website and a worldwide, 24 hour, seven-day-a-week information and referral telephone service to ALL active, Guard and Reserve Soldiers, deployed civilians and their families. MOS services are provided at no-cost. This site is designed to help military families deal with life’s issues. Call 1-800-342-9647 for confidential, compassionate support. Military OneSource can provide information on topics such as parenting and child care, education, relocation, financial and legal matters, emotional issues, well-being, grief and loss, addiction, and deployment and reunion issues. Need to file a state or federal tax return? You can do both online through Military OneSource. Also, you can ask for free educational materials in many subject areas. Booklets, CDs, or articles will be sent free of charge if you want information on such things as buying your first car, relationship issues, or many other topics.
- National Military Family Association: The National Military Family Association is an organization with strong grassroots support balanced with professionalism that makes us a leader in the field. Not only do we support military families – we are military families. Spouses, parents, and family members make up our staff and board positions. We speak up on behalf of military families and empower husbands, wives, and children to understand and access their benefits. Based on what we hear from our members, we meet the needs of service members and their families with insightful recommendations, innovative programs, and grassroots efforts to better the quality of life for military families.
- Operation Homefront: Operation Homefront (OH) provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors. Through generous, widespread public support and a collaborative team of exceptional staff and volunteers, we aspire to become the provider of choice for emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors. Where there is a need we do not provide, we will partner with others for the benefit of our military families. Operation Homefront provides direct services to alleviate a military family’s or individual’s actual/complete emergency financial burden, as well as counseling and/or recovery support. Emergency financial assistance is in the form of checks paid directly to mortgage lenders, auto mechanics, contractors, hospitals, doctors, dentists and other providers.
- YMCA: The Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) is a national member association of the YMCA of the USA and works with the Department of Defense. ASYMCA has provided support services to military service members and their families for more than 140 years, particularly focused on junior-enlisted men and women – the individuals on the front lines defending our nation and their families. It offers essential programs such as childcare, hospital assistance, spouse support services, food services, computer training classes, health and wellness services, and holiday meals, among many others.
Wishes & Dreams Resources
- Military OneSource: Military OneSource (MOS) supplements existing family programs by providing a website and a worldwide, 24 hour, seven-day-a-week information and referral telephone service to ALL active, Guard and Reserve Soldiers, deployed civilians and their families. MOS services are provided at no-cost. This site is designed to help military families deal with life’s issues. Call 1-800-342-9647 for confidential, compassionate support. Military OneSource can provide information on topics such as parenting and child care, education, relocation, financial and legal matters, emotional issues, well-being, grief and loss, addiction, and deployment and reunion issues. Need to file a state or federal tax return? You can do both online through Military OneSource. Also, you can ask for free educational materials in many subject areas. Booklets, CDs, or articles will be sent free of charge if you want information on such things as buying your first car, relationship issues, or many other topics.
- A Million Thanks: A Million Thanks supports our injured military veterans by granting wishes that make their lives more enjoyable.
- Brat Pack 11: Brat Pack 11 is an organization founded by Kenzie Hall to show honor and gratitude to our nation’s youngest boots on the ground. Brat Pack 11 is dedicated to supporting the children of our wounded and fallen heroes by providing them with unforgettable experiences and connecting them with a network for continued support throughout their childhood.
- Dreams for Veterans: Dreams for Veterans serves our nation’s military communities by giving back to terminally ill veterans and their families through the fulfillment of a final dream. Final dreams range from basic need items (like a working appliance or mobility scooter) to bedside reunions, final vacations with family, “meet and greets” with personal heroes or reconnecting with aspects of former military service.
- Hero’s Wish (Veteran Tickets Foundation – Vet Tix): Hero’s Wish allows members who meet certain criteria to request specific tickets for any single event (NOTE: We are not capable of fulfilling meet and greets, trips, cruises, hotel stays or flights), and have donors fulfill that request either by ticket donation or by donating money to make the hero’s wish come true. The Hero’s Wish program can be used by active duty military personnel (one month prior to, while on leave from or one month after their deployments), severely wounded warriors and the families of men and woman killed in action (KIA). The Vet Tix Hero’s Wish team and other volunteers explore possible ways to make the Hero’s Wish come true for our veteran. Most Hero’s Wishes are funded on a case by case basis by posting on our website with a donate button, and by the Hero’s Wish team hard at work behind the scenes making phone calls, sending faxes and emails to make the Hero’s Wish a reality.
- Hope for the Warriors: A Warrior’s Wish® supports the long-term goal of hope beyond recovery through financial grants awarded to severely injured service members, veterans, their families and families of the fallen. Whether it is adaptive equipment, tools for a hobby or business, or family bonding experiences, A Warrior’s Wish collaborates with the community to make Wishes come true for our warriors and their families.
- Modest Needs: At Modest Needs, we empower members of the general public to make small, emergency grants to low-income workers who are at risk of slipping into poverty. Through the use of online crowdfunding technology, Modest Needs Foundation promotes the idea that any individual can make a huge impact in a neighbor’s life by giving as little as $10 or $15 at a time.
- On Behalf (New York, New England): Founded by 4 US Army veterans in 2005, is a nonprofit organization that aims to raise both funds and services for injured Iraq and Afghanistan veterans from New York and New England. With an all-volunteer team and few administrative costs, over 90% of your contribution ends up supporting our military men and women.
- Operation Once in a Lifetime: Operation Once in a Lifetime’s mission is to make the dreams of soldiers and their families come true by providing free financial and moral support. Operation Once in a Lifetime was created by a soldier to help other soldiers; a soldier knows what a soldier needs and a soldier knows what a soldier does not need. A soldier does not need to worry about providing beds for his kids, worrying if his electricity will still be on when he goes home or if his house will be foreclosed on when serving his/her country. A soldier needs a program that will provide free financial assistance regardless of his rank, race, branch of service, physical condition or his deployment status. A soldier needs a program that can help make a life altering contribution when he is in his/her greatest need; Operation Once in a Lifetime is that program.
- Operation Warrior Wishes: Operation Warrior Wishes’ mission is to honor heroes, keep legacies alive and provide once in a lifetime experiences to warriors from the Battlefields to the Ballfields
- Veterans United Foundation: Nominate A Veteran or Organization – We welcome nominations and recommendations for veterans, military families and nonprofit organizations in need of assistance. The Foundation Committee evaluates every nomination received. We are dedicated to helping individuals and families during disasters and tragedies, including unforeseen and uncontrollable natural events, such as illness, fire or accident. Individual donations do not include payment of bills, mortgages or home improvement projects due to everyday life happenings. If you know a candidate who meets the criteria, we encourage you to submit the nomination.
- Wish For Our Heroes: The Phoenix Group launched a non-profit foundation in November of 2009 that grants wishes for active duty Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and their families. The Foundation strives to relieve the burdens of family separation, re-integration for deployed soldiers, hardship circumstances, and other means of assistance not covered by existing military charities. The Foundation is driven by an interactive website allowing anyone to request a wish for active duty members of our Armed Forces. The website allows ‘wish granters’ to view wishes and contribute donations.
Other Wishes & Dreams Resources
- GoFundMe: Free fundraising for the people & causes you care about.
- Plumb Fund: A simple, free crowdfunding and cash gift site for all your fundraising ideas.
Brain Injury Resources
- VA Caregiver Support: The VA Caregiver Support program offers services specifically designed for the family caregiver, including a Caregiver Support Line, Caregiver Support Coordinators, and in-home and adult day health care options.
- VA National Center for PTSD: The National Center for PTSD is the center of excellence for research and education on the prevention, understanding, and treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Although the center provides no direct clinical care, its purpose is to improve the well-being and understanding of American Veterans.
- Vet Center Combat Call Center: An around the clock confidential VA call center where combat veterans and their families can call to talk about their military experience or any other issue they are facing in their readjustment to civilian life.
- Vet Centers: Vet Centers across the country provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to combat Veterans and their families regardless of discharge status.
- Veterans Crisis Line: The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
- Veterans’ Employment & Training Service: The U.S. Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment & Training Service (DOL VETS) project that addresses the employment challenges of returning Service Members living with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
- Vets4Warriors: Vets4Warriors is a 24/7 peer support network for a service member, veteran, family member or caregiver who needs to talk to someone who has been through similar situations and can help them get answers to their questions. They offer confidential conversations and trusted solutions to physical, mental or social challenges before those challenges turn into crises.
- Warrior Care Network: The Warrior Care Network provides clinical and family-centered treatment to post-9/11 veterans living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other related conditions.
- Women Veterans Call Center: The Women Veterans Call Center is a VA call center that receives and responds to questions from women veterans, their families, and caregivers across the nation about available VA services and resources. Open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ET and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET
- Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline: The Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline offers wounded, injured, or ill soldiers and their families a way to share concerns on the quality of patient care. To provide senior Army leaders with visibility on medically-related issues so they can properly allocate resources to better serve soldiers and families. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Wounded Warrior Project: Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) began when several veterans and friends, moved by stories of the first wounded service members returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, took action to help others in need. What started as a program to provide comfort items to wounded service members has grown into a complete rehabilitative effort to assist warriors as they recover and transition back to civilian life. Thousands of wounded warriors and caregivers receive support each year through WWP programs designed to nurture the mind and body, and encourage economic empowerment.
Mental/Emotional Health Resources
- Vet Center Combat Call Center: An around the clock confidential VA call center where combat veterans and their families can call to talk about their military experience or any other issue they are facing in their readjustment to civilian life.
- Vet Centers: Vet Centers across the country provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to combat Veterans and their families regardless of discharge status.
- Veterans Crisis Line: The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
- Veterans’ Employment & Training Service: The U.S. Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment & Training Service (DOL VETS) project that addresses the employment challenges of returning Service Members living with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
- Vets4Warriors: Vets4Warriors is a 24/7 peer support network for a service member, veteran, family member or caregiver who needs to talk to someone who has been through similar situations and can help them get answers to their questions. They offer confidential conversations and trusted solutions to physical, mental or social challenges before those challenges turn into crises.
- Military Pathways Provides Anonymous Assessments: This free, online mental health screening tool provides anonymous mental health and alcohol self-assessments for family members and service personnel in all branches including the National Guard and Reserve. The self-assessments are a series of questions that, when linked together, help create a picture of how an individual is feeling and whether they could benefit from talking to a health professional. The primary goals of the program are to reduce stigma, raise awareness about mental health, and connect those in need to available resources. The self-assessments address depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol use and bipolar disorder. After an individual completes a self-assessment, they are provided with referral information including services provided by the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
- Vets4Warriors – Connects Military Personnel : This 24 – hour peer support line is staffed by Veterans of the United States Military who are committed to helping the men and women who are currently serving or have served in the National Guard and Reserve. While their mission is to serve the military and Veterans, they are a separate organization outside of the military and apart from the Veterans Administration. Calls and emails are not discussed with the military, the VA, or anyone else. All conversations are completely confidential and, if you choose, you may remain anonymous.
- The Veterans Crisis Line: The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring VA responders through a confidential hotline, online chat, and text-messaging service. Veterans and their families and friends are encouraged to call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or text to 838-255 to speak with qualified VA professionals 24/7/365. Visit the Veterans Crisis Line website for information on signs of a crisis and a self-check quiz; a resource locator to find support; materials such as posters and flyers to download and distribute and more.
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The NAMI website hosts a Veterans Resource Center where visitors will find information about treatment programs for military personnel and their families suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related conditions; bereavement classes; and other support services for children and families of military personnel.
- Family-to-Family Education Program: NAMI has partnered with the VA to bring their Family-to-Family Education Program to veterans’ families in an effort to address PTSD and the increased risk of suicide veterans and family members often face. This partnership between NAMI and the Veterans Administration is bringing the free, 12-week course to families of veterans across the country.
- NAMI Homefront: Based on the nationally recognized NAMI Family-to-Family program, NAMI Homefront is designed to address the unique needs of family, caregivers, and friends of those who have served or are currently serving our country. The program is taught by trained family members of service members/veterans living with mental health conditions.
- Survivor Outreach Services: Survivor Outreach Services is the official Army program designed to provide long-term support to surviving families of fallen soldiers. This site provides detailed information on topics most often requested by fellow survivors including information regarding benefits and entitlements, governmental and non-governmental resources, important legislative news, survivor outreach services support office locations and more. Find out more information by visiting their website or by calling 855.707.2769.
- Sesame Street Workshop’s Military Family Initiatives – Talk, Listen, Connect: As many as 700,000 children under the age of five have a parent in the military. Recognizing the need for first-rate media-based resources to support military families, Sesame Workshop launched the bilingual (English/Spanish), multimedia outreach initiative Talk, Listen, Connect: Helping Families During Military Deployment (TLC). This critical outreach tool helped military families and their young children cope with the challenges of deployment and build resilience in times of separation and change.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) leads efforts to ensure that American servicemen and women and their families can access behavioral health treatment and services.
- American Psychological Association (APA): The American Psychological Association (APA) also has published some resources for the mental health needs of Veterans, service members and their families. The information includes Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and the impact of deployments on military families and more.
- Veteran Substance Abuse: A War on Home Soil for Veterans. This article will discuss how veteran substance abuse hurts our troops when they return home. And we will discuss the way that we can help them overcome their substance use disorders.
Music Therapy Resources
- Armed Services Arts Partnership (Alexandria, VA): The Armed Services Arts Partnership offers community-creating, expressive arts programs at no cost to service members, veterans, and military families by partnering with reputable veterans nonprofits and leveraging the resources of universities near areas with large military populations.
- C.A.M.M.O. (Fort Belvoir, VA): C*A*M*M*O the Center for American Military Music Opportunities, is committed to the principles of servant leadership with peer serving peer – American service member and veteran serving veteran. C*A*M*M*O builds the skills of musicianship and performance, putting our service members in touch with leading industry talent development specialists, extending career opportunities left unattainable to military personnel, and presents performances, concerts, and workshops to audiences of all ages.
- Challenge America Music Therapy: Challenge America Music Opportunities equips veterans with the tools they need to cope with the trauma of their military experience. Designed specifically for veterans who struggle with post-traumatic stress and/or traumatic brain injury, each participant receives three days of expert-led music therapy, a high quality acoustic guitar, and access to our exclusive online networking tools as well as our growing library of free video tutorials on guitar, songwriting, and mindfulness. We provide these services to veterans for free. This is just one of the ways Challenge America works to realize its vision that all service members, veterans and their families have access to the resources they need to live productive, dignified lives.
- Clear22: works with professional artists and entrepreneurs to gather resources for emerging artists of all types including photographers, writers, visual artists, and musicians, among others, who have been directly affected by war and military service. The website also features an online marketplace and artist grant program.
- CreatiVets: CreatiVets takes combat veterans struggling with PTSD and traumatic brain injuries to Nashville and pairs them up with songwriters to give them the opportunity to tell their story through a song. We also have two three-week, fully-accredited art courses (at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Virginia Commonwealth University) which teach veterans how to use conceptual-based art techniques to communicate their experiences from war. We are a 100% veteran-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all the veterans that attend our program are paired up with another veteran that has come through the program and can relate to their experience.
- Guitars for Vets: A non-profit organization designed to enhance the lives of ailing and injured veterans by providing them with guitars and music instruction. It is our hope that self expression through the gift of music will help restore the feelings of joy and purpose that can be lost after suffering trauma.
- Heroes’ Voices: Heroes’ Voices helps veterans build confidence and community by connecting them with the power of music. Veterans raise their voices together in song with our free music workshops, free online guitar lessons, and on-line resources. Launched in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are expanding throughout the USA.
- Music for Veterans (Erie, PA): We are a non-profit organization serving the men and women who have served our country. If you’ve served in the military at any time and in any branch of the service, you are welcome to join us in the life-long practice of attaining peace through playing a musical instrument.
- Music 4 Vets (Music 4 More): Music 4 Vets is program of Music 4 More. Our mission is to provide instruments to programs that work with our nations veterans.
- Music Healing Veterans Canada: We are a dedicated not-for-profit organization of veteran and civilian volunteers with the objective of bringing FREE music instruction, loaner equipment and companionship to our local: Military Veterans (Regular or Reserve; All Branches), First Responders (Fire, Police, EMT), Medical (Doctors, Nurses, etc.), Corrections Canada, and Canada Border Services personnel.
- MusicianCorps (San Francisco, CA): MusicianCorps is a program of Center for Music National Service (MNS), a social enterprise based in San Francisco that promotes music for public benefit and social impact. MusicianCorps trains and places musicians as teachers, mentors and care workers in public schools, children’s and veterans hospitals and other settings where music can reach, teach and heal. MusicianCorps also promotes the role of music in society through advocacy and policy development.
- Music is the Medicine Foundation: The Music Is The Medicine Foundation is a national non-profit organization that was created to positively impact people’s lives through the healing power of music and our belief that music can inspire tangible change in the world.
- Musicorps (Washington, DC): It is difficult to imagine the life of a severely wounded warrior recovering at Walter Reed. Wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan, many have had their lives blown up in every sense of the word. Musicorps is an intensive music rehabilitation program that helps them recover their lives. Musicorps replicates “real world” music relationships so that injured veterans work on, and are motivated to work on, robust goal-oriented projects many hours a day. Musicorps integrates individualized projects, regular visits by accomplished musicians, and the use of specially-assembled computer-based music workstations along with traditional instruments. Working in any musical style they prefer, wounded warriors are able to learn, play, write, record, and produce original material.
- Music Therapy for Veterans (California): Music Therapy For Veterans (MTFV) mission is to serve those who are so valiantly serving or have served in the Armed Forces of the United States. MTFV provides a variety of trauma-conscious sound and frequency-based wellness options for optimal healing, health and resiliency. MTFV has joined forces with individuals and organizations in the medical, holistic, academic, business, entertainment and hospitality industries offering trauma-sensitive and evidence-based wellness support. By co-hosting post traumatic growth events such as concerts, workshops, education, mentoring and employment programs, MTFV is benefiting active duty military service personnel, veterans and their families, nationally and worldwide.
- Operation Encore: Operation Encore is a collaboration of singer-songwriters and musicians from across the veteran and military communities. Our organization focuses on two primary goals. First, Operation Encore provides opportunities and talent development for selected artists aspiring to take their music to a professional level. Second, we provide a unique service to the public, helping to bridge the gap between reality and public perception of veterans through the powerful medium of original music. We seek out talent from across the military and veteran communities, and offer selected artists unique opportunities, including professional networking education and training, live performances, marketing, advertising, talent development, studio time, distribution of music, and much more.
- Operation Oak Tree (Music Institute of Chicago): Operation Oak Tree is ITA’s programming for military children and families throughout the cycle of deployment. Its mission is to empower individual expression in order to foster personal growth, deepen interpersonal roots between and among family members, strengthen coping strategies so that families may more easily weather challenges inherent in each season of the cycle, and to make it easy for families to branch out into their communities for support.
- Operation Song (Tennessee): Operation Song is a non-profit based in Nashville, Tennessee. We pair professional songwriters with veterans, active military and their families to help them tell their stories through song. We hold weekly workshops in Middle Tennessee and sponsor events and group retreats throughout the U.S. Those we serve need no musical background, only the desire to tell their story. In a typical session, the songwriter listens and encourages the participant to lay out the “puzzle pieces” of his or her experience. Together, they arrange those pieces into verses and choruses. The result is a complete song that they can call their own.
- Operation Soundoff – Music recording and performing opportunities: Operation: Sound Off! (OSO) provides music recording and performing opportunities to active and veteran military personnel with musical aspirations they put on hold to serve their country. We believe these efforts can help with rehabilitation, reintegration, and give them an opportunity to tell their stories through music.
- Redcon-1 Music Group: The mission of Redcon is to help control symptoms of PTSD for our warfighter community through music and making music.
- Resounding Joy (San Diego, CA): Resounding Joy works directly with returning military service members who are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury, Alcohol and Drug Addictions, and other psychological and physical ailments related to combat stress and trauma. Current funding and support for our military programs is provided by individual donors and a variety of foundations. Resounding Joy is honored to work closely with the military providing music therapy services and promoting supportive musical environments amongst active and retired military members.
- Rock 4 Recovery (Houston, TX): Rock 4 Recovery is a brand new non-profit for veterans of all ages, gender and service history. The mission is to provide a safe and comfortable area for veterans to express their feelings and thoughts through music. Music throughout the years has been found to have positive affects and healing abilities for soldiers with invisible wounds of war such as PTSD and TBI.
- Six String Heroes at Jefferson Barracks (Quincy, IL and Ellisville, MO): The mission of Six String Heroes at Jefferson Barracks is to provide guitar lessons and guitars for United States veterans who are suffering from mental or physical injuries as a result of military service. We believe music has the power to restore the soul.
- Soldier Songs and Voices (San Marcos, TX): Soldier Songs and Voices exists to serve our veterans with FREE music lessons, instruments when necessary, and a means of creative expression through music & song writing. We are musicians, grateful to the men and women of our armed services for the freedoms we enjoy as a result of their sacrifice. We proudly offer veterans and musicians alike an opportunity to share with each other the incredible powers of expression and camaraderie that only music offers. We owe them this at very least, for all they have already given us!
- Songwriting with Soldiers (Austin, TX): Songwriting With Soldiers operates from a simple principle — pair returning active duty soldiers and veterans with professional songwriters in a retreat setting to craft songs about personal experiences in combat. With a focus on collaboration and building trust, this innovative program, founded by Austin, Texas singer-songwriter Darden Smith, offers a unique path to help soldiers, their families, communities and our nation cope with the aftermath of combat duty and the challenges in returning home.
- Sounds of Acoustic Recovery (SOAR) (Clarksville, TN, Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY): Sounds of Acoustic Recovery enriches the lives of veterans, service members, and their families through music, the arts, and community. We serve those who have served our country by providing not only free guitar lessons, but also a community of like-minded individuals. This positive social environment helps to bring a smile to the faces of those who need it most. SOAR is free and open to all those who serve and have served. This includes: all active duty military, all veterans as well as first responders such as EMTs, police, firefighters, etc.
- Strumming for Vets: Most of you are aware of the sacrifices our veterans have made for us. What many people are not aware of is the continuing sacrifices vets face when they come home. Repeated surgeries and years of rehab and adjustment. Some pretty tough stuff. Strumming for Vets is an organization that has come up with a way to help restore the feeling of joy and self-worth that can be lost after extreme trauma. With donated guitars and teachers donating their time, these vets are given a new type of therapy that works!
- The Healing Box Project (Gravois Mills, MO)
- The Rock Club Music is the Remedy (Long Beach, CA): The Rock Club Music is the Remedy is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives and well-being of veterans, at-risk youth and other groups through music instruction, education, and mentoring. Rock For Vets is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives and well being of disabled military veterans in the greater Long Beach area through music instruction and rehabilitation, one on one mentoring and life skill coaching.
- United States Veterans Art Program (USVAP) (Chicago, IL): The United States Veterans Arts Program is a Chicago-based non-profit that has melded contemporary veterans issues with community-based support, in order to highlight one of the most crucial concerns of our times: improving the health of the military and veteran population that suffers not only from physical disabilities, but also from PTSD and other mental health needs. USVAP believes that art can address many of these issues: for this reason, we provide “Artistic Tools” (musical instruments, paints, photography equipment and other art supplies) to veterans and veterans medical facilities. We also provide employment opportunities and resume/portfolio building to veterans actively involved in music performance and production.
- Vet Arts Connect (Maryland): Vet Arts Connect supports the health and well-being of Maryland military veterans by connecting them with vital experiences in nature and the creative arts. Consistent with scientific findings, many veterans report that artistic expression and encounters with nature improve their mood, self-confidence, and ability to manage stress. Veterans: Learn new stuff, meet other veterans, and have fun hiking, playing music, fishing, writing, creating art, and more.
- Veterans Alternative (Holiday, FL): Veterans Alternative utilizes an integrative approach to supplement the main modalities of ART, iRest and Adaptive Yoga. Some of these modalities include Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Meditative and Mindfulness Workshops, HydroMassage and TRX Training and Conditioning. Camaraderie building activities also play a large part at Veterans Alternative and support groups are offered monthly for those who would like to participate.
- Veterans National Entertainment Workshop: The Veterans National Entertainment Workshop helps veterans cope with stress and maintain a level of positive mental health through music, dance, theater, and entertaining productions in which they can directly participate. This nonprofit program offers veterans the opportunity to perform their own material for the general public. Those who participate will be afforded the opportunity to work with Hollywood professionals. Those who do not perform will be given the opportunity to work developing sets and helping with the technical aspects of production.
- Vet-Traxx Project Inc (Sacramento, CA): The mission of Vet-Traxx Project Inc is to provide veterans suffering from PTSD, TBI, and other disabilities with a musical outlet in a recording studio environment by enabling them to utilize their musical talents as a voice of expression. It has been proven that music is an effective form of therapy; providing an outlet for emotions, notion of using song, sound frequencies and rhythm to treat physical ailments
- Voices of Valor (Music For All Seasons, Inc.) (Scotch Plains, NJ): A unique opportunity for veterans to work with songwriters to create a song based on your experiences and reflecting who you are – no musical experience required! A program designed to honor your experiences and help you use music to ease the transition from military to civilian life.
- Warrior Cry Music Project (San Antonio, TX): Warrior Cry is a group of volunteers who work with wounded Soldiers at bases around the country. We provide the Soldiers with musical instruments and then teach them to play. Music is a great form of physical and mental therapy. Working closely with therapists to create a positive educational and therapeutic music program, Warrior Cry gives wounded soldiers something positive to work toward and helps to get their minds off of their injuries. Music also helps get our wounded soldiers out of their shell and interested in socializing with others.
- Warrior Songs (Madison, WI): Warrior Songs is a non-profit organization committed to facilitating healing through the creative arts. Our mission is to assist veterans in more fully understanding and integrating all aspects of the military experience by transforming their traumatic experiences and struggles into an art form which both inspires and is life affirming, thus motivating their continued healing. We also provide educational opportunities for non-military community members to learn more about veteran issues (Post Traumatic Stress, Military Sexual Trauma, and Traumatic Brain Injury).
- Warrior Voices (Colorado): Headquartered in Colorado, Warrior Voices is a non profit organization that exclusively trains and employs military veterans and their spouses as voice actors and voice over artists. Warrior Voices also provides free audio recording equipment and sound
- Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce – Annual Veterans Light Up the Arts (Wisconsin): Calling all veteran, active military, and military spouse artists – We want to feature YOUR art at our annual Veterans Light Up the Arts event. Signups are open to all veterans, active military, and military spouse artists and performers. Music, performance pieces, multimedia, video, visual art, and spoken pieces are all welcome.
Corona Virus Resources
- Hardship Duty Pay- Restriction of Movement: Service members may be entitled to the new HDP-ROM pay if ordered to self-monitor in isolation at a location away from their home. Learn more to see if you qualify.
- Impact of Travel Restrictions on Basic Allowance for Housing Entitlements: Service members unable to execute PCS orders due to travel restrictions may have questions about the impact on their BAH. Find guidance here.
- Military OneSource: Coronavirus Information for Our Military Community: Military OneSource is here for the military community during the pandemic. Check back often for the latest information on COVID-19.
- Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance: Don’t let pay interruptions during the pandemic disrupt your SGLI benefits — you may be able to defer payment even if you are unable to drill.
- Special and Incentive Pays:Service members unable to complete requirements to earn their special or incentive pays as a result of COVID-19 can have the requirements waived under a new policy. Check with your chain of command.
- S. Department of Defense Coronavirus: DoD Response: The Defense Department is collaborating with partner agencies to provide support during the outbreak. Click for current news and information.
- Virtual Personal Financial Counselors: Personal financial counselors are available to provide virtual support for service members and their families — regardless of location.
Relocation Resources
- Department of Transportation: The Department of Transportation has issued guidelines clarifying airline refund requirements. Learn more about your options if your travel has been impacted by the pandemic.
- S. Department of Defense Customer Moving Portal: Are you impacted by the DoD Stop Movement Order? Visit the Customer Moving Portal for up-to-date guidance and information.
Mortgages and Housing Resources
- Federal Housing Finance Agency Mortgage Help for Homeowners Impacted by the Coronavirus: Special mortgage help is available for homeowners affected by COVID-19. Learn more about mortgage loan assistance.
- FINRED Blog: Options for Borrowers Under Federally Backed Mortgage Forbearance Programs: You may have questions about the effects of COVID-19 on your mortgage payments. Find information about federally backed mortgage payment relief.
- S Housing and Urban Development: HUD guidance and resources are available to provide immediate housing support during the outbreak. Find current updates and information on their website.
Student Loan Resources
- Federal Student Aid Coronavirus and Forbearance Info for Students, Borrowers and Parents: Federal Student Aid is here to provide relief during this time of need. Access current information for students, borrowers and parents.
- The Impact of COVID-19 on GI Bill Benefits: Find resources, updated information and answers to all of your questions about how COVID-19 affects your GI Bill education benefits.
Unemployment Resources
- Department of Labor, FAQs: The Department of Labor has created a list of FAQs to offer guidance concerning health coverage issues related to COVID-19. Check here for more information.
- S. Department of Labor: The DOL provides resources for workers and employers related to handling coronavirus in the workplace, including unemployment insurance relief.
- S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration Response to COVID-19: The EBSA remains committed to securing workplace-related benefits for Americans. Learn more about available resources and the agency’s COVID-19 response.
Small Business Resources
- Small Business Administration: The SBA offers guidance on economic injury disaster loans during the outbreak. Find more information on small business relief options on their website.
Emergency Assistance Resources
- Air Force Aid Society: The Air Force Aid Society is here to help. Find relevant information on emergency assistance, education support and community programs.
- Army Emergency Relief: Financial Assistance: Army Emergency Relief is ready to serve. Visit for financial assistance information and resources.
- Coast Guard Mutual Assistance: The Coast Guard Mutual Assistance is here for you. Discover helpful resources when adverse life events happen.
- Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society: The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society has your back. Learn about its financial assistance and education programs.
Avoiding Scams Resources
- Federal Trade Commission: The FTC is tracking coronavirus-based scams and taking action against defraud attempts. Learn more about current scams and FTC actions.
- S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Be aware of scams by companies asking you to invest in products or services to help stop COVID-19. Learn more on the SEC website.
Learn More
- Budgeting in Uncertain Times: When unexpected circumstances lead to financial instability, use these tips to assess your budget and manage your new financial situation.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: The CFPB provides consumers with current information and resources to protect and manage their finances.
- gov: For the latest guidance on how to prepare and protect yourself and your family during the pandemic, explore the government’s COVID-19 website.
- Don’t Panic, Plan It!: You can’t control market volatility, but you can control how you react to it. Here’s how to make a risk-appropriate diversified investment plan.
- Keeping Your Finances Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Take steps to protect your financial well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic with these six tips.
- Military Consumer Blog: Military Consumer provides financial readiness information. Read their blog for helpful tips to guide you during the outbreak.
- Personal Finances and COVID-19: Keep up with the latest policy changes and resources designed to assist service members and their families during times of financial hardship.
- Thrift Savings Plan: Thrift Savings Plan is working hard to support you during this uncertain time. Check back for up-to-date information about TSP operations and temporary changes.
- GOV: The government continues to provide helpful resources related to the impacts of COVID-19. Find the most up-to-date information and guidance here.
- S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Coronavirus Response: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission continues to monitor the market and protect investors. Learn more about their response to COVID-19 uncertainties.
Transportation Resources
- Angel Airlines for Veterans: Angel Airlines for Veterans arranges charitable, non-local trips for veterans who are unable to fly or who need to travel a relatively short distance to access medical care. Through partner charity Angel Wheels, we provide gas cards and commercial train and bus tickets. The typical trip does not exceed 300 miles.
- Disabled American Veteran’s (DAV) Voluntary Services Program: The Disabled American Veteran’s (DAV) Voluntary Services Program operates a network of volunteers who provide veterans free rides to and from VA medical facilities and improve care and morale for sick and disabled veterans.
- Homeward Bound Adirondacks (Saranac Lake, NY): Homeward Bound Adirondacks now offers a volunteer-driven Veteran Transportation service! The van is available with 72 hour notice for veterans, their families, and caregivers. Shorter notice is possible for emergency situations. The service will provide transportation to medical and mental health appointments, errands, and other appointments. Priority will be given to medical and mental health appointments.
- Marine Graduation Foundation: If you don’t have the money to get to the graduation, apply for assistance. People donate, applications are reviewed and if all goes well we will help you with travel costs so that your Marine does not have to stand alone on graduation day. Please remember funds are almost always limited. There are many families to help and many times not enough money to help everyone. If you can get to the graduation without our help, please save the funds for the people who wonder how they are going to get the money to have enough gas to drive to the graduation.
- Operation Destination Homebound (California, North Carolina): Operation: Destination Homebound is an organization that provides FREE rides for military/military families: to and from bases, to and from Airports, also to and from the VA hospitals/administration offices. Our volunteers are mostly Marine parents, and hope to employ veterans in the future.
- Operation Homefront: Operation Homefront assists military families during difficult financial times by providing food assistance, auto and home repair, vision care, travel and transportation, moving assistance, essential home items, and rent-free transitional housing for wounded veterans and their families.
- (Northwest USA): is your resource for commuting options in the Northwest. This regional project is managed by Washington State Department of Transportation and is currently available in Washington and Idaho.
- VA – Free Rides For Veterans In Highly Rural Areas: Thousands of veterans who live in highly rural and remote areas will now have free transportation to their VA medical appointments to receive the health care they need and have earned through service to our country.
- (Atlanta, GA): Our mission is to end veteran homelessness and unemployment throughout Atlanta by providing those who served our country with affordable and reliable transportation. At VetCar, we aim to be a self-sustaining charitable social enterprise throughout Atlanta. We sell vehicles to both veterans and the public to support our goal, every vehicle purchase made by the public supports our effort to give veterans the independence they deserve.” At VetCar, 85% of cars sold are to a veteran, at an affordable price with low monthly financing options at 0% interest. Having reliable and independent transportation improves a veterans prospects, and options for employment, moving them out of the cycle of unemployment and homelessness. With your help, we can put a set of keys into the hands of those who have served our country.
Vehicle Adaptation Resources

- Help Our Military Heroes: Help Our Military Heroes, Inc., (HOMH) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the military wounded with fully equipped handicapped vehicles. HOMH is donation-driven with 100% of public donations going toward purchasing special-needs vehicles for military heroes in need and other programs to help the wounded and injured.
- Heroes to Hometowns (American Legion): Heroes to Hometowns can provide vehicle adaptation for severely injured service members returning home from OEF/OIF.
Hotline Resources
- The Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Defense Hotline: The DoD Hotline provides a confidential avenue for individuals to report allegations of wrongdoing pertaining to programs, personnel, and operations that fall under the purview of the Department of Defense, pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978. Anyone, including members of the public and Department of Defense employees (military members, civilian employees, and DoD contractor employees) may file a complaint with the DoD Hotline.
- Interactive Customer Evaluation – ICE (DOD website): ICE allows DoD customers to rate products and services provided by DoD offices and facilities worldwide. Your comment card ratings are used to improve the products and services available to you. This service applies to all branches of service.
- iWatch Army – Suspicious Activity Reporting: iWatch is a new Army anti-terrorism awareness program. The purpose of the program is to focus and encourage Army-wide community awareness and out-reach efforts to address important topics related to protecting our communities from terrorist acts.
Basic Training Resources
- Air Force Basic Military Training: Your career in the Air Force officially begins with Basic Military Training (BMT). It is a challenging experience both mentally and physically but will ultimately transform you from humble recruit to confident Airman with the skills and confidence you need to excel as a member of the U.S. Air Force.
- Army Basic Combat Training: Basic Combat Training (BCT) is a training course that transforms civilians into Soldiers. Over the course of ten weeks these recruits learn about the Seven Core Army Values, how to work together as a team and what it takes to succeed as a Soldier in the U.S. Army.
- ASVAB Practice Test Online: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is an exam that is administered to newly-entering members of the military in order to assess their aptitude for various skills and subject matters. This website provides an ASVAB practice test with sample questions designed to emulate the official ASVAB questions. If you’re interested in joining the military, or if you already have and you would like some ASVAB practice simply navigate through the ten sections below and take the tests as often as you’d like. The practice ASVAB test consists of ten sections.
- Coast Guard – Spouse Connections: an un-official United States Coast Guard support group. This site is intended for Coast Guard Spouses, but anyone associated with the Coast Guard may participate.
- Coast Guard – It’s Just 8 Weeks YouTube series: The recruits from Sierra Company get their first taste of basic training as they arrive at Boot Camp and go through their first day.
- Coast Guard – Sea Legs Coast Guard Families’ Handbook: The family members guide to the U.S. Coast Guard.
- Marine Corps Recruit Training: There are few reputations more storied and none more deserving than that of Marine Corps Recruit Training. The difficulties this process presents to every recruit are as deliberate as they are legendary, as physical, mental and moral toughness are prerequisites to fight among our ranks. During these 13 weeks of intense battles, it is not enough to simply endure, you must prevail. Pushing through surrender’s pull. Pulling together to prevent all from falling apart. Tapping into the purpose that brought you here, to win for the Nation you fight for.
- Married To The Army – Information, Tips, And Advice: The Army Basic Training section includes information about what to expect when he leaves for basic training as well as tips and advice about your main forms of communication during basic. In addition, you’ll also find post guides written by soldiers and/or spouses for each basic training post.
- Navy Boot Camp: Recruit training is not an endeavor to be taken lightly. The workload is heavy and the recruits must adjust to a completely new way of life. Classroom and skills instruction by the RDC give recruits information on how to adjust to and succeed within the Navy. In addition to classroom instruction, recruits spend time learning the fundamentals of small arms marksmanship, seamanship, water survival, line handling, and fire fighting. Long days and intensive training leave the recruits little free time.
- Official Site of the ASVAB: The official website for the ASVAB testing program.
DIY Resources
- Ana White Homemaker: Information and resources dedicated to enabling just about anyone to build simple stylish furniture on a budget. Featuring hundreds of free step-by-step furniture plans and thousands of readers submitted photos, is helping tens of thousands better their homes on a budget. Ana White, a homemaker and mother from remote Alaska, designs and posts free step-by-step furniture plans several times each week, featuring simple designs, standard materials, and fresh modern styles. All of Ana’s plans are completely free.
- Appliance 411: If you’re looking for unbiassed and helpful tips about home appliances, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve gathered the most frequently requested information about major appliances and designed our website around it.
- Be Jane: If you’re like many of us, the idea of taking on home improvement projects might seem beyond your realm. You may have convinced yourself that you don’t have the skills, you’re not physically able, or that home improvement is just too scary. Well, we’re here to let you know that you can change your home on your own. You can take on any home improvement task, and you can turn the house you live in into a home you’ll love. And once you tackle home improvement, then life improvement and even world improvement are just around the corner. That’s right. At Be Jane, we believe that when women gain the confidence to enhance their homes, they also become inspired to remodel their lives and from there impact the lives of those around them. That’s why Be Jane is more than just the women’s home improvement community. We’re the women’s home power portal!
- DIY Network: DIY Network, from the makers of HGTV and Food Network, is the go-to destination for rip-up, knock-out home improvement television. DIY Network’s programs and experts answer the most sought-after questions and offer creative projects for do-it-yourself enthusiasts. One of the fastest growing digital networks and currently in more than 56 million homes, DIY Network’s programming covers a broad range of categories, including home improvement and landscaping.
- Do It Yourself: is the leading independent home improvement and home repair website. It has been repeatedly honored among the Best on the Web, and was named “One of the Top 50 Sites in the World” by Time Magazine. In addition to its extraordinarily broad list of topics, it operates the most active home improvement forums on the Internet, enabling consumers to get personalized advice from professionals in over 100 subjects.
- e-How: What do you want to do today? No matter what’s on your list, eHow can help. With more than 30 categories that cover just about everything, eHow is your one-stop online resource for life’s challenges. Professionals in every field come together to offer expert advice, backed by the additional support of a can-do eHow community. Together, they’ve created a library of accomplishments online–and it’s available to you anytime, anywhere.
- Family Handyman: The Family Handyman is the DIYers best friend, offering a variety of print and digital resources for do-it-yourself homeowners. Our forte is accurate and complete how-to instructions for improving homes, yards and vehicles. We publish The Family Handyman magazine, the oldest and largest publication for DIYers, and a variety of newsstand publications in addition to this web site.
- Instructables: Instructables is the Biggest How To and DIY community where people make and share inspiring, entertaining, and useful projects, recipes, and hacks.
- Military OneSource: Military OneSource has a Home Improvement Reference Center. Log in, then go to the Online Libraries; located the Home Improvement Reference Center which offers: A-Z topics, decorating, electrical, maintenance, outdoor, plumbing, remodeling, and woodworking.
Legal Aid Resources
- American Bar Association: The mission of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel is to: 1. Foster the continued growth of the military legal assistance programs; 2. Promote the delivery of legal services to military personnel and their family members and to persons accompanying the armed forces outside the United States, on their personal legal affairs; and 3. Maintain close liaison with the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland. Security (with respect to the U.S. Coast Guard), the military services, bar associations and appropriate committees of the Association to enhance the scope, quality and delivery of free or affordable legal services to eligible legal assistance clients.
- GI Rights Hotline: 1-877-447-4487 – Network of over 20 organizations providing service members and veterans non-directive counseling on discharges, military regulations, discrimination, sexual assault and harassment complaint procedures, filing grievances, political activity and similar issues.
- Honoring our Troops (San Diego, CA): Honoring Our Troops is a San Diego based 501(c)(3) dedicated to providing veteran transition assistance and free legal assistance. We address these unique needs of veterans through self-help legal clinics, veteran-oriented seminars, and mentorships, which in turn, empower the lives of veterans and their families.
- Inner City Law Center (Los Angeles, CA): Veteran homelessness is a national disgrace. Nowhere is the problem worse than here in Los Angeles – the homeless capital of the United States. Over 8,000 veterans are homeless in LA every night. More than 20,000 veterans are homeless in LA over the course of a year. Fifteen years ago, Inner City Law Center started one of the few projects in the nation that offered free legal services to homeless veterans. Today, our Homeless Veterans Project serves veterans who have disabilities as a result of their military service and who live without housing. Our clients include veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and as far back as World War II.
- Iowa Legal Aid: Free legal help with civil law problems for eligible low-income Iowans. Call 1-800-532-1275.
- Justice for Vets: The national clearinghouse for veterans treatment courts. Justice For Vets is the nation’s only veterans organization exclusively committed to ensuring that veterans involved in the criminal justice system have access to Veterans Treatment Courts and the benefits, services and treatment they have earned.
- *Lawyers For Heroes: The Elizabeth Dole Foundation has partnered with the Military Officers Association of America, the Public Counsel Law Center and the American Bar Association to establish the LawyersForHeroes collaboration to provide a package of legal resources for military caregivers from multiple generations. The MOAA Caregiver Guide, which earned the prestigious Power of a Summit Award in 2015 from the American Society of Association Executives, is a compilation of best practices to assist caregivers with the legal and financial aspects of caregiving. In addition, the American Bar Association and the Public Counsel Law Center are cooperating to provide caregivers a next-step legal resource to address complex caregiving situations requiring the assistance of legal counsel. In many cases, these services are provided free of charge to qualified military people, veterans and their caregivers.
- Lawyers Serving Warriors, National Veterans Legal Services Program: Lawyers Serving Warriors’ current pro bono initiatives are to assist veterans with applications to the Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR) and for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC). NVLSP recruits, trains, and assists thousands of volunteer lawyers and veterans’ advocates. Our publications empower veterans, their families, and their advocates to obtain the benefits they’re entitled to by clearly outlining their rights under the law.
- Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago: The Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago provides free legal assistance to veterans, service members, and their families in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. LAF’s new Veteran’s Project represents veterans and their dependents in pursuing disability and pension claims, dealing with consumer issues, upgrading discharges, and obtaining or keeping employment or housing. Because the Project is new, people with questions about the scope of its services are urged to call LAF’s main downtown number for further information.
- Legal Connection: Military Matters (Kansas City, MO): Military Matters is a program of the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Foundation. Legal Connection: Military Matters provides free and low cost legal assistance for veterans and active duty military in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area.
- National Organization of Veterans Advocates: Provides legal assistance for veterans regarding their VA claims.
- National Veterans Legal Services Program: Provides legal assistance to all branches of the Armed Forces.
- Oklahoma Lawyers for American Heroes: The Oklahoma Lawyers for America’s Heroes program was launched on Veterans Day 2010 to provide legal advice and assistance to those who have honorably served this country and are unable to afford to hire an attorney. Through this program, lawyers from across this great state stand at the ready to give legal advice and assistance to qualifying Oklahoma’s veterans, retirees, active duty enlisted servicemembers, guard members and reserve members.
- Protect Our Defenders: We honor, support and give voice to the brave women and men in uniform who have been raped or sexually assaulted by fellow service members. We seek to fix the military training, investigation and adjudication systems related to sexual violence and harassment — systems that often re-victimize assault survivors by blaming them while failing to prosecute perpetrators.
- Public Counsel – Center for Veterans’ Advancement: 213-385-2977 ex. 301 – Public Counsel’s Center for Veterans’ Advancement (CVA), a national leader in veterans’ advocacy, is driven by its core mission to uphold our nation’s promise to veterans and their families. CVA provides legal representation to veterans and their families at both the local and national levels.
- Service Women’s Action Network: Veterans Legal Services and Peer Support Helpline1-888-729-2089 – Hours: 10am-6pm EST What to expect: Who will I be speaking with? Caseworkers are your peers who have experienced military cultural firsthand – from a woman’s perspective. Knowledgeable in connecting you to a variety of helpful resources and supportive services, they are trained to work with you to identify your needs and healthy next steps. Benefits of the helpline:
- Stateside Legal: We have created this website to give legal help and/or advice for military members, veterans and their families. Our goal is to help you: find your own solutions to common legal problems, and find someone to help you, if you need legal advice.
- Swords to Plowshares: War causes wounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefield. Swords to Plowshares’ mission is to heal the wounds, to restore dignity, hope, and self-sufficiency to all veterans in need, and to significantly reduce homelessness and poverty among veterans.
- The Innocent Warrior Project: The Innocent Warrior Project is focused on helping our service members–past and present. From advocating for homeless veterans to ensuring that no Innocent Warrior is sent to Leavenworth for crimes they did not commit. Our warriors have put everything on the line for us. Let’s keep faith with them.
- The John Marshall Law School Veterans Legal Support: The Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic (VLSC) specializes in appealing denied veteran’s benefits claims, including service-connected benefits, pension benefits, survivor benefits, and education benefits. The VLSC will not begin work on an initial claim that has not been filed or is currently pending before the Department of Veterans Affairs. To receive assistance in filing an initial claim for benefits please contact a Veterans’ Service Organization.
- University of Missouri School of Law Veterans Clinic: Students at the University of Missouri School of Law Veterans Clinic will help veterans and their families secure disability benefits.
- U.S. Air Force Legal Assistance: The Air Force Legal Assistance website is intended for active duty, reserve component, and retired military members, their family members, and others eligible for legal assistance through the military.
- U.S. Armed Forces Legal Assistance: Complete a form to locate active duty legal activities offering general legal services within the continental United States.
- U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps: The Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps provides solutions, from a military perspective, to legal issues involving military operations, organization, and personnel, wherever and whenever such solutions are required, with primary focus on operations, accountability, Sailor legal readiness, and Navy legal readiness.
- Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Project: 202-628-8164 or 1-888-838-7727. Cooperative program of four national veterans service organizations (American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, National Veterans Legal Services Program, and Paralyzed Veterans of America) providing free attorneys to veterans and their qualifying family members who have an appeal pending at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.
- Veterans Defense Project: The Veterans Defense Project (VDP) is non-profit human service organization, dedicated to providing practical, no-nonsense attention to the needs of veterans facing legal situations.
- Veterans Legal Clinic (San Diego, CA): The Veterans Legal Clinic is dedicated to protecting and serving veterans who have made great sacrifices to protect and serve the United States. We represent veterans who find themselves in a dispute with a for-profit education company over the use of GI Bill funds or related education loans. The Veterans Legal Clinic can help by providing free legal advice, identifying potential claims and even representing veterans in litigation, arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution with for-profit education companies. We also offer free assistance navigating VA disability claims appeals and represent veterans applying for a correct characterization of their military service discharge in order to receive the benefits, respect and honor they deserve.
- VetWow: We advocate for men and women affected by Military Sexual Trauma. We have trained most of the independent military sexual trauma veterans advocates in the U.S.
Adoption/Fertility Resources
- U.S. Air Force Legal Assistance: The Air Force Legal Assistance website is intended for active duty, reserve component, and retired military members, their family members, and others eligible for legal assistance through the military.
- U.S. Armed Forces Legal Assistance: Complete a form to locate active duty legal activities offering general legal services within the continental United States.
- Office of Work-Life Programs – Adoption Reimbursement (Coast Guard): The Adoption Reimbursement Program is available to the following members of Team Coast Guard: Active Duty Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reservists on active duty for at least 180 days. Note: All other member of Team Coast Guard, while not eligible for reimbursement, are encouraged to use the National Adoption Directory and other web sites provided below to assist them in obtaining adoption information. The Adoption Reimbursement Program is intended to subsidize the adoption of children under 18 years of age for members of the Coast Guard.
- Military OneSource: Adoption can be rewarding for everyone involved. It can also raise a lot of questions. How do I get started? Does it cost a lot of money? What is the adoption process like? Whether you are just starting out or pursuing a kinship or stepparent adoption, Military OneSource can help. Call Military OneSource any time at 800-342-9647 to ask for an adoption consultation.
- National Military Family Association: We receive many phone calls each month from military families who have questions about adoption. How do you start the process?
Infertility Resources
- Bob Woodruff Foundation IVF Fund: The Bob Woodruff Foundation (BWF) IVF Fund complements the efforts of multiple veteran-serving organizations that successfully advocated for legislation allowing the Department of Veteran Affairs to provide in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment to veterans who have lost the ability to conceive due to injuries incurred during service to our nation. Since it will take time for the legislation to take effect, BWF will offer financial assistance to affected veterans to cover unreimbursed costs up to $5,000 associated with IVF treatments. The IVF Fund, supported by grants from Merck & Co., Ferring Pharmaceuticals, and EMD Serono, complements the “Serving Our Veterans” program established by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART).
- Fertility Lifelines – Compassionate Care Program: The Compassionate Care Program provides eligible† patients savings based on income. Eligible active, veteran or retired US military receive a minimum of 25% off and might be eligible for additional savings up to 50% or 75% off the self-pay price of EMD Serono’s fertility medications.
- Magarelli Fertility (Colorado): Magarelli Fertility™ leads the charge to get military family’s direct referral to a Board-Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility Specialist (RE&I). We are first in the nation to gain approval to allow doctors to go on base to refer soldiers for evaluation directly to see RE&I. Magarelli Fertility™ is one of only two programs in Colorado that is contracted to care for veterans with reproductive issues, including providing IVF coverage for those eligible. Magarelli Fertility™ is one of the leading affordable IVF centers, with fees that typically run half of what is charged by other IVF centers.
- Operation Baby Foundation: The mission of Operation Baby Foundation is to help military couples diagnosed with medical infertility achieve their dreams of becoming parents.
- RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association: If you are in the military or your spouse is, you need to know what your options are for treatment for your infertility.
Reintegration Resources
- American Red Cross Reconnection Workshops: Reconnection Workshops, which are free and confidential, focus on individual and small group discussion that enhances the likelihood of positive reconnections among family members and others in the community, and the successful re-engagement of service members and veterans in civilian life. Workshops assist those impacted by a military deployment and bridge all branches of the Armed Forces. We invite Reserve, National Guard, active duty service members, veterans and their families to participate. Adult participants can choose from five different topics, and children/teens can choose from two different topics. Sessions and materials focus on learning useful skills, developing effective coping mechanisms, and where to find resources.
- AMVETS Warrior Transition Workshops: AMVETS Warrior Transition Workshops are post-deployment training programs for service members and veterans, with a focus on those struggling with combat stress (PTS) and readjustment issues resulting from one or more deployments. The program is a 3-day hands-on; de-Boot Camp, reintegration training program. The workshops are provided at no cost to the veteran.
- Buddy to Buddy (Michigan): The mission of the Buddy-to-Buddy Volunteer Veteran Program is to use trained veteran volunteers to help OEF/OIF/OND military Service members and veterans overcome the stigma around asking for help and link those who are facing challenges throughout the deployment cycle with appropriate resources that will optimize their quality of life.
- Military OneSource (Chill Drills Playaway Audio Book): The stress of combat and other traumatic situations can linger long after your deployment has ended. Back home, it takes time to adjust. It can be hard to sleep, hard to talk, hard to be patient — with yourself, your family and friends, even with cars and trucks on the road. Many of these feelings lessen with time. Meanwhile, you can teach yourself to relax more by using this recording. Be sure to refer to Military OneSource for other helpful resources.
- Operation Healthy Reunions: Mental Health America is proud to champion Operation Healthy Reunions, a first-of-its-kind program that provides education and helps to bust the stigma of mental health issues among soldiers, their families, and medical staff to ensure that a greater number of military families receive the prompt and high-quality care they deserve. In partnership with the leading military organizations, Mental Health America distributes educational materials on such topics as reuniting with your spouse and children, adjusting after war, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- Operation Supply Drop: Respawn – Led by Chief Medical Officer, Erik S. Johnson, to bring the “Healing Power of Gaming” to our recovering veterans. Professional Development – Working with individual professionals and supportive businesses to assist transitioning veterans in job search, growth and success. Team Building Outings – Structured outings following a model of 10 young veterans with 10 professionals with an emphasis on building relationships which will provide support and accountability. Thank You Deployments – Nominated VIP experiences provided to veterans that have shown their service never stops. Past experiences include: Professional Sports, X-Games, Video Game & Entertainment Expos, Super Car Racing and Outdoors Sports. #CoffeeOps – Year-Round Fundraising & Awareness Campaign proving that you can “Give a Little, Do a Lot!”
- Real Warriors: The Real Warriors Campaign is an initiative launched by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) to promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery and supporting reintegration of returning service members, veterans and their families.
- Returning from the War Zone: A guide for family of military members.
- Veterans’ Safe Driving Initiative: Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in veterans in the early years after returning from deployment. Don’t let that happen to you.
- Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program: Promoting the well-being of National Guard and Reserve members, their families and communities, by connecting them with resources throughout the deployment cycle.
Children Reintegration Resources
- Sesame Street for Military Families: You’ll spend weeks preparing for this special day, and the full military homecoming experience may last for weeks afterward. However, as with any highly anticipated event, the reality for your family could be different from their expectations. Having your loved one back is wonderful but returning home from deployment is also another significant transition. With advance planning and some military homecoming ideas, you can prepare your child for the joys–and occasional stresses–of having his family together again.
- The Comfort Crew for Military Kids: The Comfort Crew was created to make sure that military families and their kids have the best resources available to help them through the tough situations of deployment, reintegration, reintegrating with an injury, losing a parent in war, and other unique challenges that the community faces. The Comfort Crew programs are provided to military families completely free of charge, and combine customized in-person live experiences, animated DVD’s, and guided journals to open kids up to talking about the “tough stuff.” These unique edutainment experiences allow us to talk about serious subjects in a way that is accessible to children. All Comfort Crew kits are designed to support children ages 6-12. This comprehensive set of resources focuses on the unique needs of military families who are dealing with the effects of reintegration and transition to civilian life. This resource includes the DVD, Together Again! Helping Military Families Reconnect, our mascot stuffed animal, Cuzzie Jr., a journal for each child 6-12, and other items to help the family reconnect.
Voting Assistance/Advocacy Resources
- Department Of Defense Guidance On Political Activities And DoD Support:
- Federal Voting Assistance Program: Voting help for uniformed service members, their families, and citizens living outside the U.S.
- Overseas Vote Foundation: Overseas Vote Foundation is dedicated to doing one thing well: helping overseas American citizens and uniformed services voters register faster, more easily and accurately than ever before.
- United States Election Assistance Commission: The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) was established by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). EAC is an independent, bipartisan commission charged with developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and serving as a national clearinghouse of information on election administration.
- USPS – APO/FPO Ballot Procedures: Express Mail® Label for Returning Military Absentee Ballot Mail – Military personnel with APO/FPO addresses and Americans living abroad can now return absentee ballots via Express Mail using Label 11-DOD. The unique Express Mail label is only for absentee ballots from Military Post Offices™ overseas. It can be stuck to the upper right corner of any size ballot envelope. Voter keeps a portion of the label to track their ballots.
- Vote Vets: Started in 2006 and backed by more than 600,000 veterans, military family members and their supporters, the mission of is to use public issue campaigns to give a voice to veterans on matters of national security, veterans’ care, and every day issues that affect the lives of those who served, and their families.
Magazine Resources
- Buddy to Buddy (Michigan): The mission of the Buddy-to-Buddy Volunteer Veteran Program is to use trained veteran volunteers to help OEF/OIF/OND military Service members and veterans overcome the stigma around asking for help and link those who are facing challenges throughout the deployment cycle with appropriate resources that will optimize their quality of life.
- AmeriForce Magazines: Home of the Reserve & National Guard Magazine, PCS-TDY Military Relocation Magazines, Military Families Magazine, Deployment Guide, and the Military Finance Guide! Subscribe to these free military magazines for your unit or family. Individuals can sign up for digital editions. Deployment Guide – link | Families Magazine – link | Finance Guide – link | PCS – link | Reserve and National Guard – link | Veterans – link
- Military Kids’ Life: Military Kids’ Life is a quarterly print magazine for kids! Includes: articles, essays and photographs. The magazine is all about finding your adventure as a military kid. We cover topics for Active, Reserve, and National Guard families of ALL branches.
- Military Spouse Magazine: Military Spouse magazine is published monthly (12 issues per year) and is dedicated to providing the spouses of our country’s military service members with outstanding resources that are tailored to their unique lifestyle. Stories every month cover the military side of: relationships, parenting, finances, career and education. Military Spouse is the only magazine written for, by and about military spouses! Get the answers that you need when you need them, delivered right to your door!
Photography Resources
- Department Of Defense Guidance On Political Activities And DoD Support:
- Deployed Love: Deployed Love is a new non-profit that provides events for families while their loved ones are deployed. Based out of Fort Bragg but soon to be reaching many other bases in 2020. Their primary event is Holiday Minis, providing free sessions to those with military members deployed during the holiday season. The images are then given to the families to use as they please, most often creating cards and gifts to send over seas. Deployed Love helps to create not only a connection for families during separation, but also a sense of community among the families who attend their events each year!
- was created to keep families connected while our military men and women are serving abroad. Through the efforts of our community’s finest photographers, provides our soon to be deployed servicemen and women with pictures of their spouses and children. The photographs are printed on waterproof and durable bi-folded cards, which fit securely in their uniform pocket. believes that our military personnel deserve and need the memory of their families to carry them through the difficult times that lie ahead.
- Operation Love Re-United: The last thing on your mind when your wife or husband arrives home after a 4 to 18 month tour, is capturing all this love– on film. Most people are so overwhelmed with emotions they forget to simply point and shoot the camera they are grasping of their child’s first hug, or that single tear of relief from a mother being able to hold her twenty year old son again. With the help of Operation: Love ReUnited and local photographers near your base, you can. If you are a member or family member of the United States Military, and are interested in having very special and touching images with a patriotic edge taken of you and/or your family before a deployment or during, and at your reunion, please contact a photographer in your area now. It’s all made possible by artists wanting to give something back to those who make the United States what it is, and ask for nothing in return- but to come home.
- Picture a Hero (Minneapolis, MN): In recognition of their service and sacrifice, Picture A Hero will provide, at no cost, family and individual portraits to service people preparing to deploy.
- Portraits of Love: Launched in 2009 by the Photo Imaging Manufacturers & Distributors Association as a program to send military family portraits to deployed soldiers, now branded under The Imaging Alliance “Portraits of Love” will give back to the community by providing joy to build strength and create forever lasting memories. The Imaging Alliance along with its member companies will take the liberty of assigning professional photographers throughout the country, where studio spaces will be set up to hold photo shoots for active military families. The partnership created with the USO over the last six years has allowed the Portraits of Love project to reach even more wonderful military families. The Imaging Alliance “Portraits of Love” program is pleased to extend its outreach to our community’s police, firefighter and first responder service members and their families as a token of our appreciation for their dedication
- Welcome Them Home: We are a network of photographers who donate our time and skills to photograph soldiers homecomings, free of charge. Please visit our website to find a photographer in your area.
Military Brat Resources
- was created to keep families connected while our military men and women are serving abroad. Through the efforts of our community’s finest photographers, provides our soon to be deployed servicemen and women with pictures of their spouses and children. The photographs are printed on waterproof and durable bi-folded cards, which fit securely in their uniform pocket. believes that our military personnel deserve and need the memory of their families to carry them through the difficult times that lie ahead.
- Military Brats Inc.: Dedicated to preserving the heritage and strengthening the cultural identity of those who grew up military.
- Military Brats Online: At Military Brats Online, everyone gets you. If you have been living in the civilian world for a while, missing the moving about and making new U.S. military brat friends, this is the place for you. Military Brats Online is here to help you to re-connect with your U.S. military brats heritage and with friends you have met along the way in your nomadic life. Once you sign up and you are verified, you can search for old and new friends, edit your profile, create blogs and fully participate in the community including contacting other members.
- Military Brats Registry: Did you grow up in the Military? Do you have trouble answering the question “where are you from?” Then you’ve come to the right place! The Military Brats Registry offers you a way to find your friends and a way for them to find you. There is no cost to register your information here, and no cost to search for your friends. If you have not registered, do so today…your friends may be waiting for you! DoDDS teachers and family members are welcome also.
- Operation Footlocker: The traveling footlocker, full of objects and photos donated by military brats, is certain to uncork memories and prompt story-swapping. This is how we brats connect to our lost childhoods, and celebrate the unusual way we grew up. Invite Operation Footlocker to your reunion or brat discussion group! There is no fee beyond shipping costs.
- Overseas Brats: Overseas Brats is an organization and magazine for those associated with American Overseas schools designed to serve the needs of thousands of Overseas Brats. Since April 8, 1986, Overseas Brats has been making the dream become a reality for those associated with overseas schools who are looking for former friends and classmates through a number of ways: Serving as a central reference point for those associated with overseas schools and providing them information on how to find friends and classmates, and assisting them where possible with those that went to school abroad. Actively seeking everyone associated with overseas schools as former elementary, junior high, high school and college students and alumni, educators and others associated with the schools through an ongoing international marketing campaign using the media and the Internet. Helping more than 240 overseas alumni groups representing 178 schools in 56 countries with their alumni organizations and reunion activities. Sharing the unique story of who we all are as Overseas Brats through our magazine “OVERSEAS BRATS”. Creating opportunities for those associated with American overseas schools to meet and share their unique heritage.
- Welcome Them Home: We are a network of photographers who donate our time and skills to photograph soldiers homecomings, free of charge. Please visit our website to find a photographer in your area.
Military News Resources
- Military Brats Online: At Military Brats Online, everyone gets you. If you have been living in the civilian world for a while, missing the moving about and making new U.S. military brat friends, this is the place for you. Military Brats Online is here to help you to re-connect with your U.S. military brats heritage and with friends you have met along the way in your nomadic life. Once you sign up and you are verified, you can search for old and new friends, edit your profile, create blogs and fully participate in the community including contacting other members.
- Military Times: The trusted, independent source for news and information for the military community. Service members and their families rely on the Military Times newsweeklies and websites as trusted, independent sources for news and information on the most important issues affecting their careers and personal lives.
- Air Force Times
- Army Times
- Marine Corps Times
- Navy Times
- Stars and Stripes: Stars and Stripes exists to provide independent news and information to the U.S. military community, comprised of active-duty, DoD civilians, contractors, and their families.
- U.S. Veterans Magazine: U.S. Veterans Magazine is a valuable resource that covers issues facing the veteran community.
Other News Resources
- Military Brats Registry: Did you grow up in the Military? Do you have trouble answering the question “where are you from?” Then you’ve come to the right place! The Military Brats Registry offers you a way to find your friends and a way for them to find you. There is no cost to register your information here, and no cost to search for your friends. If you have not registered, do so today…your friends may be waiting for you! DoDDS teachers and family members are welcome also.
- We started in 1999 to revolutionize the way the 30 million Americans with military affinity stay connected and informed. Today, we’re the largest military and veteran membership organization — 10 million members strong.’s free membership connects servicemembers, military families and veterans to all the benefits of service — government benefits, scholarships, discounts, lifelong friends, mentors, great stories of military life or missions, and much more. We believe that the benefits earned in the service should be easier to access and written in plain English. We’re passionate about helping members make the most of military experience throughout life.
- Popular Military – Military News Network: is an online interactive magazine for military enthusiasts, with military news, information and community features for people who are interested in military-related topics. Viewers will find a wide-range of popular military subjects at, including Iraq and Afghanistan War coverage, military pay charts, military tech and more. Interactive features include military photo sharing and military gear reviews. See our Site Map for complete details.
- Task and Purpose: Task & Purpose is a news and culture site geared toward the next great generation of American veterans. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming to an end, and what results is a new kind of American veteran. They return to a nation in reformation; to a nation with a fragile, recovering, and off-kilter economy; and to a nation with more political division and dysfunction than ever before. They return with remarkable skills, having shouldered unprecedented burdens, with a spirit of sacrifice and service needed to move the country forward. We have no doubt that these men and women will do incredible things over the next 50 or more years. Our mission is to give them a voice.
- U.S. Department of Defense
- Veterans Today: Largest independent advocacy, news and information network for U.S. military veterans.
Spouse Club/Group Resources
- Evite: With more than 22 million registered users and over 25,000 invitations sent each hour, Evite is the top online invitation and social planning website. Evite invitations are free to send and receive. So you save on stamps — and trees — while freeing yourself up from keeping lists and making phone calls to organize your events. Select your invitation design, add your guests’ email addresses and send via email. Done. You choose the invitation features you want, and your guest replies are tracked automatically so you always have an accurate headcount.
- Survey Monkey: SurveyMonkey is the world’s largest survey company, helping customers collect over 3+ million online survey responses every day. SurveyMonkey has revolutionized the way people give and take feedback, making it accessible, easy and affordable for everyone.
- Creating last minute Spouse Clubs to prepare for deployment
Buy, Sell Or Rent Home Resources
- Evite: With more than 22 million registered users and over 25,000 invitations sent each hour, Evite is the top online invitation and social planning website. Evite invitations are free to send and receive. So you save on stamps — and trees — while freeing yourself up from keeping lists and making phone calls to organize your events. Select your invitation design, add your guests’ email addresses and send via email. Done. You choose the invitation features you want, and your guest replies are tracked automatically so you always have an accurate headcount.
- Agent Hero: Agent Hero connects home buyers and sellers with carefully selected professional real estate agents who are military veterans or spouses.
- AHRN: The Automated Housing Referral Network ( is sponsored by the Department of Defense and is designed to improve the process of securing available housing for relocating military members and their families.
- Homes for Heroes Real Estate Savings Program: Learn more about the Homes For Heroes real estate savings program. Substantial home buying and selling savings are available including reduced commissions and/or discounted lender fees. We offer full service at a discounted rate. We are able to offer more savings than anyone else because of our strong business relationships – with our Home for Heroes Affiliates.
- is a service designed to connect service members and their families with community housing rental listings located near U.S. military bases. Create an account or login to begin searching for homes at your current or future installation. Property managers can list their properties at no cost. is a publicly accessible Department of Defense (DoD) website.
- MilitaryAgent: MilitaryAgent is a website designed to help active duty servicemembers and their families find a top real estate agent at their next duty station. It’s entirely free to use, and we personally interview 5-10 agents to find the perfect agent for a servicemember and his/her family who is knowledgeable of VA Loans, BAH, PCS military moves, and the other military-move related requirements.
- Military By Owner: Provides a comprehensive, low-cost means for military members and their families to advertise on the world wide web. By use of the internet and world wide web we will link up buyers and sellers of homes along with landlords and prospective tenants.
- Military For Sale By Owner: View off base housing by Military by Owner by Realtor Real Estate near military bases in the USA!
- Military Home Store: Post and nationally syndicate your off base home for sale or for rent right here on the newest, featured-filled site dedicated to military real estate. We welcome both real estate agents and by owners.
- Military Listings: The quickest way to sell or rent your home is to place your ad here. Why? Because it’s FREE! We are here to connect you to other military members. Think of this as the community-wide bulletin board where we can all meet to buy, sell, rent, or lease our homes!
- Military Real Estate Referral Connection: The Military Real Estate Referral Connection is a service created to provide military members and their families with the best real estate services available in your new PCS location. MRR Connection agents are required to be active duty, reserves, retired or a military spouse. When you choose to work with one of our agents, you can rest assured that they understand the struggles of military transfers and are knowledgeable in VA loans , BAH rates and can provide local expertise on the area they cover, helping you feel more at home right away.
- Military Town Advisor: Military Town Advisor is a PCS resource helping military families before, during, and after a PCS. Before your move, search for where to live, school ratings, and read military housing reviews. During your move, find a real estate agent and homes for sale or rent. After your move, explore your town by learning about great local businesses and fun things to do! Military Town Advisor is created by a military spouse to help other military families!
- Millie: Millie helps military families move with a network of people who’ve been in your shoes and are ready to help before, during and after your PCS.
- Off-Base Housing: Helping military families to buy, sell or rent homes, apartments and condos near US military bases.
- PCS Grades: So… you’re PCS’ing to yet another unfamiliar part of the country and the clock is ticking as you struggle with all the typical relocation concerns. What single, trusted source do you turn to for reliable, top quality information on neighborhoods, apartments, REALTORS®, builders, service providers & more? We are founded by military, run by military, and available for free to current and former military members and spouses.
- REMilitary: is designed to help families find military housing, sell their homes by owner, and assist agents and brokers in reaching a unique and powerful market. is the most comprehensive listing of houses for sale and rent near military installations.
- Zillow: Zillow is a home and real estate marketplace dedicated to helping homeowners, home buyers, sellers, renters, real estate agents, mortgage professionals, landlords and property managers find and share vital information about homes, real estate, mortgages and home improvement. We are transforming the way consumers make home-related decisions and connect with professionals.
Moving Resources
Advice, Resources & Tools
- Allconnect: Allconnect is a free online service that helps people find utilities, like cable, internet, electricity, etc. at their exact address. This is a helpful resource for military families who want to find the best deals on utilities at their exact address, but don’t want to have to call their providers individually to set up service.
- Relocating can be the most difficult part of your PCS, there is a house to find, a truck to pack and a country to cross. Don’t let setting up your home services slow you down. At you can find, shop, compare, and save on High Speed Internet, Cable TV, Satellite TV, Utilities, Solar, Insurance, and Mortgage Rates. The service offers is at not cost to military families. This includes free relocation consultations as well. Our goal is to help with the moving process any way we can without costing them any money.
- Military OneSource: It’s time to move again. Make your move less stressful with our tips and planning tools. Pass time by exploring information about your new locale.
- – Official DPS portal: In an effort to make moving a little bit easier for you, the US Department of Defense (DoD) United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) and the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) developed the Defense Personal Property Program, or DP3. As part of the DP3 mission, an internet-based system to manage DoD household goods moves was created. It’s called the Defense Personal Property System (DPS).
- The Ultimate PCS Guide to Packing Out (Article): This series includes a lot of things that you can do to make your move smoother.
- My Ultimate PCS App: My Ultimate PCS App makes Permanent Change of Station (PCS) and military life a breeze by putting it all in the palm of your hands. Introducing a revolutionary new way to PCS. My Ultimate PCS App™ is the first and the only military life PCS planning app. The app is specifically created for military families to simplify the way they move and live. For today’s military family.
- BAH for United States: The Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is based on geographic duty location, pay grade, and dependency status. The intent of BAH is to provide uniformed service members with permanent duty within the 50 United States accurate and equitable housing compensation based on housing costs in local civilian housing markets, and is payable when government quarters are not provided. A uniformed service member stationed overseas, including U.S. protectorates, who is not furnished government housing, is eligible for Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA).
- BAH for Overseas: The Overseas Housing Allowance compensates members for the majority of housing expenses. Comprised of three components: rental ceiling, utility/recurring maintenance allowance, and move-in housing allowance (MIHA).
Military Installation Information
- Allconnect: Allconnect is a free online service that helps people find utilities, like cable, internet, electricity, etc. at their exact address. This is a helpful resource for military families who want to find the best deals on utilities at their exact address, but don’t want to have to call their providers individually to set up service.
- Air Force Housing: Helping Airmen and their families transition to their new homes.
- Association of Defense Communities: ADC builds resilient communities that support America’s military. We are the connection point for leaders from communities, states, the military and industry on community-military issues and installation management to enhance knowledge, information sharing and best practices. With nearly 300 communities, states, regions, and affiliated industry organizations, ADC represents every major defense community/state in the nation.
- Housing 1 Source (serving Fort Sam Houston, Lackland AFB, Randolph AFB, and the Great San Antonio area): Our mission is to provide a compassionate, comprehensive and professional relocation experience that is responsive to the unique needs of our service members and their families, and that strengthens family well-being and enhances quality of life.
- Military Bases: Military Bases is your all in one military information hub. Locate your favorite bases and stay up-to-date on top military/political news.
- – Base Guides: Everything you need…in one place. Find the essentials before you relocate and get more out of your community while you’re there.
- Military In Germany: Travel and events for American families.
- Military Town Advisor: Military Town Advisor is a PCS resource helping military families before, during, and after a PCS. Before your move, search for where to live, school ratings, and read military housing reviews. During your move, find a real estate agent and homes for sale or rent. After your move, explore your town by learning about great local businesses and fun things to do! Military Town Advisor is created by a military spouse to help other military families!
- provides community information and military relocation data to help service members and their families intelligently choose and move to their next duty station.
- Millie: Millie helps military families move with a network of people who’ve been in your shoes and are ready to help before, during and after your PCS.
- Moving House for the Military Spouse: A great community to ask questions about your new location!
- My Base Guide: Our mission is to provide essential information to all military personnel and families relocating to a different part of the country. As a newcomer, you can find out about registration, rules, maps, and the history of the base’s commands, installations, and units. You will also find a wealth of information regarding housing, employment, education and schools, health care and dental services, as well as community activities and recreation.
- PCS America: PCS America is a very targeted relocation network for the United States military community including active members, Guard and Reserve, the DoD civilian workforce, retirees, veterans, and their families. Over 200 US military installations and their local communities linked into one Network, plus nearly 100 Overseas installations!
- PCS Grades: PCS Grades seeks to be THE go-to service for all current and former military members and spouses when solving gateway problems during the PCS (move) process. We are military families helping fellow military families, reinforcing the trust and integrity amongst our tight knit community. Our team is lean, agile, innovative, and aggressive. We feature must-have information and facilitate professional connections through a trusted 3rd party peer-to-peer ratings and reviews service. We provide a voice to our community that has not previously existed and accountability for the professionals we have to work with.
Pet Transportation Services
- Happy Tails Travel, Inc: Since Happy Tails Travel was established in 1995, we have been working as a team with the live animal freight, shipping and animal cargo industry. We treat each pet’s relocation as if we were moving our own furry four footed family member.
Transition Encouragement
- Changing Zip Codes: As a frequent mover, I am here to help you navigate through one of the most difficult and challenging situations of life: relocation. So, if you are tired of family members joking about your address changes, or you’re planning that first move out of your parents’ home, I am here to help. I will have tips and articles on everything from making new friends, to getting your house “showing ready”. Moving is hard but change is exhilarating. There are great things in your future. Be of good cheer.
- Just Moved with Susan Miller: This section of our website is designed to bring hope, comfort and encouragement to all military women in their transition and adjustment of moving. It is written by and for military spouses, moms, those who are single and those who serve on active duty. As you read about women, like yourself, who are going through the same feelings and emotions, may it encourage you to know that you are not alone. As you hear their testimonies of God’s faithfulness, may it bring you hope. As you embrace God’s word from others, may it bring you comfort.
- TriCare: Your TriCare eligibility does not change when you move. But, certain things about your benefit may change once you move, such as your TriCare plan.
Homeschool Resources
- Apologia – Curriculum Discount: In honor of their service to the United States of America, Apologia happily extends a discount to active U.S. military families and disabled veterans of 40% off of the books and media products we publish.
- Home School Foundation: The Home School Foundation’s Military Fund assists military home school families who are struggling financially to meet their children’s educational needs. If you are a military family that is struggling financially, feel free to get in touch with us to see if you are eligible. Or if you know a military homeschool family, please tell them about this new fund.
- Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA): Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Through annual memberships, HSLDA is tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.
- Homeschooling Resources For Military Families (Military Onesource): Home schooling means that you, as parents, assume responsibility for directing your child’s education and use your home as the base for that education instead of a traditional public or independent school. Home schooling may appeal to some military families who are concerned that frequent moves and new school systems might disrupt their children’s education. If you are thinking about educating your child at home or have already made the decision, the information here will help guide you to support and resources.
- Teacher Resources – View Teacher/Educator resources for Pre-K To 12th grade.
Memorial Day & Veterans Day Education
- Memorial Day – Memorial Day Minibooks: Lilliput Station – Learn all about the history of Memorial day as you complete these twelve minibooks. Minibooks can then be added to your notebook pages or used to create a lapbook.
- Memorial Day – Memorial Day Mini Study: The Whole Word Publishing – Have fun learning about Memorial Day. In this mini study you will learn all about Memorial Day. In this mini study pack you also get: Copywork in seven fonts, optional lapbook cover and booklets for putting together your own lapbook, optional questions and one coloring page.
- Memorial Day – Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt: Kids can do an online scavenger hunt that helps them learn about the history of Memorial Day.
- Memorial Day – Memorial Day Worksheets for Kids: Veterans Day was established as a way to primarily thank living military veterans. Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in service to their country, particularly those who died in battle.
- Memorial Day – Our Country’s Holidays: Memorial Day (bilingual): This bilingual series is ideal for English Language Learners. It supports a key topic in the early social studies curriculum- our nation’s holidays- and provides students with an introduction to United States history. Using lively, full-color photographs and easy-to-read text, each title explores a different holiday and explains why it is significant. Beginning readers will also learn how the holidays they celebrate in their families and communities are observed across the nation.
- Memorial Day – Our Heroes: Memorial Day Math & Literacy Fun: This includes a full size Fact Reader that has Literacy and Math Activities that create a Booklet for each student to have. There are Writing activities, a Poetry Activity, A Mystery Phrase Math Activity, two brainstorming activities, several art activities, and a post card writing activity!
- Veterans Day: We are blessed to be citizens of the United States of America. Our freedoms have been hard-won, in many cases defended to the death by members of our armed services. Veterans Day is a special day in the lives of Americans because it is set aside to honor the men and women who have fought for the freedoms we hold so dear. This project will serve as a basic introduction to the whys and wherefores of Veterans Day.
- Veterans Day Mini Study: Veterans Day! Sometimes this day is overlooked because of the hustle and bustle of the Thanksgiving holiday but don’t forget about it on November 11th! This mini study will make it easy for your children to learn about Veterans day. In this study you will learn all about Veterans Day. This study includes information on Taps, comes with cards and pocket of America’s wars, a bonus section about how Disney helped in World War II, copy work in seven fonts, optional questions, a maze and coloring pages.
- Veterans Day – The Poppy Lady: A professional CCSS Annotated Discussion and Activity Guide for The Poppy Lady is now available. You may download a PDF file.
- Veterans Day Word Search: A word search about Veterans Day.
- Veterans Day Worksheets: This holiday provides such an excellent opportunity to discuss our constitution and the freedoms our children might take for granted, while honoring those who have fought and lost their lives to protect them. Visit this LINK for coloring pages.
Military Education
- Air Force – Discovery Hangar for Kids: National Museum of the USAF – Learn about aviation and the U.S. Air Force in our online Discovery Hangar!
- Air Force – United States Air Force Lapbook: Teachers and Homeschool parents love our high-interest, hands-on curriculum including Lapbook Project Packs, Notebooking Packs and Thematic Unit Study Packs. With this unit study you will be able to teach your middle school and high school classroom all about The United States Air Force. The United States Air Force is a branch of the U.S. armed forces. Formed in 1947 from the Army Air Corps, the Air Force is responsible for conducting military operations in air and space. Your student can complete an educational lapbook about the organization, history, mission, people, aircraft and weapons, training, uniforms, awards and more of the United States Air Force. The 69-page United States Air Force Project Pack contains a 15-page Research Guide and 23 hands-on activities to help your student learn more about flying off “into the wild blue yonder.”
- Army – United States Army (History Scribe): Enjoy the study of the United States Army with this special History Scribe in a new series about the American Military Forces. Help with your timeline studies. Includes over 30 pages to illustrate and narrate. All History Scribe Books include a couple blank pages for any special topics you’d like to cover.
- Army – United States Army 1st Infantry Division: The Big Red One Lapbook: Teachers and Homeschool parents love our high-interest, hands-on curriculum including Lapbook Project Packs, Notebooking Packs and Thematic Unit Study Packs. With this unit study you will be able to teach your elementary, middle school and high school classroom all about the U.S. Army.
- Marine Corps – United States Marine Corps (History Scribe): Enjoy the study of the United States Marine Corps with this special History Scribe in a new series about the American Military Forces. Help with your timeline studies. Includes over 30 pages to illustrate and narrate. All History Scribe Books include a couple blank pages for any special topics you’d like to cover.
- Marine Corps – United States Marines (Happy Scribe Copybook): If you want your children to have beautiful handwriting, then they need to practice! However, so many handwriting copybooks offer boring, worn-out sayings that do not interest most children today! How about combining your children’s interests and studies into their handwriting drills to make them fun and exciting? Happy Scribe Copybooks are just the answer!
- Navy – United States Navy (History Scribe): History Scribe helps your children to LOVE history studies. Children learn as they draw and write history…your children bring history alive with their own creative hands! Learn all about our U.S. Navy and the special people that make it all that it is. Weapons, machinery, famous sailors, special events and much more!
- Navy – United States Navy Lapbook: Anchors Aweigh! Find out about one of the exciting branches of the U.S. Military in The United States Navy Project Pack. This 96-page Project Pack has all the tools you need to learn about U.S. naval history, Special Forces, ranks and much more! This Project Pack includes a 19-page Research Guide and 24-hands on activities.
- Military – Deployment… It’s Not a Game: Iowa’s Speak out for Military Kids youth created “Deployment: It’s Not a Game” to increase awareness about the deployment cycle. As players move through the game, it serves as a tool to get them thinking and talking about the impact of deployment on military kids and families. Players are encouraged to identify issues military kids face during deployment, to reflect on how they might act in similar situations and to discuss how their school, community or organization might develop a plan to support military kids and families experiencing deployment.
- Military – United States Armed Forces Mini Unit/Lapbook: There have been at least four generations of military in my family, and at least three generations on my husband’s side, including our daughter, who recently joined the U.S. Marines. This mini unit/lapbook is dedicated to the honor of all those who have served, and who are currently serving, in the U.S. military. It contains 4 cards for each of the 5 branches, as well as several other military pictures, and a brief timeline of the military. It could easily be used for a lapbook (no directions are included for that), for notebook pages, or just a mini unit on the Armed Forces of the United States.
- Military – United States Military Armed Forces Combo (History Scribe): Children learn as they draw and write history…your children bring history alive with their own creative hands!
- Military – United States Military! Mini Helper: A homeschool bits Freebie! Facts about the five U.S. Military active-duty Services and their respective Guard and Reserve units. This is just a quick mini helper to learn a few facts about the U.S Military. 6 pages.
- Military – WannaBe Series – When I grow up, I want to be IN THE MILITARY: Do you know the Air Force, Sailor’s and Soldier’s Creeds? Who are the Thunderbirds, and what military branch are they in? What is Military time and how does it work? Learn the answers to these questions and much, much more as you pore through the pages of the exciting, activity-packed E-Book . . . When I Grow Up, I Want To Be . . . In the Military Your kids will be captivated by this E-Book! Discover fun and interesting facts about the different branches of the military.
Classified & Swap Resources
- Home School Foundation: The Home School Foundation’s Military Fund assists military home school families who are struggling financially to meet their children’s educational needs. If you are a military family that is struggling financially, feel free to get in touch with us to see if you are eligible. Or if you know a military homeschool family, please tell them about this new fund.
- Bookoo: Over a million people go kookoo buying and selling on bookoo every month! bookoo is in hundreds of local communities all around the world, all run by local volunteers.
- Freecycle (non-military): The Freecycle Network™ is a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It’s all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by local volunteers (them’s good people). Membership is free.
- Military in Germany: Travel and events for Military Families.
- MILTribe: Military families face stressful times when PCSing. can help ease this burden. Get rid of unneeded household goods and make sure you make your weight limit. Shop, buy and sell from military families only.
- Oodle: Using the power of social media, Oodle is reinventing online classifieds. Oodle provides consumers with a friendly local marketplace to buy, sell and trade. Oodle operates a network of online marketplaces with more than 15M monthly unique users including the Oodle Marketplace.
Christmas Resources
Christmas Trees
- Christmas Decor – Home Decorated For The Holidays: Is there a military family that you would like to nominate for the Decorated Family program? If you nominate a family Christmas Decor will try to decorate their home for the holidays! Each holiday season, each Christmas Decor franchisees nationwide donate their products, resources and time to decorate the homes of local military as a part of the Decorated Family Program. The deadline for nominations is on Veterans Day, November 11.
- The Rosie Network – Free Christmas Trees for Active Duty Military and Veterans (San Diego, CA): The Rosie Network, Councilmember Cate, & Walmart have teamed up to provide our active duty military and veterans with Christmas trees! It’s our 2nd annual Christmas tree giveaway! Thank you to Councilmember Chris Cate, Walmart, and all of the amazing lumberers that make this event happen! We will be giving away 6-7 foot Douglas Fir trees, one per family. Trees are limited! Please make sure to RSVP ASAP
- Trees for Troops: Trees for Troops, a program of the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation, provides Real Christmas Trees to Armed Forces members and their families in the U.S. and troops deployed in the Middle East. Through contributions, donations of real Christmas trees, the work of many volunteers and the generous in-kind support of our shipping partner FedEx, Trees for Troops has brought the true spirit of Christmas to thousands of deserving service men and women and their families.
Christmas Support
- Memorial Day – Memorial Day Minibooks: Lilliput Station – Learn all about the history of Memorial day as you complete these twelve minibooks. Minibooks can then be added to your notebook pages or used to create a lapbook.
- Able Forces Adopt a Warrior Christmas Program: (Washington, DC) This is the largest charity program we sponsor each year and we expect to take care of hundreds of children and dozens of military families who would otherwise go without a Christmas. Families are drawn from all military services. For various reasons many of our warrior families find themselves in financial crisis, especially during the holiday season. To give back, Able Forces is once again sponsoring the Adopt-A-Warrior Family Christmas Program. As in years past, Able Forces will adopt families from each of the five Military Service branches. All adopted families are identified by military advocates on military bases or military recovery programs in the Washington, DC Metro area.
- Adopt a Family Michigan (Volunteers of America): (Michigan) Volunteers of America Michigan’s Adopt A Family program helps families with children, seniors and veterans by providing food, toys and clothing. The Adopt A Family program connects those who can help with those who need help. This Volunteers of America program is an opportunity for individuals, teams, companies and organizations to reach out and lift up those in need, either through direct adoption or financial contribution.
- Adopt A Hero for Christmas: (San Antonio, TX) Adopt a Hero for Christmas is a charity comprised of people who honor and support America’s wounded Soldiers and their families who have sacrificed so much to protect our nation and ensure our freedom. Our mission is to bring the joy of Christmas to our heroes and their families. We collect Christmas gifts and needed items for our wounded Soldiers and their families at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. We deliver these gifts to our heroes during Christmas and we visit with them. Please help by donating an unwrapped gift for a wounded Soldier, their spouse or their children.
- Armed Services YMCA – Operation Holiday Joy: The annual Operation Holiday Joy campaign spreads joy throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season, thanks to your generous support. Operation Holiday Joy gives Americans a way to show their appreciation for the sacrifices our military and their families make for us and our country. Operation Holiday Joy was established in 2004 in collaboration with Woman’s Day magazine. Together with their readers, more than $1.3 million has been raised to provide food and gifts to junior enlisted military service members and their families during the holidays. Since it’s inception, Operation Holiday Joy has distributed more than 25,000 baskets of food to military families and more than 320,000 toys to military children.
- Armed Services YMCA: (Camp Pendleton, CA) So many active duty military families have had to make tough financial decisions this year, and many are worried that they won’t be able to shoulder the extra costs of the Holidays. We are committed to supporting them through our Secret Santa and Santa’s Workshop programs. Families are identified to the Armed Services YMCA by Camp Pendleton family advocacy organizations (hospital case workers, MCCS counselors, New Parent Support Program, EMFP program, and Family Readiness Officers). Every year the Armed Services YMCA Camp Pendleton partners with the Orange County Bankruptcy Forum to provide bikes to military families.
- A Soldier’s Child Family to Family Christmas: (Fort Campbell, KY) A Soldier’s Child seeks to be responsible for over 200 Gold Star children having a blessed Christmas morning. There will be caring folks from the Southeast up to the Northeast areas giving back to these children through ASC’s S.O.S Christmas.
- AUSA General John W. Vessey Jr. Chapter – Toys 4 Military Kids: (Minnesota, Wisconsin) Our mission is to provide gifts to military members and their families during the holidays in recognition of the sacrifices they have made on our behalf. We support units and families in four states including Minnesota and Wisconsin.
- Believe with Me: Our American Gold Star Christmas project gives grateful Americans the opportunity to let our Gold Star kids know that they are remembered during the challenging Christmas season.
- Boot Campaign’s Santa Boots: Surprising deserving military families with holiday gifts from our community of grateful Americans.
- Care 4 R Troops: (Central Florida) We adopt military families at Christmas.
- Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes: Holiday Gift Checks ~ Each year, the Coalition distributes gift checks to thousands of wounded veterans and their families for holidays such as Easter and Thanksgiving so they can enjoy a traditional holiday meal together, and $500 ‘Secret Santa’ checks that enable them to participate in the gift-giving tradition of the season, and still meet other pressing financial obligations.
- Daughters of the American Revolution: DAR members are passionate about supporting our active-duty military and veterans and they do so in a variety of ways. Holidays & Special Events – DAR members plan celebrations for hospitalized veterans to commemorate national holidays, special events, and veterans’ birthdays. Parties, carnivals, and picnics for veteran-patients are organized to help lift spirits and provide diversions during hospital confinement. DAR members also serve on community veterans’ committees that sponsor parades, and other patriotic events. Volunteers assist with military ceremonies of remembrance that are held at local VA facilities.
- Fort Hood Santa’s Workshop: (Fort Hood, TX)Fort Hood Santa’s Workshop is a non-profit organization. We were created exclusively for charitable purposes as a unit-level (13thCOSCOM) initiative. Out of necessity, it grew into an installation-level project in 1998. Too often soldiers face unique financial stress. We don’t want military kids to feel that stress. Our mission is to make new toys accessible for children of the Fort Hood military community during the holiday season. In times of financial crisis Christmas presents may be a luxury. Our military kids deserve an amazing holiday.
- Freedom Alliance Presents for Patriots: Christmas can be bittersweet for families depending on their circumstances and this is no less true for those who serve in our nation’s armed forces. There might be a family member deployed overseas during the holiday, or perhaps their loved one has returned not quite the same as when he or she left. Financial crisis, time constraints, and other stresses can make Christmas a cause for anxiety and sorrow rather than celebration for our military families. As difficult as these situations can be, this need creates an advantageous time to demonstrate goodwill for our heroes at home. The Freedom Alliance Presents for Patriots program is our way to give each home in hardship the assistance they need. Working with contacts at bases across the country, families are identified and put in touch with us. We work with these families to ensure every gift is special and that each child receives the Christmas they deserve.
- Full Circle Home: Our service men and women are doing more than their part. They need and deserve all the care packages, love and support that we can give. But at Christmas and Mother’s Day, they want to send their love back – back to their wives, fiancés, girlfriends and moms. This program is designed to let our heroes be heroes yet again, by allowing them to send their holiday gifts and a love note to their quiet hero at home. This is accomplished through the generosity and appreciation of businesses and individuals who sponsor a servicemen’s gifts home.
- Georgia National Guard Christmas Assistance Program: (Georgia) The Georgia National Guard Christmas Assistance Program is designed to be a supplemental program for service members that are struggling financially and are not able to provide for their children. Those in need may be deployed, may have recently returned from overseas, are classified as a wounded warrior or are a traditional National Guardsman. We are collecting toys and gift cards (gift cards for the older children) to support our local military families (Georgia National Guard, etc.). Please join us in our gratitude mission by giving our nation’s youngest heroes the most amazing Christmas they could imagine!
- Gold Star Dads Secret Santa Project: (Houston, TX)
- Heartbeat Serving Wounded Warriors: (Washington state) Heartbeat has several Christmas morale-building programs for wounded service members and their families. We have a program for every family member: warrior, spouse, and child. Morale building improves warriors’ health. It shows them how much we appreciate their sacrifices, and it tells them, “You aren’t alone.”
- Hearts of Patriots: Holidays can be a critical time for spouses and families of PTSD veterans suffering from invisible wounds of war. With young children and a veteran, unable to handle holiday crowds, many caregivers add extra shopping and planning to their To Do list hoping to make the holidays memorable for their families. While other families are out looking for that perfect gift for their wife or husband, our PTSD veterans feel overwhelmed and trapped, remaining in the safety of their homes. On Christmas morning, or during Hanukkah, it is the caregiver who often doesn’t receive a gift. The goal in helping these veteran families is to show America’s gratitude with a gift for the caregiver and a grocery gift card or prepaid VISA card to help them purchase their holiday dinner and trimmings. This is a wonderful way to say “Thank You” to these amazing caregivers.
- Homefront America: (Camp Pendleton, CA and surrounding military communities) Each year, the Homefront America Christmas programs help to make the holiday a little brighter for military families. Our Christmas Toy Store offers parents of military children the opportunity to “shop” at the Toy Store at NO COST to them, while their children enjoy lunch with Santa and his Elves, arts and crafts, activities, face painting, and caroling. In addition, our volunteers fill 1000 gift bags with a dozen or more quality “fun toys” for the children to enjoy. And, with the support of our partners, Noble Viking Charities of Orange County, 150 families benefit from generous offerings of holiday food boxes.
- Hope for the Warriors Holiday Giving Initiative: Be a spark of HOPE this holiday season by donating to or adopting a family through our Holiday Giving Initiative. You can become Santa and help us provide gifts to brighten a military child’s day. This national program is open to post-9/11 wounded or Gold Star military families that are struggling financially during the holidays. Each service member referred to the Holiday Giving Initiative has completed the Hope For The Warriors application process and have been contacted by our Critical Care team. The application process can be completed on our website. Upon referral, the families are asked to complete a wish list for each child under the age of 18. The wish lists are then provided to interested donors to fulfill.
- La Mesa Military Families Holiday Project: (La Mesa, CA) Each year the Chamber members, friends and family donate new, unwrapped toys and items for our La Mesa military families. We are thrilled to again coordinate this project with Lincoln Military Housing, who facilitates holiday events for over 2,000 military children within our region. The children living in La Mesa military housing are between the ages of 2-13 years old. This year will be a bit different, as we won’t be at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse for our mixer and holiday party! The pandemic has forced us to change the way we collect the toys, diapers and other items this year.
- Michigan National Guard Family Adopt-A-Family Program: (Michigan) Many guard members are serving overseas while their families are trying to make the best of the holiday season without them. The Michigan National Guard Adopt-A-Family Program is an opportunity for organizations and families to reach out and support a guard member and their family. The Adopt-A-Family Program, coordinated through the state family program office in Lansing, is seeking organizations and families interested in sponsoring a Michigan National Guard family.
- Military Assistance Mission: (Arizona) Operation Christmas Giving – If you have attended, donated, volunteered or supported Military Assistance Mission’s end of year holiday event for military families, you will notice a few key changes this year due to Covid. Rest assured, all those changes will not inhibit the spirit of the season! We will have Santa, Christmas decorations, Christmas Carolers, Super Heroes and so much more! In years past families have arrived and “shopped” through our items.
- Military Installations: Christmas holiday support at local installations may include food baskets, holiday meals, toy donation, fellowship, or entertainment. Contact the family center at your nearest installation to inquire of any opportunities for you and your family.
- Mountain Post Santa’s Workshop: (Fort Carson, CO) The mission of Mountain Post Santa’s Workshop is to provide toys, books, and games for children of Military families on The Mountain Post, in financial need, during the holiday season. Many of the recipients would not be able to provide any toys for their children without the help of the wonderful supporters and donors of Santa’s Workshop. Our organization is run solely by volunteers. Volunteers work year round in order to purchase, raise funds, organize, inventory, and select families that require assistance.
- Newby-ginnings of North Idaho, Inc: (Spokane Valley, WA) 7th Annual Adopt a Family Christmas program in support of veteran, active service member, and Gold Star families. To adopt a family, please contact Newby-Ginnings by December 9, 2020.
- Operation Christmas Spirit (Operation Help a Hero): Operation Christmas Spirit is Operation Help a Hero’s annual project which supports local military families in the form of holiday gratitude. Through Operation Christmas Spirit we: “adopt” over 100 families and fulfill their Christmas wish lists with gifts for all family members and gift cards to do their own shopping, sponsor gifts and crafts at unit holiday parties for military children, “adopt” single Marines and Sailors, giving them gifts and gifts cards to celebrate whether near or far from their families, and work with businesses, schools, churches, small groups and individuals who want to spread the joy of Christmas to those who serve our country.
- Operation Homefront Holiday Meals for Military: Operation Homefront’s Holiday Meals for Military primarily helps junior enlisted military families (E1-E6) celebrate the holidays by providing them with healthy fixings for a traditional holiday meal.
- Operation Homefront and Dollar Tree Holiday Toy Drive: Looking forward to Operation Homefront’s 2020 HOLIDAY TOY DRIVE as we distribute toys and gift cards to hundreds of military kids! Millions of toys were donated at Dollar Tree stores nationwide. These items and other holiday gifts were distributed, through our events and local FRGs and community events, to our most junior service members to show our Nation’s appreciation and supplement the family holiday. Military families, visit this LINK to view event locations and to register for an event.
- Operation Once in a Lifetime Toys for Troops: The holidays are fast approaching and Operation Once in a Lifetime receives thousands of requests from active military families and military veteran families needing a little hand up and help for the holidays. These requests vary from families needing help with toys, meals and help getting home for the holidays, especially from those families stationed overseas. Help us help those that have sacrificed so much for others. You can donate online, as well as donate toys at our various drop off locations. Donations are tax deductible. For more information on how you can help, to find the nearest Toys For Troops drop off location or to donate airline miles to help fly service members home for the holidays, please email
- Operation Saint Nick (Operation One Voice): Operation Saint Nick provides $100.00 gift cards to up to 360 Special Operations Forces families with financial need during the holiday season.
- Operation Toy Soldier: Operation Toy Soldier is a nationwide initiative by Veterans Funeral Care to provide toys to the children of deployed and non-deployed soldiers, and also the children of soldiers that have just returned home. On our website, we have listed all of the participating Veterans Funeral Care affiliates will be listed along with event pictures, drop off locations, etc. It is very important to us that you understand that even though Operation Toy Soldier is a nationwide toy drive, all the toys you donate STAY LOCAL.
- Operation Ward 57: Holidays can be particularly difficult for patients who are unable to leave the wards or hospital. OPW57 creates morale and spirit boosting events and gifts for patients, families and staff. With your support we have been able to provide live music directly on the ward and for outpatient families, flowers, hot catered meals, gift bags, toys, gift baskets and more throughout the year.
- Operation Ward 57 Adopt A Wounded Warrior/Gold Star Family 2021: Our goal is to help wounded warrior military families and Gold Star families in need with Christmas and Hanukkah presents for their children, along with a grocery gift card or prepaid Visa gift card for the family to purchase their holiday dinner and trimmings. This is a great way to connect one on one with wounded warrior military families or gold star families to offer a special Thank You this holiday season by providing food and gifts.
- Project Lifting Spirits: Veterans’ Santas- Often, when a troop is wounded, the one thing they really miss being able to do is provide a gift for their own child. We will be trying to see to it that every wounded service member in our area has a gift on hand to give his/her child when they come to visit “Daddy” or “Mommy” at the hospital. We will offer this year round, so the service member has a gift for that all-important first visit with their child after returning home, for the child’s birthday’s and of course at Christmas.
- Project New Hope Inc. – Operation Jeepers Christmas: (Worcester, MA) Project New Hope Inc. (PNH) “Operation Jeepers Christmas” offers an adopt-a-family program. Military & Veteran families who can show proof of need submit their wish lists to PNH and donors adopt the families by purchasing items from their wish lists for Christmas. Giving back to the families of our servicemen and women who have sacrificed so much. Lost in the busyness of the Christmas season are the children of those who serve, who sometimes wake up Christmas morning missing mom or dad and perhaps not understanding why they can’t be there.
- San Bernardino Vet Center: (San Bernardino, CA) San Bernardino County Christmas and holiday assistance programs. Families that are struggling in the San Bernardino area can get help during the Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays from churches or charities. There may be free Christmas toys, gifts, turkey dinners, clothes or food passed out. Other items can include gifts for children or home delivered meals to seniors in the region. Some of the centers may also offer free turkeys, with all the toppings, or meals during the Thanksgiving holiday as well. The enrollment period for these programs, such as Toys for Tots or Angel Tree, will usually begin in the fall, and assistance is offered on a first come and served basis.
- STEP Sharing the Joy: (southern California) STEP (Support the Enlisted Project) – The holidays are here and we want to help YOUR family. We are providing financial relief to our junior enlisted and recently discharged families during the season of giving. Gifts must be delivered to STEP by December 9, 2020.
- Soldiers’ Angels: Military families usually live on a very tight budget, so putting together a Christmas or other winter holiday celebration can be a real challenge for some of them—Soldiers’ Angels is already hearing from hundreds of families who could use a bit of help celebrating this year. The goal in helping these military families is to show America’s gratitude with presents for the children and a grocery gift card or prepaid Visa gift card for them to purchase their holiday dinner and trimmings. Military/veteran families, registration is open now through December 7th, 2020!
- Toys for Little Troops: (based in Raleigh, NC with an outreach to various military installations) Toys For Lil Troops is a program that was founded by our very own Marine Veteran, SSgt Stan Pinkus. He wanted to create a toy program that provided toys specifically to the children of low income and/or deployed troops. Every year, the US Veterans Corps delivers these toys to local military installations including, but not limited to, Fort Bragg, Camp LeJeune, Fort Lee, Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, Ft Meade, Ft Stewart, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Shaw Air Force Base, Eglin Air Force Base, Reserves, National Guard, and many other locations. We also deliver toys year round to the children of veteran and first responder families in need through the Shop with a Cop and Shop with a Sheriff programs.
- Toys for Tots: Since 1947 the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve program has distributed more than 584 million toys to more than 265 million children. This program is open to all children in the community, including military kids. Families can select their state from the “Request A Toy” tab to learn about how to sign up for the program.
- United Military Care: (Marietta, GA) Are you a military or veteran family in need of Christmas holiday assistance? Pre-register to attend the Christmas store.
- USO: Your local USO may have holiday programs which may include free meals, entertainment, and toys to military families. Holiday festivities may include Thanksgiving dinner, breakfast with Santa, Christmas dinner, holiday food baskets, toy drives, food pantries, and more.
- Veterans Center: (Atlanta, GA)Saturday, December 19, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM This is an annual Christmas event hosted to uplift rural communities, veterans, their families, children (infant to 17) and seniors citizens. We are serving 10 rural counties in Middle and South Georgia. During the celebration we assist and serve over 5000 families. Tickets are free to attend registration required!! In order to receive a toy please register for a ticket; please complete your application online.
- VETLIFE Heroes Holiday: (Howell, MI) This program helps bring holiday joy to children in need. No child should go without a gift during the holiday season which is why VETLIFE sponsors several veteran families each year by donating presents to those in need.
- Warriors for Freedom 6th Annual Patriot Christmas(Oklahoma City, OK) Warriors for Freedom works in coordination with the Homeless Alliance and Goodwill to identify veterans and their families in need. Nov. 1-30, 2020.
- Wish for our Heroes – Wish Patrol San Antonio 2019 (San Antonio, TX) Assisting Central Texas military families during the 2019 holiday season. WISH PATROL 2019, a fun-filled evening dedicated to assisting Central Texas military families during the 2019 holiday season. The evening will include a pre-party at SWBC Corporate Headquarters in San Antonio, followed by an evening of wish-granting as supporters board buses, travel to the homes of struggling local military families, sing Christmas carols, and provide these families with the Christmas-of-a-lifetime.
- WNY Heroes, Inc (Western New York) Adopt a Veteran Family – Help us help veterans in need have a special holiday with our Adopt-A-Family campaign in December.
Contactor Resources
- Veterans Center: (Atlanta, GA)Saturday, December 19, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM This is an annual Christmas event hosted to uplift rural communities, veterans, their families, children (infant to 17) and seniors citizens. We are serving 10 rural counties in Middle and South Georgia. During the celebration we assist and serve over 5000 families. Tickets are free to attend registration required!! In order to receive a toy please register for a ticket; please complete your application online.
- Civilian Contractor Wives Support Group: We have created this page so people can have a faster link to our online support group for Civilian Wives and Girlfriends. As civilians, we go through all the same ups and downs, heartaches and happiness all without the support of the military. So this support group is to try and help us all along with the needs of our civilians and their families.
- Families and Friends of Deployed Civilian Contractors: Support for Civilians Supporting our Military – Welcome! This is a site for families and friends of deployed civilian contractors serving abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan. As the spouse of a retired Navy Sr. Chief and the Command Ombudsman of Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, TX, I thought getting through my husband’s deployment as a civilian would be just like any other. Boy, was I wrong! In searching for support resources for families of civilian contractors, I came up empty handed and a little more depressed than I was going in. I feel like this is a great opportunity for those of us who are holding down the fort while our spouses/ family members are gone to come together, share ideas and tips, and just have an understanding ear to call upon. Please use this site to share, vent, and support! I am not a professional licensed in any financial, psychological, or legal matters. Please seek the guidance of licensed professional on any subject matter referencing one of the above. I look forward to hearing from anyone who has thoughts and comments regarding having civilian family members serving alongside our great military in the ongoing Global War on Terrorism
- Shadow Warriors Project: A foundation dedicated to the support of private military security contractors, conducting paramilitary security operations in some of the world’s most dangerous areas. It is the only charity of its kind. Although the private security contractor has served in the military he is considered a civilian and does not receive the same support offered to injured active military or veterans. We are here to serve the private contractor by offering financial support through heartfelt donations. By easing the load of these injured warriors it allows them to focus on healing, as an individual as well as the family unit.
Healing Art Resources
- American Healing Arts Foundation (Scottsdale, AZ): The American Healing Arts Foundation (AHAF) is a non-profit organization that promotes art classes at no cost to our veterans. Our mission is to give veterans new hope, offer them our support, friendship and additionally give them an art career opportunity. Art is proven to be therapeutic for the mind body and soul. We are looking forward to our ultimate goal of the ‘Veterans Academy of Art’.
- Armed Services Arts Partnership (Alexandria, VA): The Armed Services Arts Partnership (ASAP) helps veterans, service members, and military families reintegrate into their communities through the arts. ASAP offers six- to ten-week classes and weekend workshops, which are focused on promoting expression, skill-building, and social support.
- Art for Veterans (Flags Across the Nation) (Charlotte, NC): The Art for Veterans project brings creative and healing support to our veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. We also welcome veterans from other conflicts and wars to participate with us. This project provides veterans with free art materials, art lessons and art space. We believe that in the process of creating art, healing can take place.
- Art of War Project: Art of War Project was founded to inspire hope and contribute the the health and well being of American Veterans dealing with PTSD. By providing a positive outlet through art and other creative endeavors, we seek to make lives better.
- Artwork by Veterans: Artwork by Veterans (AbV) seeks to help Americans understand military service through artwork created by veterans. By networking with Museums and Curators we provide accessible venues for past and present Warriors. AbV artwork and exhibits reveal the effects of war upon our nation’s heroes, provides veterans with a creative venue for expression, and promotes patriotism in a positive light.
- Blue Star Theatre: Blue Star Theatres is a collaboration between Theatre Communications Group and Blue Star Families, with leadership support from the MetLife Foundation. The first launch of the program is September 28, 2012, with 21 theatres participating. Through Blue Star Theatres, we plan to help better connect theatre offerings to military personnel across the United States. This initiative is intended to recognize the contributions of service families, to build stronger connections between the theatre community and military families in communities all across the country and to help in whatever small way we can to aid service people and their families as they seek to be integrated into the lives of their communities. Each participating Blue Star Theatre is offering discounted or complimentary admission to all military personnel and their families, as well as veterans. Education programs and other theatre opportunities may be discounted as well.
- Brat Art Institute (Norfolk, VA): The BRAT Art Institute is the first multidisciplinary art institute for Military Brats in the world. Currently based out of Virginia, which has one of the largest concentrations of military families in America.
- Breaking Rag (Fort Bragg, NC): Breaking Rag is a veteran, family, and community art project, facilitated by veteran/artist Trish Brownlee, serving Fort Bragg and surrounding counties.
- Button Field Press: Through papermaking, printmaking, book arts, and writing workshops Button Field attempts to create artistic space for veterans and communities to dialogue about their experiences.
- Combat Paper Project: The Combat Paper Project utilizes art making workshops to assist veterans in reconciling and sharing their personal experiences as well as broadening the traditional narrative surrounding service and the military culture.
- Common Ground on the Hill Veterans Initiative (Westminster, MD): In 2012, Common Ground on the Hill launched its Veterans Initiative, providing full scholarships for ten veterans to attend the Traditions Weeks summer workshops at McDaniel College in Maryland. The experience was transformative. Both veterans and civilians thrived in an environment of mutual respect and sharing, engaging in an essential and difficult dialogue.
- Creative Forces: NEA Military Healing Arts Network: The NEA and Department of Defense have expanded its military healing arts program into Creative Forces: NEA Military Healing Arts Network. The expanded Creative Forces program places creative arts therapies at the core of patient-centered care at ten additional clinical sites – for a total of twelve – and increases access to therapeutic arts activities in local communities for military members, veterans, and their families. The program is also investing in research on the impacts and benefits of these innovative treatment methods.
- CreatiVets (Chicago, IL and Nashville, TN): CreatiVets’ goal is to offer opportunities of relief and healing for the men and women who have sacrificed so much our country. Our purpose is to use various forms of art, including songwriting, visual arts, music and creative writing, to help disabled veterans cope with service-related trauma (i.e., post-traumatic stress, or PTS) by fostering self-expression in a way that allows them to transform their stories of trauma and struggle into an art form that can inspire and motivate continued healing.
- Diavolo – The Veterans Project: The mission of The Veterans Project is to utilize DIAVOLO’s unique style of movement as a tool to help restore veterans’ physical, mental, and emotional strengths through workshops and public performances in communities all around the country.
- Dryhootch Artful Warriors program (Milwaukee, WI): Artful Warriors is a coffee house art group that meets from 11-3 on Tuesdays at Dryhootch veterans coffee house at 1030 E Brady Street, Milwaukee WI. This group is for those who wish to follow the journey of the Artful Warrior members and various activities.
- Exit 12 Dance Company (New York, NY): Exit 12 Dance Company’s vision is to widely impact audiences for the greater good by both raising awareness of societal themes through dance, and cultivating a socially significant dialogue with innovative educational programming.
- Feast of Crispian, Inc. (Milwaukee, WI): Feast of Crispian, Inc. (FoC) brings together professional theater practitioners and service veterans to build community by using acting skills and the timeless words of William Shakespeare in order to teach and deepen emotional resources veterans need to overcome traumatic and reintegration issues. Through weekend intensives, weekly classes and full productions, FoC seeks to recreate the camaraderie and feeling of belonging veterans miss from military life, as well as give a safe way of exploring the overwhelming emotions that they may experience when returning to civilian life.
- Foundation for Art and Healing: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) represent significant burdens for those afflicted, their caregivers, and military and civilian healthcare delivery systems. New approaches are urgently needed to help active service members suffering from PTSD & TBI thrive on duty and successfully transition to civilian life.
- GI Film Festival: The GI Film Festival (GIFF) is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to sharing the military experience in and out of the arena of war. The festival is the first in the nation to exclusively celebrate the successes and sacrifices of the service member through the medium of film.
- Harmony for Heroes (Washington): Harmony for Heroes demonstrates our appreciation for our military by sharing classical music at the Veterans Administration Hospital Living Centers in Tacoma and Seattle. We share music at least once per month at each campus. Harmony for Heroes shares classically-based music with veterans, current military and their families to provide support in any capacity we may discover a need.
- Help Heal Veterans: HealVets provides therapeutic arts and crafts kits to veterans receiving medical care. These kits keep hands active, minds alert and help with recovery.
- Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project (Veterans’ Voices): The mission of HVWP is to encourage veterans to write, through the coordinated efforts of volunteers and/or VA medical center staff. Veterans often experience traumatic and life-changing experiences in the service of their country. Writing serves as therapy for many veterans who participate through the VA medical centers across the United States of America. HVWP’s therapeutic writing program is designed to acknowledge veterans’ experiences and build self-esteem through creative expression and possible publication. Veterans are encouraged to submit their manuscripts (prose, poetry and artwork) for national publication in Veterans’ Voices, the only publication dedicated solely to veterans’ writings.
- Kentucky Shakespeare – Shakespeare with Veterans (Louisville, KY): Shakespeare with Veterans brings service members together, as a band of brothers and sisters, and provides the opportunity for camaraderie and a higher sense of purpose that represents what veterans loved most during our military service. Military veterans need a unit to belong to, and they want a mission to pursue. Kentucky Shakespeare’s Shakespeare with Veterans provides both.
- Lebanon, VA Medical Center (Lebanon, PA): Lebanon VA Medical Center and Lebanon Valley College developed The Seeing Lens a ten-week therapeutic photography group to help Veterans in recovery.
- Military Experience and the Arts: Military Experience and the Arts is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization whose primary mission is to work with veterans and their families to publish creative prose, poetry, and artwork. We also work with scholars to publish articles related to veterans’ issues in the humanities and social sciences. Our volunteers are based all over, including college professors, professional authors, veterans’ advocates, and clinicians. As such, most of our services are done through email and in online writing workshops. All editing, consultations, and workshops are free of charge to those accepted for publication.
- National Veterans Art Museum (Chicago, IL): The National Veterans Art Museum inspires greater understanding of the impact of war with a focus on Vietnam. The museum collects, preserves and exhibits art inspired by combat and created by veterans.
- National Veterans Creative Arts Competition and Festival: Nationwide, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities use the creative arts as one form of rehabilitative treatment to help Veterans recover from and cope with physical and emotional disabilities. Across the country each year, Veterans enrolled at VA health care facilities compete in a local creative arts competition. The competition includes categories in the visual arts division that range from oil painting to leatherwork to paint-by-number kits. In addition, there are categories in writing as well as the performing arts of dance, drama and music. Local creative arts competition first place winning entries advance to a national judging process and first, second and third place entries in each category are determined.
- Operation Revamp, Inc. (Grand Junction, CO): Operation Revamp, Inc. is an organization that is working for the veterans and military families effected by trauma. Art provides an opportunity to heal from these symptoms and difficulties. We provide the vehicle for the art. We are offering art classes to veterans and military families. Currently, these are offered locally in Grand Junction, Colorado but we will expand to other areas as interest demands and funding provides. Our Colorado headquarters has established an open studio where our participating artists will be able to access studio space as needed. We also assist our artists in sale of their art in our gift shop and will host other events such as silent auctions, the wall of art and art competitions. Our music room is now ready for practice, lessons, jam sessions and some recording.
- Reflections of Generosity: Reflections of Generosity is a traveling exhibit dedicated to serving Soldiers, veterans and their families. It is under the umbrella of Theatre, Inc.
- Rochester Veterans Writing Group (Rochester, NY): Rochester Veterans Writing Group meets monthly. It is free, and open to veterans of every age and every rank.
- Survivors Empowered Through Art, Inc: Survivors Empowered Through Art, Inc. is a newly formed non-profit founded by Executive Director, Rachel Beauchene. Our mission is to raise awareness about sexual assault, including military sexual trauma, through art and narrative storytelling.
- Syracuse Veterans’ Writing Group (New York): The Syracuse Veterans’ Writing group is open to all veterans and their supporters The focus of our group is on writing nonfiction accounts or “true stories” of life in and out of the military. Veterans of all ages, branches of the military, and conflicts are welcome. You need not have any prior experience with writing, just a desire to write your stories and share them with others.
- Task Force: ISO (Castle Rock, CO): Task Force: ISO is a non-profit organization that uses the art of photography as a healing tool for military veterans who have faced physical or mental adversity as a result of their service. They are creating a photography education program with the intention of encouraging personal growth and an active, productive lifestyle and a means of self-therapy.
- The Art Therapy Project (New York): The Art Therapy Project is dedicated to helping trauma survivors through the creative process. Centered around challenges of Family, Violence and Health, we are the only nonprofit in New York dedicated solely to providing guided art therapy to those seeking hope and support. We go beyond traditional talk therapy. Our clients and art therapists work together to turn negative energy positive.
- The Big Red Barn Retreat (Blythewood, SC): The Big Red Barn Retreat is a 501(c)(3) and strives to create a peaceful, nurturing, therapeutic haven in a natural setting to provide a feeling of peace, tranquility and a sense of connection and stability for those in need. We service those suffering from PTSD and other combat related stress issues. We currently offer equine assisted psychotherapy, therapeutic yoga and a healing arts program.
- The Joel Fund – Operation A.R.T.TM (North Carolina): A.R.T. always tells a story. A.R.T. is a way to share without speaking. In 2017, The Joel Fund launched a partnership with the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre to bring art classes to the veterans in our community. This year, the program is expanding to include the veteran’s family members. Operation A.R.T.™ students will have the opportunity to be introduced to a new art medium or continue developing skills in a known medium.
- The Dirty Canteen: The Dirty Canteen is a collaboration of Artists who are part of this generation’s Veteran Art Movement. The Artists involved in The Dirty Canteen are actively committed to helping fellow Veterans by providing them with means of expression and support as well as informing and educating the public.
- The Graffiti of War Project: Offering a unique, individual perspective, through their eyes and their emotions. Each image represents a moment in time, when an emotion was captured in ink, paint, or pencil, an unconventional historical record of this generation’s war. Our mission is that through sharing these images, we will begin a dialog between soldier and civilian, to bridge this ever-widening divide between those who have endured these wars and the rest of the world that can only imagine the horrors. To bring understanding and true empathy of what these men and women experience during modern conflicts.
- The Journal of Military Experience: The Journal of Military Experience illuminates veteran culture through creative and scholarly expression, helping veterans heal and society understand.
- The Telling Project: The Telling Project is a national performing arts non-profit that employs theater to deepen our understanding of the military and veteran experience. Greater understanding fosters receptivity, easing veterans’ transitions back to civil society, and allowing communities to benefit from the skills and experience they bring with them. Through this understanding, a community deepens its connection to its veterans, itself, and its place in the nation and the world.
- The Veterans Art Foundation: Our foundation is open to any U.S. Armed Services Veteran and their family members.
- The Veterans National Entertainment Workshop: The purpose of the Veterans National Entertainment Workshop helps veterans cope with stress and maintain a level of positive mental health through the incorporation of music, dance, theater, and entertaining productions that they can directly participate in.
- The Veteran’s Spouse Project: The Veteran’s Spouse Project (VSP) is the only nonprofit arts organization in the nation working to give voice to the experiences of military spouses through theatre and expressive arts. VSP programs give participants the opportunity to share, create, listen and connect. VSP exists to help bridge the civilian and military gaps within our communities by deepening the understanding of what military families endure.
- The Veterans Writing Group (San Diego County, CA): Do you have a story to tell? The Veterans’ Writing Group – San Diego (VWG-SD) is an awesome, informal group that welcomes Vet Writers of ALL skill levels. The VWG-SD is supported by the Writers Guild Foundation (WGF) and mentored by various local professional writers – who help veterans improve their writing skills, develop a creative outlet, share their experiences, and explore the possibilities of a career in writing!
- The War Experience Project: The War Experience Project is encouraging artistic expression for current and former military services members: warriors. Through acrylic painting workshops warriors reveal their own unique expression of their experience onto a military uniform blouse, revealing what has been in the uniform but never seen except those who have worn it. This process begins community dialogue on veterans terms through art.
- United States Veterans’ Artists Alliance (USVAA): United States Veterans’ Artists Alliance (USVAA) is a non-profit, multi-disciplinary arts organization composed of a diverse group of dynamic, extraordinarily talented military veterans and artists located across the United States.
- Vet Arts Connect (Maryland): Vet Arts Connect supports the health and well-being of Maryland military veterans by connecting them with vital experiences in nature and the creative arts. Consistent with scientific findings, many veterans report that artistic expression and encounters with nature improve their mood, self-confidence, and ability to manage stress. Veterans: Learn new stuff, meet other veterans, and have fun hiking, playing music, fishing, writing, creating art, and more.
- Veteran Artist Program: VAP takes artists, who are also veterans, and propels their works and careers into the mainstream creative arts community through networking, mentorship, collaboration with professional artists, and original productions. We are based in the Baltimore-Washington area and looking forward to connecting with other like-minded organizations and expanding the network of veteran artists throughout the country.
- Veteran Paper Workshop (Peace Paper Project): Veteran Paper Workshop provides veterans with hand papermaking as a vehicle for self-expression and healing. Peace Paper Project facilitates Veteran Paper Workshop in collaboration with Art Therapists and Recreation Therapists to ensure that veterans experience the benefits of hand papermaking in supportive environments.
- Veterans Alternative (Holiday, FL): Veterans Alternative utilizes an integrative approach to supplement the main modalities of ART, iRest and Adaptive Yoga. Some of these modalities include Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Meditative and Mindfulness Workshops, HydroMassage and TRX Training and Conditioning. Camaraderie building activities also play a large part at Veterans Alternative and support groups are offered monthly for those who would like to participate.
- Veterans Art Center Tampa Bay (Tampa Bay, FL): The Veterans Art Center Tampa Bay provides alternative therapy, educational programming, and artistic expression to military, veterans, first responders and their families.
- Veterans Art Project: The Veterans Art Project is a veteran service organization that offers free bronze and ceramics classes to veterans, their families, and veteran’s advocates.
- Veterans Art Project (Saddleback College – Mission Viejo, CA): An Innovative Ceramics Program Giving Veterans An Outlet For Creativity ~ The program offers artistic exploration and community involvement for military veterans, active duty personnel, and their spouses. Privately funded, the Veterans Art Project is being implemented through the support of Saddleback College. This class is tuition-free thanks to a generous grant intended to support our vets.
- Veterans Art Therapy Program (Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance): A partnership between the Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance and the Veterans Administration of Southern Arizona. We believe that the arts can have an impact—physically, emotionally, economically, educationally – on the lives of service members, veterans, families, healthcare providers and the community.
- Veterans National Entertainment Workshop: The Veterans National Entertainment Workshop helps veterans cope with stress and maintain a level of positive mental health through music, dance, theater, and entertaining productions in which they can directly participate. This nonprofit program offers veterans the opportunity to perform their own material for the general public. Those who participate will be afforded the opportunity to work with Hollywood professionals. Those who do not perform will be given the opportunity to work developing sets and helping with the technical aspects of production.
- Veterans Outreach Center (Rochester, NY): The Center offers Creative Arts Therapy, an established mental health profession that combines traditional psychotherapeutic theories and techniques with an understanding of the creative process. Art therapy utilizes all forms of visual art expression including painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, and photography. At VOC art therapy is provided by therapists who are nationally registered (ATR), board certified (BC), and licensed in NYS (LCAT) to practice Creative Arts Therapy and psychotherapy. The program is one of our core supportive services and facilitates referrals for other creative arts modalities including music and dance therapy.
- Veterans Writing Collective (Methodist University – Fayetteville, NC): The mission of the Veterans Writing Collective is to encourage the art of writing and to provide a workshop environment in which participants offer honest, positive feedback on members’ writing. The group is open to writers of all genres—including poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, memoir, drama, and journaling—and is open to all active-duty military, veterans, and family members.
- Veterans Writing Workshop (New York, NY): The Veterans Writing Workshop provides free writing workshops for U.S. veterans in the New York Metropolitan area, publishes veterans writing, and promotes dialogue between veterans and civilians.
- Visionary Veterans Art Therapy Program (Fort Worth, TX): A 16-week art therapy program offering counseling in a therapeutic group setting for veterans returning from service who may have mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and trauma and/or relationship issues/conflicts as well as stress of finding employment and transitioning home.
- Visions for Vets (St. Louis, MO): Visions for Vets offers free Visual Arts workshops to military veterans to help assist in the healing process, provide community and serve through art.
- Warriors Journey Home Writing Circle (Kent, OH): The Warriors’ Journey Home Writing Circle is a veterans’ writing group in which we listen, speak and heal.
- Warrior Writers: Warrior Writers is a Philadelphia based, national non-profit. Our mission is to create a culture that articulates veterans’ experiences, provide a creative community for artistic expression, and bear witness to the lived experiences of warriors.
- Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce – Annual Veterans Light Up the Arts (Wisconsin): Calling all veteran, active military, and military spouse artists – We want to feature YOUR art at our annual Veterans Light Up the Arts event. Signups are open to all veterans, active military, and military spouse artists and performers. Music, performance pieces, multimedia, video, visual art, and spoken pieces are all welcome.
- Woodworking for Veterans (Norfolk Woodcraft): Woodcraft franchise owners, Bill and Heather Caillet have a new Woodworking for Veterans program in place at our Woodcraft store in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. Their mission is dedicated to helping the physical and emotional rehabilitation of wounded and injured active military service personnel and veterans through woodworking activities. The program is designed to provide basic woodworking skills and enhance the quality of life for these service members and Veterans. Woodworking For Veterans will focus on the abilities of each participant while they grow in their woodworking skills. Woodworking for Veterans is free to all wounded and injured active military personnel and veterans.
- Workhouse Arts Center – Military in the Arts Initiative (Lorton, VA): The Workhouse Military in the Arts Initiative (WMAI) is rooted in the Workhouse Arts Center’s desire to address the needs and to improve the lives of military service members, veterans, their families, and caregivers through the arts. WMAI seeks to increase equity, access, and opportunities for veterans to participate in quality arts programming that is sensitive and responsive to their unique experiences. Participants engage in whole human wellness for transformative experiences in art psychotherapy, therapeutic art making, performance art, culinary arts, and health and wellness as a multidisciplinary experience designed to support healing. WMAI’s Programs are FREE and open to all US Military branches, and reservists, regardless of duty status and their direct family members.
- Writers Guild Foundation – The Veterans Writing Group: It’s the only program of its kind. We pair military vets who have a penchant for wordsmithing with a collection of WGA-enrolled film and television writers. Those writers mentor the vets in two phases: A weekend-long retreat, and a series of regular meetings throughout the following year.
Travel Resources
Travel & Leisure
- Military Hops: Since 2002, has been dedicated to being the premier index of information about Space Available (Space-A) Military Flights that qualified people can travel on. Our goal is that if the information you seek on this subject is on the World Wide Web then you can find it from here.
- American Legion Member Discount Program: The American Legion offers American Legion and SAL members and their extended families specific rate packages negotiated for flights, rental cars, hotels, vacation packages and cruises.
- Armed Forces Recreation Center Resorts: Whether strolling barefoot on the sands of Waikiki Beach, sightseeing historic European castles, shopping Seoul’s exciting shopping district or visiting the enchanting Walt Disney Resort; there is a vacation getaway that will leave you with fresh memories and new perspectives.
- Armed Forces Vacation Club: The Armed Forces Vacation Club (AFVC) is a program that offers Department of Defense affiliated personnel the opportunity to take affordable vacations for only $329* per unit per week on a space available basis. The 7-night condominium vacations are very popular. The majority of availability is generally in the US, Mexico, South America, and Europe.
- Best Kept Secrets – Joint Services Campgrounds and Facilities (Military OneSource): If you and your family are looking for adventure in the great outdoors—camping, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, boating, swimming, hiking or just lounging on a beach — these “best kept secrets” might just offer you exactly what you need for your next vacation. Whether you are looking for a place to park your RV, set up your tent or stay in a rustic cabin, Morale, Welfare and Recreation joint services campgrounds and facilities across the United States provide service members and their families a variety of accommodations and amenities at great rates without sacrificing luxury or location. Find a “best kept secret” for your family’s next adventure.
- Defense Travel Management Service Travel Assistance Center: The Travel Assistance Center (TAC) is available to all DoD travelers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Staffed by a team of trained analysts, the TAC offers assistance on the spectrum of DoD travel including DTS, Government Travel Charge Card, Commercial Travel Programs, Travel Policy, and 24-hour Recruit Assistance.
- DoD Lodging: A directory of Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Navy lodging opportunities.
- Government Lodging: A listing of government lodging facilities for Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Navy.
- Military Cruise Deals: In our first year, we became the fastest growing no-fee cruise agency in the United States with our site, My Cruise by providing expert cruise consultants, personal customer service and the lowest prices. We are accredited by CLIA, the official trade organization of the cruise industry, Cruise Lines International Association. CLIA works in partnership with nearly 17,000 affiliated travel agencies throughout North America to ensure the highest caliber of cruise sales expertise and service for cruise vacationers. We are now the number one agency for military cruise discounts.
- Military Only Travel: The ‘Ultimate’ website for Military Travel. Includes Space A.
- Military Travel Center ( Take advantage of many convenient and inexpensive lodging options.
- Military Traveler App: Extensive list of U.S. Military Bases
- Off Duty Travel (MWR): serves authorized MWR patrons with links to fare finders, travel providers and tips on how to maximize your travel budget. Visit your nearest ITR Office for more information and help in planning your next off duty travel experience.
- Paths Across America: Welcome to Paths Across America, the Army Outdoor Recreation guide to Army recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds. The Army provides these to promote recreational travel and provide outdoor recreational opportunities to authorized users. Paths Across America offers various levels of amenities, from gravel pads to paved pads with water, electric, sewage disposal, cable TV and telephone access.
- PCS-Lodging: PCS-Lodging has been created to provide you easy access to military lodging around bases throughout the United States. Our goal is to have hotels and lodging identified for military families moving to a new duty station or on TAD, TDY, or a PCS house hunting trip.
- State Department – International Travel: The State Department’s Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management (ACS) administers the Consular Information Program, which informs the public of conditions abroad that may affect their safety and security. Country Specific Information, Travel Alerts, and Travel Warnings are vital parts of this program.
- State Department – Travel Alerts: Travel Alerts are issued to disseminate information about short-term conditions, either transnational or within a particular country, that pose significant risks to the security of U.S. citizens. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, coups, anniversaries of terrorist events, election-related demonstrations or violence, and high-profile events such as international conferences or regional sports events are examples of conditions that might generate a Travel Alert.
- United Service Organization (USO): From a wide variety of ways to connect troops to their families and friends back home to the heartfelt compassion of care for wounded warriors, the USO is there for military families in the U.S. and around the world. Services and amenities vary based on location and type, so please visit our center directory to find out what features are offered at the USO nearest you.
- USAA – A wide variety of travel information.
- U.S. Military Campgrounds and RV Parks – List of military campgrounds and RV parks.
- Veterans Campground on Big Marine Lake (Marine on St. Croix, MN): Proclaimed a Yellow Ribbon Campground in 2010. A year-round facility for veterans, families, and sponsored guests. The campground includes 121 RV sites, 31 tent sites, and 24 cabins. The campground is open year-round, with the duplex cabins fully heated, and the canteen open every weekend. Activities include: boating, fishing, inner-tubing, skiing, swimming, horseshoes, softball, sand volleyball, basketball, movies, walking trails, crafts, gardening, public Holiday programs, kids’ crafts, arcade room, bar/canteen, and picnicking.
- Veterans Holidays: The Veteran’s Holidays® (VET) is a “space available” program that offers military and other Department of Defense-affiliated personnel the opportunity to enjoy vacations at popular destinations around the world – for the incredibly low price of just $369* USD per unit, per week.
- Veteran’s Travel Resources: Discount travel rates for military retirees, veterans, and their dependents.
Air Travel
- Air Charity Network: Air Charity Network™ (ACN) provides access for people in need seeking free air transportation to specialized health care facilities or distant destinations due to family, community or national crisis.
- Air Travel – We strive to provide discounted airfare to U.S. military personnel for flights, car rentals, hotels, vacation packages. Make sure to use promocode: MILITARY when prompted. 24/7 Customer Service: (866) 883-0908.
- Air Travel – Military discount flights, cheap military airfares. Airline tickets for for military personnel, spouses and families. The only reservation site with authentic military fares!
- American Red Cross: The American Red Cross works in partnership with military aid societies to provide quality, reliable financial assistance to eligible applicants 24/7/365. Assistance can include funds for emergency travel, burial of a loved one, emergency food and shelter, etc.
- Angel Airlines for Veterans: The mission and purpose of Veterans Angel Airlines is to ensure that no financially-needy veteran / active duty military person or their family member(s) is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation for lack of a means of long-distance commercial airline transportation.
- Angel Flight: Angel Flight arranges free air transportation for people that have a medical need that can’t be filled in their local area. Angel Flight serves primarily patients who are traveling from, to or through the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Our organization believes that the cost of travel should never stand in the way of receiving medical care. Therefore, our angels will take flight to get people to the hope of lifesaving treatment and all of our services are free! Angel Flight volunteer pilots are ready to act as angels in the lives of others. We are totally committed to our mission of removing the obstacle of transportation for individuals with medical and financial needs.
- Angel Flight East: Angel Flight East (AFE) is dedicated to serving the community by facilitating free air transportation to children and adults in need of medical treatment far from home. Volunteer pilots use their own aircraft and pay for all expenses of the flight. Although AFE’s office is located in Blue Bell, PA we cover a 14 state territory that includes Virginia to Ohio to Maine.
- Arms Outstretched Ministries: Arms Outstretched Ministry together with Dixie Bones Restaurant, provide catered lunch, care packages, and friendship to the wounded warriors, their families and staff at the National Naval Medical Center in the Bethesda, MD. We conduct this ministry monthly. We also provide transportation services in the form of airline tickets, rental car needs, hotel, and food needs to the families of the wounded warriors as funding is available.
- Fisher House (Hero Miles): The nonprofit Fisher House Foundation’s Hero Miles program is comprised of individual airlines whose passengers donate their frequent flyer miles to assist service members and their families. Specifically, Fisher House Foundation provides free airline tickets to military men and women who are undergoing treatment at a military or VA medical center incident to their service in Iraq or Afghanistan, and their families.
- Heartbeat for Warriors (Washington): The Emergency Assistance Program provides direct financial support for wounded service members and their families in Washington state. Heartbeat—Serving Wounded Warriors helps with many crises that happen when there is reduced income or delayed military pay. When life crises occur, Heartbeat provides funds to help wounded service members and their families get through the difficult times. No repayment occurs.
- Let’s Bring ‘Em Home: Each year we take donations to purchase plane tickets for junior enlisted military personnel, allowing them the opportunity to fly home and spend the holidays with their families. This program was initially started in December 2001 to show our grateful appreciation to American service members deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and has become an annual tradition ever since.
- Luke’s Wings: Luke’s Wings is an organization dedicated to the support of service members who have been wounded in battle. Recognizing the immediate need for families to be with their loved ones at such a difficult time, Luke’s Wings provides families with the means to visit during the service member’s hospitalization and rehabilitation. By purchasing travel agency services and travel tickets for loved ones, Luke’s Wings provides an immediate and invaluable service to the families of our men and women at arms while also helping to encourage and motivate the service member’s recovery.
- The mission of the Travel Assistance program is to provide financial assistance to Marine Corps family members who would otherwise not be able to attend their Marine’s boot camp graduation.
- Military Overseas Free Flights for College Students (Student Dependent Travel): Some great information for families stationed at an OCONUS assignment (including Alaska and Hawaii) who have a college student studying elsewhere.
- Old Glory Honor Flight: Old Glory Honor Flight is dedicated to transporting our local WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans to Washington, D.C. to see the memorials built in their honor. Our mission is to offer our local World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans a memorable, safe and rewarding tour of honor to our nation’s capital. It’s a whirlwind tour. This trip happens all in one day and is completely free of charge to the vet! It’s our small way to say ‘thank you’ for their service and sacrifices to this great country. We are also dedicated to making this trip as safe as possible. Trained volunteer ‘guardians’ are assigned to accompany our veterans. For added safety, we travel with volunteer medical professionals.
- Operation First Response: The mission of Operation First Response, Inc (OFR) is to support our nation’s wounded Heroes and their families with personal and financial needs. Some assistance may be given for travel expenses to and from major medical facilities.
- Operation Fly a Soldier Home (Operation Once in a Lifetime): Soldiers deploy all over the world — Egypt, Germany, Korea and the Middle East — but many of these soldiers do not get to come home. They do not get to come home because they cannot afford to fly home. Soldiers deployed overseas are responsible to pay for their own flights home. If a soldier was stationed in Germany with his family and had not been home in two years, he would have to pay for him and his family to fly back to the United States.
- Operation Homefront: Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance program helps military families address critical financial shortfalls. Most often, this means assistance with mortgage payments, rent, utilities, car repairs, home repairs, overdue bills, critical baby items, and groceries.
- Operation Ride Home (Jack Daniel’s and AYSMCA): At Jack Daniel’s, it isn’t about what’s under the tree. It’s about who’s around it. Once again, the Operation Ride Home program will help enable service members and their families to travel home for the holidays. Jack Daniel’s has kicked off the program with a $100,000 donation to the Armed Services YMCA. We hope, as a Friend of Jack, you will join us in this effort. And, NEW this year – we’re accepting airline miles. Every mile helps. The trained staff of the non-profit ASYMCA will work closely with military commands and volunteers across all service branches to identify those service members and families in need of travel financial assistance. While our nation’s military does a wonderful job of getting our troops back to their base from deployment, it’s just not home. From monetary donations to airline miles, let’s get even more service members and their families home this year.
- PALS for Patriots: Patient AirLift Services (PALS) arranges free air transportation for individuals requiring medical diagnosis, treatment or follow-up, for compassionate assistance, for military personnel/family requests through the PALS for Patriots Program, or for humanitarian purposes through the PALS Sky Hope Disaster Relief Program.
- Pilots for Christ: Pilots For Christ International is a non-denominational organization of pilots and aviation enthusiasts, dedicated to the promotion of the Gospel through aviation and necessary ground transportation. Free air and ground transportation is available! If you need air or ground transportation, Pilots for Christ might be able to help.
- The Callen Foundation (Ohio): The Callen Foundation provides limited financial assistance to the families for active duty Ohio military families. We provide active duty Ohio military families emergency financial assistance on a rapid basis. Our focus is on those families with the most urgent needs of day to day life such as late utility bills, rent & car payments, food and basic living necessities. We offer assistance as a one time event. All referrals for assistance are vetted by only accepting referrals from the Ohio National Guard’s Family Assistance Centers located throughout Ohio. In order to be good stewards of our public donations is our policy to not offer funding to anyone where our gift will not prevent the same situation from occurring at the next billing due date. One means of help they offer is emergency travel assistance.
- The Honor Flight Network: Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s veterans for all their sacrifices. We transport our heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top priority is given to the senior veterans – World War II survivors, along with those other veterans who may be terminally ill.
- Veterans Airlift Command: The Veterans Airlift Command provides free air transportation to wounded veterans and their families for medical and other compassionate purposes, through a national network of volunteer aircraft owners and pilots. Our priority is on the veterans of Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).
- Wings for Warriors: Wings for Warriors supports financial assistance for immediate family members traveling to visit wounded loved ones located at military and hospital facilities around the nation.
Space A Travel
- Air Travel: View our “Air Travel Resource” section for an extensive list of resources.
- Air Mobility Command: Welcome to the official Air Mobility Command Travel web page. Whether you are traveling Space Required or Space Available, this page is your one-stop shop for all your travel needs, including passenger terminal contact information, locations, and regulatory guidance.
- Flight planning information for military Space Available travel. Passenger terminals in the space-available travel program post which flights are available and how many seats are on each flight for up to 72 hours on their individual Facebook pages (listed below). Travelers may post questions on the Facebook pages and someone will get back with them within 24 hours. A listing of additional passenger terminals (without Facebook pages) are listed HERE.
- John D’s Military Space A Travel Pages: About theses pages: I’m active duty military and was bitten by the Space-A bug in 1986 when I was looking for inexpensive ways to fly my family of 4 dependents to Ireland annually to visit grand-parents. In 2001, I created the Space-A FAQ to answer basic questions about Space-A travel. The FAQ expanded over the years to this collection of pages. I hope you find this info useful for your Space-A travels.
- Military Hops: Since 2002, has been dedicated to being the premier index of information about Space Available (Space-A) Military Flights that qualified people can travel on. Our goal is that if the information you seek on this subject is on the World Wide Web then you can find it from here.
- Military Travel Center ( Fly for virtually free. Get the info you need to take advantage of Space Available flights.
- Poppin Smoke: Quickstart guide to military Space-A flights
- SpaceAFlights.Net: A simple tool for researching military space-available flights.
- UJ Space A Info: Worldwide Space A information plus base summary and Facebook pages. Also links to on/off base hotels, restaurants, medical care, attractions/things to do, retiree activities, Base/Post Exchanges, phone numbers, ground transportation and other general information.
Pet Resources
Animal Rescue
- Afghan Stray Animal League: The Afghan Stray Animal League is a private non-profit organization in the U.S. that operates and supports a shelter and low-cost veterinary clinic for homeless, abandoned, sick or injured small animals in Afghanistan. The shelter is located in a refurbished house in Kabul, the Afghan capital, which has a large population of neglected street dogs and cats as well as thousands of backyard animals such as goats and donkeys whose owners cannot afford treatment for them.
- Home Again: Operation Support our Troops (Guardians of Rescue): This program is a part of our Veterans and Military Affairs efforts, assisting returning service men and women in adopting a dog or cat from an animal shelter when they return home or bringing back a pet rescued during their deployment.
- Nowzad (UK): Rescuing stray and abandoned animals in Afghanistan.
- Operation Baghdad Pups (SPCA International): Members of the U.S. military stationed on bases all over the world befriend local animals during deployments that become their companions. But they are often forced to leave them behind when their deployments are over. Our Operation Baghdad Pups program was founded in 2008 to rescue and reunite these patriot pets with our service members in the U.S. To date, we have rescued over 550 animals from multiple countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Our program has expanded to become “OBP: Worldwide” and now we rescue animals anywhere in the world for members of all military branches.
- Puppy Rescue Mission: Helping Soldiers bring their battle buddies home – The primary mission of Puppy Rescue Mission is to fundraise and assist various organizations which help soldiers bring their furry friends home from war. While PRM’s primary mission is to assist soldiers and their furry friends, PRM will also, from time to time, assist an organization in rehoming a stray animal.
- War Torn Pups (Paws of War): War Torn Pups provides financial support to reunite military personnel with the stray animals they found and bonded with while at war or in war zones – monies donated to this program helps with costs that includes vaccines, medical treatment, rescue liaison, transportation and more. While the financial investment is high, the relief, comfort and joy this program provides our soldiers is immeasurable.
Pet Adoption
- Helping PAWS Pet Rescue, Inc. (NW Wisconsin): Our small pet rescue in NW Wisconsin has a “Free Pets for Vets” program. Some restrictions apply. Since we mostly have cats and kittens, they are the most commonly adopted. When we have dogs, most are typically also available through this program, although there might be rare occasions when they would not be available at no cost. Horses and mini horses are typically NOT available thru this program.
- Home Again: Operation Support our Troops (Guardians of Rescue): This program is a part of our Veterans and Military Affairs efforts, assisting returning service men and women in adopting a dog or cat from an animal shelter when they return home or bringing back a pet rescued during their deployment. Guardians of Rescue volunteers act as a special shelter liaison, helping with selection, completion of the adoption process, and training for both the animal and owner. We assist with the logistics of getting a pet home from the area where the service men and women are deployed, and making sure the animal adapts to US life by providing whatever training needed. Many men and women in the service are also faced with the dilemma of pet care when deployed on active duty, and are often stuck with no positive alternatives. Animals they adopt while on deployment are in need of safe transport home, and this can be difficult to organize. The therapeutic benefit these animals provide is immeasurable, and these men and women need our support.
- Pets for Patriots: Pets for Patriots is a nationally-operating charity saving lives through companion pet adoption for service and veteran members of the United States military. Through our network of adoption partners, we pair at-risk shelter dogs and cats with veterans in need of a loving, therapeutic companion pet. To ensure these bonds are healthy and enduring, Pets for Patriots reduces the overall costs of pet ownership for military personnel through access to ongoing discounted veterinary care, contributions towards the purchase of pet food and other essentials and sponsor-provided pet discounts. Applicants are welcome from any armed forces and at any stage of their careers. Learn more at and let us help you find your new best friend.
- Superior Pets for Patriotic Vets: Superior Pets for Patriotic Vets is an initiative sponsored by Superior Plumbing, which pairs shelter animals from Cobb County Animal Control with veterans, free of charge, in an attempt to alleviate the emotional scars that plague our nation’s finest, while securing a forever home for shelter dogs and cats.
- Vets Adopt Pets (Marietta, GA): Vets Adopt Pets is a lively upbeat national program that “Thanks Veterans for their service to us all” with a furry little friend from the pet shelter. The on going love and devotion a pet gives to each veteran is the best way ever to thank the men and women who fought for our freedom. We are a community of contributors, shelters and rescues that join together to pay the adoption fee as our way of saying “thank you” to veterans, active duty and their families. Our role is to pull together the many organizations, information and resources that exist to enable military active duty and veterans to enjoy a companion dog or cat from a pet shelter, to obtain service dog information-referrals, to honor our military working dogs, contract working dogs and their handlers.
Pet Foster Care
- American Humane – Fostering Military Pets: Whether our military personnel have their deployments extended, are redeployed or are newly deployed, they face a number of difficult decisions regarding home and family. Frequently, one of those dilemmas is what to do with companion animals considered to be family. How can they ensure that their pets will be taken care of while they are away, and that they can be reunited with their pets when they return?…
- Dogs on Deployment: Military members nation-wide confront a multitude of problems during their career. The last problem they want to worry about is what to do with their beloved family pet when it’s time for them to deploy. Asking themselves, “What should I do with my dog while I’m on deployment,” many service members have limited, to no options for their pets when they have to go overseas. Many owners have to relinquish their pets to shelters when they have nowhere else to go. Dogs On Deployment is a licensed non-profit which aims at becoming a central web-based database for service members to search for individuals or families who are willing to welcome a Dog On Deployment into their home for the length of their owner’s deployment.
- Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet: Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet formed after learning that military service members across the country had pets that needed a caring, loving, and safe home to care for them during the pet owner’s deployment to fight the global war on terrorism (combat or peace keeping missions), but had been unable to find someone to care for them. This left the military pet owners with only one option, which was to relinquish their beloved pets and pet ownership rights to a humane society, animal shelter, or animal rescue group never to see their pets again, know if they were placed in a new home, or ended up being euthanized.
- Humane Society Foster Care Tips: It is very important to keep loved ones close during uncertain times—including the four-legged members of our families. The Humane Society of the United States urges military families to work hard to keep pets in the family and resist relinquishing these beloved pets to shelters. If you are in the military, it’s important to make prior arrangements for your pets in case you are deployed. If at all possible, arrange for family or friends to care for your pet. When leaving your pet with family or friends, it’s a good idea to create a foster care agreement. Having a written agreement will help protect your pet and provide you with the security of knowing your chosen caretaker has the legal right to care for your pet in your absence.
- PACT for Animals: The PACT for Animals’ Military Foster Program is designed to provide an alternative to the unwanted surrender of beloved pets (dogs and cats) of our deployed military service members. We do this by recruiting and qualifying volunteer fosters who are willing to open their homes to provide a loving and safe environment for these pets until they can be reunited upon their owners’ return.
Pet Needs
- Pets of the Homeless: Pets of the Homeless is the only national animal organization focused completely on feeding and providing emergency veterinary care to pets of the homeless.
- Vets and Their Pets (Valley Dogs Rescue – Phoenix, AZ): Vets and Their Pets is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping veterans in-need via foster, food, and medical care for their pets. Vets and Their Pets provides temporary housing, veterinary care and food for animals of veterans in need. We will spay/neuter and provide basic shots for a veteran’s animal. Our primary focus is homeless veterans or veterans in transitional housing needing assistance. The core focus is to ensure that a veteran will seek medical care for their needs while we provide care for their animals. Additionally we will support veterans that are in transitional housing by providing a home for their animal until they obtain permanent housing that will allow the animal to live with them.
Transportation Costs Assistance
- American Airlines: American Airlines is pleased to offer all active members of any U.S. military force and their dependents a discount of 50% off of our published rates for transporting their pets domestically and internationally.
- Operation Military Pets (SPCA International): When military families are ordered to a new base in the U.S. or around the world, moving bills pile up. The military pays for many moving costs, but they don’t help our military families relocate the family pet. The cost for pet transportation can be hundreds or even thousands of dollars. All over the United States shelters near military bases report high surrender rates when military families can’t afford to relocate their dog or cat. Military families are being torn apart.
- Operation Roger: Operation Roger is a non-profit organization comprised of regional and long-haul truckers who volunteer their time to transport pets in need
- Pilots N Paws: Pilots N Paws® is a non-profit organization. Our site is intended to be a meeting place for volunteers engaged in the valuable services of rescuing, sheltering and adopting animals, and volunteer pilots and plane owners willing to assist with animal transportation. The intent of Pilots N Paws is to provide an environment in which volunteers can come together and arrange or schedule rescue flights, overnight foster care or shelter, and all other related activities.
Veterinary Services
- Vets2Vets Mobile Animal Clinic (Paws of War) (Long Island, NY): Vets2Vets was born when Paws of War saw the crucial need for veterinary care for the pets of veterans and first responders living with disabilities. This newly-renovated vehicle has been customized to fit the needs of this specialized program, and will be staffed by veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and assistants.
- Veterinary Treatment Facilities: In accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) regulations, animals owned by personnel authorized DoD medical care may receive veterinary medical care through an Army Veterinary Treatment Facility. The level of veterinary medical care available through each facility is dependent upon the level of professional and civilian staffing.
Transition Resources
Military Personnel Records
- National Archives: Request or research military service records, replace lost medals and awards.
- National Military Personnel Records Center: The National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR) is the repository of millions of military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century.
Education & Employment Websites
- Academy Women: Academy Women is a nonprofit organization which offers programs to support and enable women from the nation’s officer development programs to reach their full potential as leaders.
- American Corporate Partners: Connecting US veterans to business leaders through our two free programs: an online network offering business advice, and a nationwide mentoring program.
- American Warrior Garage (Bremen, GA): American Warrior Garage will provide on the job training for veteran apprentices in welding, metal fabrication, body work, rust repair, automotive electronics, and mechanics. Additionally, we provide retrofitting services to veterans who need their vehicle modified for hand controls, wheelchair lifts, and anything else to enable the vet to operate the vehicle. We will also provide service facilities for vets who want to perform general maintenance on their own vehicles but don’t have the means since their injury.
- AmericaServes: AmericaServes‘ mission is to empower a coordinated network of service providers in the United States, and equip them with the technological and informational resources needed to efficiently and effectively guide service-members, veterans, and their families to the most appropriate services and resources.
- AMVETS Career Centers: The AMVETS Career Centers powered by Call of Duty Endowment provides free of charge career training and employment assistance for veterans, active duty service members, national guard and reserve plus spouses.
- Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP): The Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) delivering a world-class transition program for America’s Army that ensures all eligible transitioners have the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to be competitive and successful in the global workforce.
- Army Soldier for Life Program: The Army Soldier for Life program supports successful reintegration of our soldiers, veterans and their families in order to keep them Army Strong and instill their values, ethos, and leadership within the communities.
- Australian Defense Forces: The Australian Defense Force looks to overseas candidates to fill gaps in our Services, which can’t currently be satisfied by standard recruitment. We recognize that these candidates can bring skills and attributes to the Navy, Army and Air Force that will strengthen their overall operation and success rate.
- Bonds of Courage (New Jersey): We provide a personalized Career Fitness and Mentoring program allowing participants a professional assessment, review of career options, job search and networking.
- Bunker Labs: Bunker Labs, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is a national network of veteran entrepreneurs dedicated to helping new veteran entrepreneurs start their own business. We are committed to seeing that every entrepreneur in the veteran community has the network, tools, and resources they need to start their own business.
- Call of Duty Endowment: The Call of Duty Endowment is a non-profit public benefit corporation which helps soldiers transition to civilian careers after their military service. The Call of Duty Endowment focuses its resources on assisting organizations that provide job placement and training to veterans, as well as engaging the media and public forums to raise awareness about the issue.
- Camp Southern Ground – Veteran Programs (Fayetteville, GA): Camp Southern Ground is committed to serving the men and women who have fought to protect our country. Warrior Week and Warrior PATHH specifically care for the health and wellbeing of post-9/11 veterans while providing the necessary support in their transition to life after military service. Both are provided at no cost to veterans. If you or someone you know is a warrior struggling to find your new mission, we can help.
- Career One Stop: Career One Stop is your pathway to career success. Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
- Career Resources Corporation (Haverhill, MA): Veteran Specific Training and Job Placement Services.
- Charlotte Bridge Home (Charlotte, NC): Charlotte Bridge Home helps Charlotte-area Veterans successfully transition home after military service by identifying their education, employment and healthcare needs and connecting them to available community, state and federal resources.
- CLEP Opportunities for Veterans: VA will reimburse veterans for required CLEP test fees including registration fees, fees for specialized tests and administrative fees.
- Combat Veterans to Careers (The Villages, FL): Our goal is to provide opportunities for combat veterans who are ready for a rewarding, life-long career by giving them the necessary tools for success. Focusing on the four main areas of education, employment, affordable housing and wellness, we are able to provide our veterans and their families with 360 degrees of support and well-being.
- Compensated Work Therapy: Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) is a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) vocational rehabilitation program that endeavors to match and support work ready veterans in competitive jobs, and to consult with business and industry regarding their specific employment needs. In some locations CWT is also known as Veterans Industries; these designations are synonymous.
- COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line): Use Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) to: Find civilian credentials related to your military occupational specialty, Understand what it takes to obtain the credentials and See if there are available programs that will help pay credentialing fees
- Corporate Gray: Competitive Edge Services Inc., better known as “Corporate Gray,” connects transitioning and former (separated/retired) military personnel with employers nationwide in print, in person, and online.
- Drive for Hope (Hope for the Warriors): The Drive For Hope® program of Hope For The Warriors engages service members focusing on transition and invites them to racetracks across the country. Engrossing them in a unique social setting and experience while they reintegrate into civilian life and giving them the opportunity to contemplate their future career endeavors. Hope For The Warriors invites local service members and veterans to NASCAR races throughout the country through our Sports and Recreation and Transition Services programs.
- Easter Seals’ Veterans Employment Program (DC, MD, VA): Easter Seals’ Veterans Employment Program provides veterans and wounded warriors with the resources and services to succeed in the 21st century workforce by maximizing their employment opportunities through education, job training, job placement and follow-up support. Through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor, Easter Seals eases the transition from active duty to successful employment in civilian life.
- eKnowledge free SAT/ACT PowerPrep: eKnowledge, a group of NFL players, and the Department of Defense have teamed up to distribute more than $54,427,195.78 of eKnowledge’s SAT/ACT PowerPrep™ Programs to military service members and their families
- Empower Employ: Empower Employ is dedicated to enabling military veterans and their spouses to obtain meaningful and valuable employment. Empower Employ brings them together through our secure, web-based applicant tracking system (M-Power) & talent community to match job seekers have served our nation with the companies and corporations who have supported them.
- Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve: Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is a Department of Defense (DoD) organization. ESGR was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve component members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment.
- Farmer Veteran Coalition: The mission of the Farmer-Veteran Coalition (FVC) is to mobilize our food and farming community to create healthy and viable futures for America’s veterans by enlisting their help in building our green economy, rebuilding our rural communities, and securing a safe and healthy food supply for all. The coalition seeks to simultaneously assist the farming community by developing a new generation of farmers and to help our returning veterans find viable careers and means to heal on America’s farms.
- Feds Hire Vets: The one-stop resource for Federal veteran employment information.
- FitOps Foundation: FitOps is a non-profit organization powered by PERFORMIX® that trains and certifies veterans as elite personal trainers. The on-site program concludes with the certification of fitness industry professionals — who are experts in exercise and in leadership, designated as Certified Veteran Fitness Operatives (CVFO).
- F7 Group – Empowering Female Veterans and Military Women: F7 Group is dedicated to securing and providing resources, training, support and mentoring to Female Veterans and Women in Military Service, both IN and BESIDE the uniform.
- Four Block: Four Block provides student-veterans with professional development and connectsthem with internship opportunities at corporations.
- Gallant Few: GallantFew, Inc. is a nationwide Veteran mentor network that helps our returning heroes transition successfully from military service to civilian life. GallantFew provides a social network, professional development, emotional support and physical assistance.
- GI Bill (VA): This is the website for all educational benefits provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Did you know that you can use your Post-9/11 GI Bill for on-the-job training, apprenticeships, and non-college degree programs?
- GI Bill Benefits Calculator (IAVA): IAVA’s GI Bill Calculator is a one-stop shop featuring all the educational information, legislative updates and interactive tools that veterans need to decide what school is right for them and their families.
- Grace after Fire: Grace After Fire provides support for and helps women veterans of the United States military who are returning from active duty so that they can re-engage as mothers, wives and daughters in civilian life.
- Grow with Google: Grow with Google is an initiative to create economic opportunities for all Americans and help them access the best of Google’s training and tools to grow their skills, careers, and businesses.
- Helmets to Hard Hats: Helmets to Hard Hats is the fastest way for Military, Reservists and Guardsmen to transition from active duty to a career in the construction industry.
- H.E.RO. Child-Rescue Corps: The H.E.R.O. Child-Rescue Corps is an unprecedented new force in the global battle against child exploitation and abuse. Learn more on these pages about how some of America’s most tested and proven warriors are mobilizing to rescue children in danger. Then join us. There are many ways you and your company or organization can support the H.E.R.O. Corps mission.
- Hire a Hero: The Armed Forces Support Foundation was established in 2006 with a mission to plan, promote, and execute programs to assist members of the United States Armed Forces transitioning back into civilian life.
- Hire America’s Heroes: Hire America’s Heroes seeks to promote best practices and success strategies by which America’s military family members are welcomed into the corporate workforce. Veterans of all eras, transitioning service members, spouses, wounded warrior care-givers, members of Blue Star families and Gold Star families are all welcomed. We work to influence the ecosystem for increased employment of military service members as a category. Our services are directed toward educating and informing stakeholders in order to raise their understanding of relevant issues, connecting the players who can influence the issues, and promoting action that will result in family-wage jobs for members of the military family.
- Hire Heroes USA: Hire Heroes USA is dedicated to creating job opportunities for US military veterans and their spouses through personalized employment training and corporate engagement.
- Hiring our Heroes (U.S. Chamber of Commerce): In March of 2011, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launched Hiring Our Heroes, a nationwide initiative to help veterans and military spouses find meaningful employment. Working with our network of 1600 state and local chambers and other strategic partners from the public, private, and non-profit sectors, our goal was to create a movement across America in hundreds of local communities where veterans and military families return every day.
- Home Base Iowa (Iowa): Home Base Iowa is here to help veterans find jobs, explore career paths, and make a smooth transition to civilian life in Iowa
- Honoring our Troops (San Diego, CA): Honoring Our Troops is a San Diego based 501(c)(3) dedicated to providing veteran transition assistance and free legal assistance. We address these unique needs of veterans through self-help legal clinics, veteran-oriented seminars, and mentorships, which in turn, empower the lives of veterans and their families.
- Inc. Military Entrepreneurs: Inc. launched the Military Entrepreneur’s Program to educate, mentor, and inform service members and their families about entrepreneurship.
- Institute for Veteran and Military Families (Syracuse University): The Institute for Veteran and Military Families (IVMF) is the first interdisciplinary national institute in higher education committed to supporting transitioning servicemembers, vets and their families.
- in Transition: Are you a service member in transition? Are you concerned about your mental health treatment? Have you received new orders? Are you looking at an upcoming change in status, relocation or return to civilian life? If so, and if you are currently receiving mental health care, transferring to a new provider can be easy.
- Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA): IAVA is the country’s first and largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. With more than 200,000 member veterans and civilian supporters nationwide, IAVA is building the next greatest generation with a three-pronged model based on advocacy, awareness, and assistance. IAVA programs empower our community online and offline, and include Smart Job Fairs, our signature New GI Bill calculator and Community of Veterans, a veterans only social network.
- iVet: The Institute for Veterans Education and Training (IVET) is a non-profit organization. Our goal is employment for veterans and their spouses to match or beat the national average within 5 years.
- IVMF – Institute of Veteran and Military Families – Syracuse University: The IVMF and its staff of more than 70 professionals deliver class-leading programs in career, vocational and entrepreneurship education and training, providing service members, veterans and their families with the skills needed to be successful in education, work and life. The IVMF also coordinates comprehensive collective impact strategies; and works with communities and nonprofits to enhance service delivery for veterans and their families. They provide specific programs for military spouse entrepreneurs occurring at different locations around the country throughout the year. RSVP early for programs- they are extremely popular and fill fast!
- Jibber Jobber Career Management 2.0: JibberJobber is acclaimed job search software to help organize and manage a job search based on input professional coaches, counselors and networkers. Use JibberJobber for the duration of your career to help during job transitions and to deal with unemployment or underemployment.
- KanVet (Kansas): KanVet provides direct access to State of Kansas veteran-specific resources and benefits without having to navigate multiple state agency websites. Serving all veterans, transitioning service members and their families.
- Kitchen Tune-Up: Kitchen Tune-Up supports our troops! We are a veteran friendly franchise, which offers a 10% discount to honorably discharged veterans. If you’ve thought about owning your own business, consider this—our program provides the opportunity to purchase a home remodeling franchise for a realistic initial investment, with financing options available.
- Left Right Step (San Antonio, TX): Confidential Government Solutions strives to help reduce the unemployment rate for veterans by providing military members, veterans, and their spouses who are entering or are on terminal leave, the education and information needed to experience a smoother and faster career transition.
- Little Caesars Veterans Program: Our purpose is to provide honorably discharged veterans with a business opportunity when they transition to civilian life or seek a career change, and thank them for the sacrifices they and their families made for our country.
- Marine For Life Network: Marine For Life Network (M4L) connects transitioning Marines and their family members to education resources, employment opportunities, and other Veterans services that aid in their career and life goals outside of military service.
- Military – Civilian: We offer a unique and personalized service networking your recruitment needs with integrity. Our mission is to bring job-seeking military veterans together with hiring companies to fill open positions worldwide.
- – Military Transition Center: Features revolutionary personalized checklists to guide a member through transition even before they begin their separation process from the military.
- – Veteran Jobs:’s free membership connects servicemembers, military families and veterans to all the benefits of service — government benefits, scholarships, discounts, lifelong friends, mentors, great stories of military life or missions, and much more.
- Military Exits: Career and job listings for veterans and discharged military personnel returning to civilian employment.
- Military Friendly® is part of the ratings division of Victory Media, a service-disabled, veteran-owned business. Military Friendly® rates companies and colleges on their programs to recruit and retain veterans and military spouses
- Welcome to Your military hiring network. This site has been developed and is maintained by a team of both military veterans and corporate hiring authorities. We have worked hard to create a network where former military personnel can seek careers and utilize their professional skills.
- Military Leaders in Transition: A forum for senior military leaders, their spouses, prospective employers and other experts who work with this unique community to address the challenges, opportunities and best practices inherent in military to civilian transition.
- Military Officers Association of America: MOAA is the professional association for military officers and their families at every stage of life and career.
- Military OneSource Online Libraries: The Military OneSource Online Libraries have something for everyone. From children’s audiobooks to career preparation exams, these free resources are available from the comfort of your home computer.
- Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) – Career Corps Volunteer Program: Career Corps serves as a stepping stone for military spouse and veteran job seekers. The program provides current work experience, training to develop transitional skills, recent industry experience to fill gaps in their experience and grow professionally.
- Military/Veteran Employment Portal (Arizona): This portal is a tool to assist service members, veterans & their families with connecting to employment.
- is a vehicle in which employers demonstrate their commitment to our veterans as well as diversity and inclusion initiatives.
- Military Warriors Support Foundation: The Military Warriors Support Foundation offers a number of programs that can assist you in your transition from military to civilian.
- My Next Move for Veterans: This portal is a tool to assist service members, veterans & their families with connecting to employment.
- National Veterans Foundation – Employment Center: Site has a Current Job Listing.
- New GI Bill: IAVA’s provides veterans, service members and their families with information about their New GI Bill benefits, including a benefit calculator, updates and answers to frequently asked questions.
- NextOp: NextOp, Inc. is a nonprofit organization connecting veterans to Energy, Construction and Healthcare sector companies looking for skilled and semi-skilled workers.
- Next Step for Vets: Empowering veterans and military spouses with employment and education opportunities.
- Office of Special Counsel (USERRA): OSC protects the civilian employment and reemployment rights of military veterans and members of the Guard and Reserve by enforcing the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).
- O*NET OnLine: Welcome to your tool for career exploration and job analysis!
- Onward to Opportunity: Onward to Opportunity (O2O) is a no-cost career skills program (no use of GI Bill Benefits) offering in-demand, industry-validated training and credentials to transitioning servicemembers and all active-duty spouses. Offered on U.S. military installations across the country, O2O provides in-person and online training to the next generation of leaders of America’s economy.
- Operation Boots to Business: Boots to Business is a program offered by the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University (SU) in cooperation with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and is operated by SU’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF). It is a three-phase training program developed to introduce and train transitioning service members to business ownership.
- Operation Endure and Grow: The Operation Endure & Grow program is a new online training experience focused on the fundamentals of launching and/or growing a small business (founded at the Whitman School of Management in 2010) that is administered by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University in cooperation with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
- Operation New Uniform (Jacksonville, FL): Our mission is to train veterans and their families for fulfilling careers and develop their skills as they grow within an organization. Our vision is to produce confident veterans who are coveted and embraced in the business community.
- Operation PAVE: Paving Access for Veterans Employment: Our vocational rehabilitation program, Operation PAVE, provides one-on-one career counseling and assistance to veterans and their families. With offices in every VA spinal cord injury center, we reach out to all veterans seeking to transition to civilian employment, return to school, or begin a new career search. All services, from résumé assistance, interview preparation, vocational counseling, or employer networking are provided at no charge—and are available to dependents as well.
- Patriot Boot Camp: Patriot Boot Camp (PBC) is a nonprofit on a mission to equip active duty military members, veterans, and their spouses with the education, resources, and community needed to be successful technology entrepreneurs.
- Polished Resumes: Career Marketing Techniques will help you focus your career search by working through your past experiences and accomplishments to determine your skill sets and provide guidance in applying those skill sets to corporate America.
- Project Return to Work: Project: Return to Work Inc. (R2W) provides employment services to all active duty service members, veterans and their spouses at Military & Veterans Employment Expos (MVEE). R2W also provides vocational rehabilitation services to wounded warriors and disabled citizens.
- RallyPoint: RallyPoint uses patent-pending technology to revolutionize the way US military servicemembers connect, develop, and pursue fulfilling opportunities throughout their careers.
- Recruit Veterans: Recruit Veterans is a professional consulting, staffing and recruiting firm that provides outstanding veterans with outstanding skillsets to federal agencies, federal primes and commercial businesses throughout the United States.
- Resume Engine: The Personal Branding Resume Engine will help you translate your military service record into a strong resume. The skills and experience you gained as a service member can make you a great employee.
- Returning Servicemembers of OEF/OIF (VA): Have you recently returned from military service? Now is the time to take advantage of the benefits VA offers OEF/OIF Veterans.
- Save a Suit: Save-A-Suit is a nonprofit organization that provides our former military and college graduates with professional business attire and the confidence needed to succeed.
- SAP Veterans to Work Program: Gain valuable skills in Information Technology – To acknowledge the tremendous contributions of the US military, SAP has launched the Veterans to Work initiative to help US veterans acquire the skills and training they need to be successful in today’s IT workforce. This program is providing training scholarships and certification programs on SAP market leading solutions.
- Scholarships – National Resource Directory: A listing of scholarships and grants available.
- Scholarships – Scholarship Finder by Find millions of dollars in scholarships and grants exclusively for the military community!
- SCORE: SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. We have been doing this for over fifty years.
- SCORE Foundation – Veterans Fast Launch: The SCORE Foundation, in partnership with major corporations, is pleased to offer the new Veteran Fast Launch initiative. The new program will be a combined package of training scholarships, free software and services combined with SCORE’s mentoring program in order to help accelerate the ability of veterans and their families to start and succeed as small business owners.
- SEAL Future Fund: The SEAL Future Fund’s (SFF) mission is to provide resources to equip active duty and veteran Navy SEALs for success in the civilian world.
- Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges: Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) was created in 1972 to provide educational opportunities to servicemembers who, because they frequently moved from place to place, had trouble completing college degrees.
- Service to School: The mission of Service2School is to help every transitioning military veteran win admission to the very best undergraduate or graduate institution possible. This service is provided at no cost to the service member.
- Silent Professionals: Silent Professionals is a highly targeted job site to help combat arms veterans find work using the skills they gained during their service. A completely free service to veterans, we boast an incredible 84% job placement success rate for candidates that we recommend to employers.
- State Education Benefits: Several states offer veterans education benefits and programs of their own, in addition, or as an alternative, to federal GI Bill benefits. In some states, tuition waivers, scholarships or grants are offered for those who do not qualify for federal help, or to fill in gaps where federal help leaves off.
- Still Serving Veterans: Our mission is to empower Veterans including wounded warriors, and their families, by helping them reintegrate into the workforce and community via counseling, coaching, guiding, job transition, and assistance in obtaining all Veterans Administration (VA) benefits to which they are entitled.
- Student Veterans of America: Our mission is to provide military veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation.
- Suiting Warriors: At Suiting Warriors, our mission is to support and empower veterans in their transition to the civilian workforce by providing them with professional business attire essential for competing in today’s job market.
- Support Warrior Project: Our veterans of the armed forces leave the service with exceptional leadership skills, versatility, and creativity. Support Warrior Project helps vetrepreneurs kickstart start their own small businesses and positively impact their communities.
- Transition Assistance Online,, is the largest source of transition assistance information, jobs, and tools for today’s separating military. On this career site for military veterans, service members can find the resources needed to transition from their much appreciated military service, to the perfect civilian career.
- Team Rubicon – Disaster Emergency Response Teams: Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with medical professionals to rapidly deploy emergency response teams into crisis situations.
- Tech Qualled: In 2015, we set out to change the way that high-tech executives perceive the skill sets of military servicemembers. Today, our educational programs allow transitioning veterans around the world to transform their careers. And we’re just getting started.
- Tech Shop: FREE Memberships and Training for Veterans – TechShop is proud to partner with the VA & GE to offer veterans of all eras a limited number of FREE 1-year memberships and $350 worth of training, good at all TechShop locations across the U.S.
- The Darby Project: The Darby Project is a network of networks that synchronizes the efforts of veteran support organizations to lead revolutionary transition services for the elite Army Rangers!
- The G.I. Go Fund: The GI Go’s mission is to help veterans with transitioning.
- The Mission Continues: The Mission Continues is the only national nonprofit challenging post-9/11 veterans to rebuild a sense of purpose through community service.
- The Raider Project: The Raider Project connects MARSOC/USMC combat veterans with other veterans to help them transition smoothly, peacefully, successfully into the private sector.
- The United States Department of Labor: The One Stop Career Centers are ready to provide you intensive services for up to a six month period through an exciting array of career and supportive services.
- Toolkit for Veteran Friendly Institutions: The Toolkit for Veteran Friendly Institutions was created by the American Council on Education (ACE). This online resource is designed to help institutions of higher education build effective programs for veteran students and share information.
- Transitioning Veteran: Transitioning Veteran is dedicated to helping veterans who have or are in the process of separating from the military and who are looking for information on veteran benefits.
- Troops to Teachers: Troops to Teachers is a U.S. Department of Education and Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin a new career as teachers in public schools where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed.
- UA Veterans in Piping: The United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Sprinklerfitters (UA) has partnered with the U.S. military to create the UA Veterans In Piping (VIP) Program, which provides returning vets with 16 weeks of accelerated welding training.
- USAA – Military Transition Service: With easy-to-use tools, information and community resources, we’re here to help you make the transition from military to civilian life.
- USDA New Farmers: Being a farmer means you’ll get the opportunity to be an entrepreneur, equipment repair specialist, soil scientist, and land steward all rolled into one.
- US Dept. of Defense – Education and Employment Initiative: The Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) is a Department of Defense (DoD) program that assists wounded, ill and injured Service members early in their recovery process to identify their skills and match them with the education and career opportunities that will help them successfully transition to civilian life.
- U.S. Small Business Administration: The Office of Veterans Business Development’s mission is to maximize the availability, applicability and usability of all administration small business programs for Veterans, Service-Disabled Veterans, Reserve Component Members, and their Dependents or Survivors.
- U.S. Tech Vets: is a U.S. technology industry career portal created to connect veterans, including transitioning military personnel and their family members, with meaningful jobs in America’s technology industry.
- U.S. Vets: Our mission is the successful transition of military veterans and their families through the provision of housing, counseling, career development and comprehensive support.
- VA for Vets: VA for Vets facilitates the reintegration, retention and hiring of Veteran employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). We offer career-search tools for Veterans seeking employment at VA, career development services for our existing Veterans, and coaching and reintegration support for military service members.
- VA Licensing and Certification: Information from the VA about reimbursement for licensing and certification tests.
- Veteran Artist Program: Since 2009, Veteran Artist Program has worked with national veteran and arts organizations to produce six music/theatrical live events, filmed three documentaries, one feature film, curated gallery exhibits, provided videography/photography services, and helped organize more than 30 community improvement projects, including painting two murals in Baltimore.
- Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC) (VA): Are you a veteran looking for hands-on training to help you land a well-paying job in the high tech industry? Are you a tech company looking for skilled workers with a background in leadership, teamwork and mission focus?
- Veteran Entrepreneur (Portal Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization): You’ll find information about starting a business, franchising opportunities, accessing capital, employment opportunities, and more!
- Veterans Corps: Our mission is to help facilitate collaborations between veteran-owned small businesses, providing a gateway for entrepreneurs to access resources, programs, funding, and more.
- Veterans Curation Program: The mission of the Veterans Curation Program (VCP) is to provide veterans with job training through the rehabilitation and preservation of archaeological collections owned or administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and which are considered to be part of our Nation’s patrimony.
- Veterans in Film and Television: Veterans in Film and Television is a networking organization that unites current and former members of the military working in the film and television industry.
- Veterans Job Exchange: At Veteran’s Job Exchange, we are committed to finding the perfect match between dedicated workers and employers looking to build a strong workforce. Our experienced team is also happy to provide resume and career advice to guide workers through their search for the perfect job.
- Veterans to Farmers: Our mission is to provide American veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts with pride, education and fulfillment through a permanent source of sustainable income, community and contribution: The family farm.
- Veterans Training Support Center (Washington): Funded by the King County Veterans and Human Services Levy, the purpose of the Veterans Training Support Center is to provide continuing educational opportunities and professional development to those who provide direct service to veterans and their family members.
- Veterans Transportation Career Center: The Department of Transportation (DOT) is partnering with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to help military personnel and veterans transition from military training and job specialty skills acquired in the service to exciting careers in the transportation industry.
- Veterans Watchmaker Initiative (New York, Delaware): The Veterans Watchmaker Initiative is a not for profit corporation licensed in the State of New York & Delaware. Our goal is to train disabled veterans in the fine art of watchmaking.
- Veteran Ventures: Veteran Ventures is a comprehensive entrepreneurial education and mentoring community organization for veterans of all walks of life. We provide veterans with the resources to develop and grow in the business sector, provide business support and assistance with handling personal struggles.
- Veterati: Veterati is a digital platform for veterans & military spouses to access mentorship-on-demand from successful professionals across the nation.
- VetFran – Veterans Transition Franchise Initiative: IFA’s VetFran strategic initiative, founded in 1991, includes over 530 IFA franchisor member companies offering financial incentives, training and mentoring to veterans interested in small business ownership and/or a career path in franchising.
- Vet Jobs: VetJobs makes it easy to reach transitioning military, National Guard, Reserve Component Members and veterans that have separated over the last several decades and are now productive members of the civilian work force in all disciplines, and their family members.
- VETS – Beyond the Uniform: A coaching, mentoring, and training program designed for veterans by veterans.
- VetsGarage (Spokane, WA): Since 2012, VetsGarage has helped veterans succeed in the civilian world by offering a variety of vocational and educational training opportunities to assist them in transitioning to the next phase in their lives. For some, that may be a new career, or even starting a business of their own. Others may choose to further their education through college courses.
- Vetted Foundation: The Vetted Foundation provides veterans with executive education, career services, and follow-on placement in industry. The Vetted Foundation is the optimal veteran transition platform to transform proven military leaders into tomorrow’s industry leaders. Vetted identifies military talent for transition preparation and planning, Texas-based executive education, and industry placement in the private sector.
- Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record: The Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) enables the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its partners to proactively provide the full continuum of services and benefits to veterans through veteran-centric processes made possible by effective, efficient, and secure standards-based information sharing.
- Volt Military Heroes: The Volt Military Heroes Program is designed to provide returning American military service veterans with access to exceptional employment opportunities at some of America’s top corporations.
- V-Wise: V-WISE is committed to women veterans by providing them the tools to become successful entrepreneurs. Our goal is to integrate their leadership, integrity, focus and drive into a premier educational training program taught by accomplished entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship educators from across the United States.
- Warrior Gateway: Warrior Gateway is a non-profit whose mission is to connect individuals in the military, veterans, and their families with federal, state, and local government programs as well as non-profit organizations in their local communities.
- Warrior Rising: Warrior Rising empowers U.S. military veterans and their immediate family members by providing them opportunities to create sustainable businesses, perpetuate the hiring of fellow American veterans, and earn their future.
- Warrior to Cyber Warrior: The Warrior to Cyber Warrior™ (W2CW) program is a not-for-profit entity. This program provides veterans with training, certification and a career path in the field of cyber security, a growing industry.
- Webucator (Free Access To Self-Paced Online Computer Courses): Webucator offers military veterans and their families free access to all of their online self-paced courses. The courses range from Microsoft Office to customer service, and web design and coding. When veterans and their family members input the coupon code “VETERANS” at checkout, it will deduct the entire price of the course. The coupon never expires!
- Welcome Home Resumes: Welcome Home Resumes develops a unique Interactive Multimedia Resumes for Veterans FREE of charge – to help them stand out.
- WeWork: WeWork has teamed up with Patriot Boot Camp to support veteran creators, providing workspace and incubator communities in Denver, Austin, and additional cities soon.
- Work Vessels for Vets: Work Vessels for Veterans (WVFV) is an all-volunteer movement assisting returning veterans to begin their civilian careers or educational pursuits by acquiring and distributing the necessary start-up tools.
- Wounded Warrior Corps: Our mission is large scale economic development to create jobs, both working with industry and doing it ourself, that are for our fellow countrymen and women who volunteered to serve this great country. We are the intersection of military meets entrepreneurial meets economic development. We provide Mentor-Protege support to our fellow veterans.
- Your Grateful Nation: Your Grateful Nation (YGN) is a non-profit organization committed to transitioning Special Operations veterans in their next successful career. We cultivate employment opportunities for SOF veterans, by guiding them from the world they know (the military) through the world that is unknown to them (the private sector). Our SOF veterans enter in our proprietary transition process designed specifically for YGN and the Special Operations community. The transition process costs approximately $9,711 and there is no cost to the veterans and their families.
- ZipRecruiter: ZipRecruiter is a free job search website with an emphasis on helping people find meaningful jobs.
Veteran Employer Resources
- Institute for Veterans and Military Families (Syracuse University): The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) is the first interdisciplinary national institute in higher education focused on the social, economic, education and policy issues impacting veterans and their families post-service.
- The Value of a Veteran: The Value Of a Veteran is a woman-owned, veteran-owned consulting service that specializes in educating HR and diversity professionals on the best practices for finding, recruiting, and retaining military service members and veterans with disabilities.
Art & Craft Resources
Websites – How To Make…
- Camouflage detour diaper bag ( Tips to create a camouflage diaper bag.
- Canvas wall quote tutorial (Next to Heaven): Instructions to make a canvas wall quote ~ “Where you go, I will go… and where you stay…I will stay,” Ruth 1:16.
- Child’s backpack (Sew, Mama, Sew!): Back to School Let’s Go! backpack pattern and tutorial ~ substitute camo material.
- Deployment junk journal, mini album (Emora Designs): Video tutorial to make a deployment journal from a military uniform.
- Embroidered Home Sweet Home wall decor (Kojo Designs): A tutorial to highlight the places that are special to you.
- Fallen Soldier uniform pendant (Sweater Surgery): How to create a pendant made with scraps from a fallen Soldier’s uniform.
- Laptop sleeve (Instructables): Instructions to make a laptop sleeve from military fabrics.
- Military themed picture (Instructables): Create a picture frame using old rank insignia, distinctive unit insignia, decorations, patches…
- Military tribute photo frame (Love and Laundry):Create your own Patriotic/Military Tribute Photo Frame with this tutorial. Land of the Free Because of the Brave.
- Military uniform apron for American Girl doll: We used a free pattern (from a blog that has since been removed) to make an ACU apron for my daughter’s American Girl doll.
- Military uniform gun case (HongKongChic): Tutorial to make a Military Uniform Gun Case.
- Military uniform overnight bag (HongKongChic): Tutorial to make a Military Uniform Overnight Bag.
- Military uniform tote (Sew Like My Mom): Tutorial to make a Military Uniform Tote.
- Military uniform wreath (Confident Foundation): How to make a fabric wreath using military uniforms.
- Nametape bracelet (Military SOS): How to make a military nametape bracelet.
- Nametape (paracord) bracelet (Running Army Wife): Instructions to make your own paracord nametape bracelet.
- Old door – coffee table – Family Military Shadow Box: Create a shadowbox coffee table with family military history.
- Paracord bracelet: An online search for paracord bracelet instructions will produce countless instructions and videos.
- Rag quilt tutorial (The Adventures of an Air Force Family): Tutorial to make a Rag Quilt out of military uniforms.
- Signs – “Land of the Free Because of the Brave” Wall Art (And That’s What {Che} Said): Instructions to make patriotic wall art with chevron.
- Signs – “Places We’ve Lived” Boards (Family Brings Joy):Tutorial to make your own Places We’ve Lived memory boards.
- Vintage military button rings (Instructables): Create rings with brass or silver military buttons.
- Patterns, kits (Reanna Lily Designs): Sells patterns for recycled military uniforms.
Card & Letter Resources
For Deployed Military Personnel
- Camp Joy (Operation Help a Hero) (Rancho Santa Margarita, CA): Deployment doesn’t take a break, but “deployment single” parents, need one. Spouses of our active duty military force shoulder the burden of keeping the home fires burning, often doing everything for 6-12 months a time with no family nearby to support them. Because of this, many of these moms and dads get no break for months at a time. But deployment doesn’t take a break. OHH Camp JOY is our answer to this ever-present need. We provide a 5-hour block of fun for kids with deployed parents, and Mom/Dad gets a much needed break.
- AdoptaPlatoon: AdoptaPlatoon strives to provide a better deployment quality of life by sending cards, letters and care packages to lift the morale of Troops as they serve far from home and assist military families. AdoptaPlatoon provides an on-going mail support system, creates projects that meet the need of military requests, and establishes special projects that benefit deployed Troops representing all branches of the U.S. military.
- America’s Adopt a Soldier: Please join us as we thank our deployed service members for their service and sacrifices. Please send your cards and letters thanking our veterans. A pack of crayons and copy paper is just perfect to draw or write a note of thanks and encouragement.
- A Million Thanks: A Million Thanks is a year-round campaign to show our appreciation to our U.S. Military Men and Women, past and present for their sacrifices, dedication, and service to our country through our letters, emails, cards, and prayers.
- Blue Star Moms – Operation Post Card: Operation Post Card – There is nothing like a letter or postcard from home to let a soldier, sailor, marine or airman know that he or she is supported and their service is appreciated. Don’t underestimate the value of your greeting!
- Heartillery Group: Heartillery Group is a non-profit organization who’s mission is to show support, love and gratitude to our troops overseas in simple ways. Heartillery Group collects cards from all over the world showing love and gratitude to help boost soldier spirits. We send cards to troops who are stationed throughout the globe.
- Hugs for Soldiers: Our program is dedicated to offering comforts from home and brightening a Soldier’s day with a care package, card or letter of encouragement. Our “adopted” troops, who are deployed thousands of miles away from home, need to be reassured that America cares about them.
- Military Moms in Action: Our mission is to reach out and touch the lives of as many U.S. soldiers with support and encouragement as we can. We do this by sending them boxes of goodies and letters “monthly” wherever they are around the world. We especially want to encourage those not receiving any or little support from home. We desire to lift them up giving them hope and the knowledge that someone cares.
- Operation Christmas Cards for Troops Overseas: We are a veteran family-founded organization seeking to connect the community with deployed service members each year during the holiday season. What began as a great idea in 2010 supporting just one person in Afghanistan, has flourished into an over-5,000 member network supporting deployed service members world-wide.
- Operation Gratitude: Our troops tell us the most cherished items in the packages are the personal letters of appreciation from Americans. We welcome as many letters as you can provide. We accept letters year-round. It will only take 5 minutes out of your day to write a letter, but it will bring joy to our troops that will last a lifetime.
- Operation Tarjeta De Navidad: Sends cards and letters to deployed military personnel and to Hispanic military families!
- Soldiers’ Angels: Volunteers on this virtual team write letters to deployed service members who have registered to receive support from the Deployed Adoptions Team. The letters help to engage service members while they wait to be “adopted.” In addition, angels write letters to service members who may need an extra boost of support.
- Support our Soldiers’ Letters from Home Campaign: In this day of technology, card and letter writing are becoming a lost art. SOS has committed to sending the written word to those who do not receive mail while away or to who need it most.
For The Home Front
- Operation Tarjeta De Navidad: Sends cards and letters to deployed military personnel and to Hispanic military families!
- Soldiers’ Angels: The Cards Plus Team is dedicated to supporting deployed service members, veterans, and their families with encouraging or celebratory cards and notes. The Cards Plus Team also joins forces with many other Soldiers’ Angels Teams to provide cards for service members, Post 9/11 wounded veterans, caregivers and military families supported by these programs.
- Support Military Spouses: Show your appreciation by making a card or writing a letter! Wives and husbands of service members are often overlooked for the love and support they provide their active-duty spouses. Their commitment and patriotic sacrifices such as living far from family, friends, and even spouses for several months at a time are also frequently unacknowledged.